Welcome to Bee's Hive

Get to know the beast behind the beauty!

Welcome to my home page!

I hope you enjoy you're time over here as much as I enjoy morphing it over and over every once in a while.
All the pages did not suffer big changes, maybe a new comment here and some new links there but that's all.
Everything you will read in here is based on material I got from various sources like magazines, newspapers,
radio, Mtv, friends and of course the Net itself.
This is not a very "objective" home page most, better, everything you'll find in here is my personal opinion on these subjects.
There are thousands of things I woul like to put in here but I'm under a lot of stress right now.

--> Here goes a last comment before I start:

I didn't not have a special reason to list the artists the way I did.
I only followed the flow of my thoughts while I was 'building' my page.
As I do not want to restructure all of this again (because I do NOT have the time for it right now),
I just use the old order when I update my place.

I wish you a nice flight trough the hive, enjoy yourself and feel free to write me some comments. Btw this is the less dangerous hive on earth, believe you me! =)

Have fun!

Have a try at least in one of these:

The Music Page
Part 1 and 2 are linked ...
don't miss the links at the bottom of each page!

The Midi Page
Great midis for download!

To Some Great Links
Do you want a link to your page in here???
Mail me!

Tribute to Lady Di
Soon to be modified and maybe estinguished.
Last chance! (I guess latter is less probable.)

You're the visitor!

Thanx for coming!!


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Fight HIV, not HIV+'s !

| Hive's Main Entrance | Music Page Part 1 | Music Page Part 2
| Tribute to Lady Di | Great Links | The Midi Page

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Page by SMichael