"The Good Old Days When It Was Their Music That Counted"

I'm sorry I'm taking down my page, thanks for keeping this page going for the last four years! I think that if things get better I'll slowly put it up again.. but until then... Thank you to everyone who has emailed me saying how much you liked the site and to everyone who helped me with it I apprechite all of you! And to those people who started rumours and all the crap, I guess you'll be happy to know that you beat me, maybe now you'll leave me alone and like the guys for their music and stay out of their lives. Sorry for sounding so rude but I thought I'd have this page forever but I guess not. I'm not going to delete the awards file so all the awsome sites who have it won't be getting a broken picture. Thanks for the best few years! Love, Chelsea chelsea0884@aol.com

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