Kandi's Story

Part One Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight

Part One

Taj was lying on his bed in the dark still trying to think things over. Ever since TJ and Taryll had announced that they were going to bring their girlfriends tomorrow on Christmas Eve Taj had been down. They seemed to be so excited and proud of the whole thing that they forgot one thing. Taj still didn’t really have a steady girlfriend. He longed to meet someone who would love him for him and not be caught up in his last name. Someone who would be loyal to him and would be his friend as well as his girl. Someone who was intelligent and knew how to cheer him up when he was down.

Geez..right now he needed that girl. But was there really even a girl out there like this? TJ and Taryll had found girls that met their standards. Why couldn’t he find someone for him? Maybe he needed to get out more. First thing tomorrow he would go out and walk around town. Perhaps if he only went out and looked harder he would find this someone he was searching for.

A tear ran down his face and Taj didn’t even bother to wipe it away. He was 24 but that didn’t mean he had to give up crying. Right now it was the only thing holding him together. His brothers had no idea he was in so much pain. He knew he should be happy for them but how could he be when he couldn’t really feel happy at all.

Taj forced his eyes to shut so he could sleep. He knew if he didn’t find someone soon he would surely breakdown.....

Taj woke up the next morning around 8:30. Why had he set that blasted alarm anyways?! Then he remembered that he was going to go walking around this morning. Slowly he got up running his hand through his braids and stumbled to his dresser and picked out some clothes then went and took a shower.

Before he got into the shower he stopped and looked at himself in the mirror. What was it about him that was different about his brothers? Girls seemed to practicly throw themselves at them screaming and yelling. Still..that’s not the kind of girl he wanted. Then he undressed and got in the shower. All the time hoping that today he would find this girl he was looking for. After he had washed himself off he stopped and just let the warm water run over his face. He wished that it would just wash away all the pain that he had inside him right now. On top of not having a girlfriend for the holidays he also didn’t have another thing that his brothers didn’t have either.... a mother... He always tried really hard to not think about her when the holidays came. But it was so hard to deny the fact that he still missed her and always would. Over the years he had gotten better at accepting it but all his life he would miss her. It made it so much harder for him right now.

"Please, Mom..." Taj whispered letting water trickle over his lips... "Help me through this. I need you so much right now." Then he turned off the water and dried off and put on some new clothes and freshened himself up and walked downstairs where he knew his brothers would be "happy as can be."

"WOW!" TJ yelled acting as if he was surprised. "What ... wait... this couldn’t be Taj coming down the stairs right now... could it? What are you up so early for?"

Taj just sat on the couch putting on his shoes and lacing them up. "I’m going to go out and do some things." he said.

"Will you be back before our girlfriends get here and we start everything?" Taryll said questionly.

"Yeah .." Taj said "I"ll be here by then.’ Then he stood up and walked to the door. "Se ya " he called out behind his back. Then he walked outside.

The cool wind that hit him as he walked out the door that was usually irritating was almost comforting to him. It was the exact temperature of his soul. Cold and alone..

He walked to his car and just sat there a minute with his head leaned against the stearing wheel closing his eyes. Where could he go? He hadn’t even thought about that all this time. He thought about it for a moment then decided he would go to the bookstore that he would go to a lot when he was feeling like this. So slowly he started the car and backed out onto the highway.

Part Two

As Taj drove to the bookstore, he turned on the radio. The song "Invisible Man" by 98 degrees played back to him. This song reminded him so much of himself. He seemed so invisible but maybe today things would change.He pulled up to the store and walked in. As soon as he walked in he heard the sound of "We wish you a merry Christmas" in the background.

"Yeah right.." he whispered to himself. Then he went over to the Sci-fi section of the books. He had looked at these books a million times before. But for some reason always came back. His brothers would joke with him and tell him he needed to go "Books Anonymous" or something because he was definately addicted.

He decided he would look at another part of the store today. He turned around to walk over to the computer/electronics magazines and suddenly bumped into someone. He heard the person gasp in surprise and a heavy THUD filled the air.

Books were scattered all in front of him and a girl was frantically trying to pick them up. He shook his head..how could he be so clumsy?

"Here I’ll help you." He said to the girl, "I’m really sorry about that..I didn’t see you I guess." He picked up her books and stood up.

She stood up also brushing her hair out of her face and said, "Um..thanks. I should be the one apologizing though. I should have been watching what I was doing and not zoned out in my own world."

Taj gave a half smile and handed her books back to her. He happened to notice one of the books on the top .."Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer?" he said kinda giggling. Then girl gave him a frown.."Hey, everyone has their own tastes." Then she kinda laughs.."No, I’m joking. It’s a Christmas present for my little sister."

