This is a page of pictures of my animals. :)

This is a recent pic of Bandit.

Bandit smiling for the camera!

She was sneaking up on me when I caught her in this one.

Bandit does not like Pooh!

This is Plinko when he was about 7 wks old!

Even ferrets get red-eye! This is Plinko again with a peanut butter treat in his mouth and with a cute red bow.

Here is Plinko again modeling his new hat.

Here is Comet with Patches (who is no longer with us). As you can see, Comet stole the toy from her!

This picture is kind of deceiving. Comet raised her paw to offer me a handshake, at which time Patches walked under her. Made for a really cute picture. But, Comet is not stepping on her.

Another picture of Comet with the toy in her mouth!

I think the above two pictures of Jake aren't that great. He looks yellow-ish and you can't see how brilliant green his eyes are. I have some film that needs developed. Eventually I have have better pictures of him on here, as well as pictures of Runt and Slinky.

Here is a picture each of Gizmo and Shadow, respectively. They are my sister's kitties.