CD DoublesPearl Jam ResourcesHomeVinyl WantedVinyl DoublesCDs Wanted

UK based


I have been collecting official Pearl Jam CDs, Vinyl and Memorabilia for around

fourteen years now, and have amassed a fairly large collection.

To see a complete list of my current collection (updated 10 Jan 2008) click here


I created this site in 1998 as a way of finding the items I still want, and arranging trades with other collectors for spare items I have that they might need in order to expand both our collections, without paying the inflated prices charged by most record dealers!


To view items I have 'doubles' of and elusive 'wanted' items I am seeking,

click on the navigation bar at the top of the page.


I will consider multiple trades for your one item if it is extremely rare.

I am inviting trades only, absolutely no cash!


Mail Me
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A note about images:

The majority of the images on this site are used with the kind permission of Ferry Groen who created - please have the courtesy to get in contact if you wish to do the same.

The Yield song title scans on this page are courtesy of Jean Bruns at Five Horizons.