Taj grins, "I’m sure she’ll like it." He said looking into her eyes. Suddenly a warm and comfortable feeling went through him. Her eyes were so beautiful. They made him feel kinda relaxed, and there was something about her that reminded him of something. Maybe he had seen her before, but surely he would have remembered..or she would have.

"My name’s Angelica," the girl said attempting to hold her hand out and trying to balance the books in her other arm.

Taj smiled and put his hand out, "I’m Taj...here let me take those for you. " he said.

Angelica smiled as well.."Thanks. That’s really nice of you. Are you shopping for a sister or brother here too?" she said.

Her smile was so perfect. When she smiled he was so sure he could see the sun shining in them. "No..." he replied, "I have 2 younger brothers but we don’t really celebrate Christmas and go out buying everyone gifts and stuff. We usually just give eachother presents throughout the year. This year we did put up a tree though. I just came here to think about things and maybe get a book for myself. I’m addicted to books I guess you could say."

Angelica just laughed "I know what you mean. I have to practicly pry myself away from a book."

Taj grinned then checked his watch. "Um..are you busy or anything? If you’re not I was thinking... maybe we could go get some breakfast or something?"

Angelica smiles her wonderful smile again "I’d love to, but I have to go to the mall and do some more shopping...."

Taj gets a kinda dissapointed look on his face, "Oh I see.."

Angelica says hopefully "But if you’re not real busy.. you can come with me if you like..."

Taj smiles, "I’d love to actually. Maybe I could pick some stuff up for my brothers or my dad. Do you want me to drive us there?"

"Yes, I would really appreciate that if it isn’t to much trouble." Angelica replies.

"Not at all." Taj says leading her to his car.

Part Three

Angelica follows him and is taken away as Taj opens her door for her. She just responds with a smile and gets in. As she watched him walk around the car after shutting her door for her she couldn’t help but notice that he had a huge goofy smile on his face. Maybe he really liked her? Maybe what she was sent to do would actually go through... she was interrupted as Taj shut his door and spoke.

"Buckle up.." he said still grinning. Then he backed out of the parking spot and headed towards the mall. After a few minutes Taj said,"We’re here...where should we start out?"

Angelica just smiles again..’Oh...lets just walk into the nearest door and see where it takes us..heh"

Taj smiles... everytime she smiled... he felt like he had to also. Her eyes would just light up and he would feel so good inside... "So are we going to go?" Angelica says kinda giggling. Taj laughs.."oh I’m sorry!" then gets out and opens the door for her.

"Thanks." Angelica says.

"No prob " Taj says "Let’s go."

They walk into the mall and are greeted by a funny, red suited man. It was obviously another of the hundered santa’s that were in the mall. Both of them just smiled at the Santa and walked on.

The feeling of Christmas was everywhere. The sound of "Silent Night" was being sung by a choir somewhere, big fake candy canes reached the cielings, and the sound of little kids screaming " Mommy! Mommy! Look Santa Claus!" was definately there too.

Angelica looked at Taj as they passed a place where one of the Santa Claus’ were sitting in a big chair and asking kids what they wanted for Christmas. "Why don’t you go ask Santa Claus for something?" Angelica says.

Taj gives her an ‘Are you kidding??’ look. "Oh come on... I’m way too old! Besides..it’s not like I’m really going to get what I want."

Angelica says, "Are you saying that you don’t believe in Santa Claus?"

"Yeah, it’s just a story made up for little kids. When I was little I believed... but not now. Taj replies.

Angelica grins, "You know... the whole part of Christmas is believing. You have to believe in something. If it’s not Santa Claus... then what is it you believe in?" she asks.

Taj thinks... "Well I mean truly Christmas is suppose to be a religious holiday. But so many people have taken it so out of perportion. Now it’s about buying presents that you can’t afford and pleasing everyone, and me... I think people should take time to see what it is really about. I believe in a higher power... heaven... and angels. Is that what you mean?" he says.

"That’s exactly what I mean. I agree totally with you, but I also think Christmas should be fun. So what do you say we go hop a ride on one of those horses over there and have some fun!" she says pointing to a carousel to the right of them.

Taj laughs, "Oh you can’t be serious? People will think we have lost our minds!" he says.

Angelica smiles.."YEP!" and runs over to the carousel.

He didn’t want to just stand there alone so he had no choice but to follow her. He got on a horse that was by where she was. "I think you need to cut down on the egg nog girl... hehe" he says laughing.

Angelica laughs too as the carousel starts to move. As they went around she could tell that Taj was looking at her from the corner of his eye.

He looked so good... his braids looked perfect and his skin looked so soft. He reminded her of one of those little milk chocolate figures. He was definately good enough to eat... She chuckled to herself at the thought.

Just as Angelica was looking at him Taj was looking at her. But he wasn’t thinking the exact same thoughts or feelings as she was. He wondered if he should even waste his time with her. Maybe she would just lead him on today then leave tomorrow. It wouldn'’ surprise him any and he didn’t know if he could take it if she did. Then he remember that he did come here to look for someone... he had to try.

Finally the ride ended and they both got off. "Now that wasnt that bad was it?" Angelica said.

Taj grinned a kinda half smile, "Naah... not THAT bad..."

Angelica could tell something was bothering him. Maybe he had a girlfriend? No... he looked hurt. Maybe he just broke up with somebody? "Okay... lets go see if we can find somethings for your brothers and my sister." She says starting to walk to one of the stores...

Taj follows and when they get to the gift shop he sees something that catches his eyes. "I’ll be right back okay?" he says.

Angelica says "Go ahead."

When he is gone she walks over to the many ornaments that are on one of the shelves in the store. They looked so beautiful. Suddenly she saw one shaped like an angel. She smiled and picked it up.

She looked around then looked at it and whispered... "Dee Dee... gosh... I don’t think I can do this. It’s impossible that he’ll fall in love with me. I can tell he is still hurt from all the girls that broke his heart in the past. What would make him trust me... when actually he can’t... I’m lying to him already... I wish I could just tell him what I’m here for. I can’t though I know... I can’t tell him I"m an Angel...."

Then she jumps as Taj’s head pops out around the corner. "What did you say about an angel?" he says.

Angelica panicks.."I was just saying how I needed to get one of these angels for my tree..." she says trying to cover up for what she actually said.

Taj looks at them "This is one of those girl things huh? You guys and angels? What makes them so special?"

Phew... that was close, but he bought it. She thought to herself. "Well.." Angelica says smiling. "I suppose the reason that girls like them is that they see in pictures that they often resemble a little baby type form... with wings and pudgy skin... but actually... I mean... I like them because I dont’ believe that they are anything like that. I think they can be in any form... you may not even be able to see them. In fact... you may have even talked to an angel before. They always look over you... everyone has a gaurdian angel. Did you know... that if you wish on something that resembles an angel at midnight of Christmas Eve... that it will come true?"

Taj grins... "So you’re saying... that I have someone watching over me right now? Watching everything I do...?" That didn’t seem possible to him. If he had a gaurdian angel they wouldn’t have put him through all the pain he has been through. It just couldn’t be possible.

Angelica says, "Yes that’s what I’m saying."

Taj just smiles... not totally believing... "How about we go get something to eat?"

"Good idea" Angelica replies. "Why don’t we get away from this mall and go to somewhere less crowded. Let’s picks some food up from somewhere but go somewhere else. Know of a place we could go?"

Taj says... "Well... I guess we could go to Mc Donalds and get something... then go to the park if you want? I know of a great place there that isn’t usually crowded."

"That sounds perfect" Angelica replies, "Lets do that."

Part Four

Both of them after not even buying anything at the mall got back in Taj’s car and drove to McDonalds and got some food. After ordering their food Taj drove to the park.

"Well here we are" he said turning off the car and getting out.

Angelica got out too and shut her door and followed Taj as he walked to a near by tree. He layed out a blanket and motioned for her to sit down.

"I come here a lot when I have a lot of time on my hands. I just think or watch the people that go by." Taj says.

Angelica sits next to him looking around, "It’s beautiful... I can see why you come here often.."

Handing Angelica her food Taj says, "It often inspires me to write when I’m here... there is just something about being here that makes me feel so good... do you know what I mean?

"Completely..." Angelica replies taking a bite of her hamburger. After a pause she says "Why don’t you make up something write now. A poem or song... I want to hear something..."

Taj put his food down almost afraid to say anything. Did she already know who he was? Was she only being this friendly to get something out of him? "Come one Taj..."he thought to himself..." You can’t keep thinking this... maybe she really is interested..."

"Well... I dont’ know... " Taj says.

Angelica looks him in the eyes... "Pleeeease..." she says.

Taj grins "Alright..I’ll try but don’t laugh if it ends up sounding stupid..."

"Okay." She says smiling.

Taj thinks... then says " So alone inside, but could it be, that somewhere in this cofusing world there is someone for me, Someone who’ll love me for me and who I am inside, and when I was confused, in them I could confide.."

Angelica closes her eyes and says... "Someone far beyond any dream I have ever dreamt, someone so special... someone heaven sent..." she opens hers eyes and looks at him. She wasn’t exactly telling him her cover... just hinting.

Taj grins... "wow... heh. Do you write?"

‘Sometimes but not usually..." she says.

Giving a menacingly grin Taj says... "Didn’t think so...hah!"

Angelica gives a exasperated look and picks up a french fry and throws it at him! Then she jumps up and starts running!

"Hey!" Taj says jumping up running after her! "That’s not fair!"

Angelica just laughs histarically still running! Finally she reaches a little bridge that was in the park and sat down on the edge waiting...

Taj was close behind and caught up breathing heavily. He started to laugh when he saw her though and after he started to breath normally said... "You know... I should just push you off this bridge right now for that!"

Giggling Angelica says, "Go ahead..." putting her hands in the air and leaning back...

Instantly Taj grabs her in his arms... "Don’t do that!"

A little surprised Angelica says, "I was only joking... I wasn’t actually going to fall... it’s okay..."

Taj a little shook up looks into her eyes... "I’m sorry... I just... I don’t know why I ..."

Angelica put a finger to his lips..."You don’t have to explain or apologize... I understand Taj..."

Suddenly Taj could feel that warm feeling again. It was her eyes... what was it about her eyes?! He leaned closer to her... looking at her lips... then back into her eyes. Slowly he closes his eyes and kissed her softly. A feeling he had never felt shot threw him and he backed away.

Angelica kinda confused says, "W... what? Did I do something wrong?"

"No..." Taj says helping her off the side of the bridge... "You didn’t do anything wrong. I did..."

Softly Angelica strokes Taj’s face ... "You didn’t do anything wrong. If your afraid you’re moving to fast or something... you’re not. I know we’ve only known eachother for a few hours... but I feel so close to you..."

Taj wanted to so badly to say the same... but he didn’t know what he was feeling truthfully.

Part Five

Angelica looks at her feet thinking to herself "This is never going to work... why did I even agree to do this?"

Taj says, "I’m really sorry for putting you in this position. I must seem like a real jerk to you now."

Angelica says close to tears "Listen Taj... you don’t sound like a jerk. No jerk would have bought me lunch, or gone to the mall, or picked up my books... Can’t you see that you’re only holding back what you REALLY feel because you are afraid? I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to be cautious but won’t you even give this a chance? I don’t care who it was that broke your heart or why, and I dont expect you to forget her... but can’t you try and see what it really is like to be with someone who truly loves you and has no intention of taking anything you have for granted?"

Taj a little bit strucken by her sudden pouring out of words says, "How did you know that my heart was broken or anything? For all I know you could just be leading me on like all the other girls."

Shaking her head and letting a tear fall from her eyes Angelica says, "You just don’t understand and there is no way I can make you. So if that’s what you truly believe then turn around and walk away now and we’ll forget about all this."

Suddenly Taj’s heart felt like it was broke into a thousand pieces as he looked into her eyes once again. He didn’t feel the warm and radiant aura that usually surrounded him when he looked into them. He knew he was holding back but he was so afraid to be hurt again.

Slowly Angelica started to walk away wiping tears from her eyes.

All at once Taj realized something. Even though she was crying he thought she looked rather beautiful as she walked across the park. Her hair sparkled in the sun, her skin was pretty light but that added to her other features... He truly did love her...

"Wait!" Taj yelled as he started to run after her. Once he got up to her he jumped in front of her cutting her off. "Please... don’t go..."

Angelica looked at him with a kinda hurt face, "Afraid I might lead you on?! What’s this? What do you call this? What is it that you’re doing then?!"

Taj looked down at his feet and ran his hands through his braids, "I don’t know... but what you said made me think about something. Angelica... I’m just scared.... scared that maybe I do really love you and for that reason I don’t want to take the chance of becoming closer to you... then losing you..." He says gently wiping her tears away self conciously.

Angelica doesn’t even answer she just looks down at the ground...

"But I’m willing to try..." Taj says kinda quietly.

Angelica looks up at him "You have to mean this..."

Taj takes her hand..."I do. Believe me I do." He pauses a minute checking his watch... 5:00 already?!

"What are you doing tonight?" Taj says.

Angelica says, "I... umm... well nothing really , but I have to be at home at at least 11:00 or so. I have to put the presents under the tree and stuff..."

Taj kinda rubs the top of her hand with his thumb... "What would you say if I asked you to come to my house and spend Christmas Eve with my brothers, their girlfriends... and myself...?"

Angelica takes a deep breath and thinks. ‘Please let this work.’ Then she gives a smile.."I would say sounds like fun... lets go..."

Taj smiles too.."okay well lets get our stuff and get going." Then he starts to walk back to the blanket and picks their stuff up and sticks it in his car then opens the door for her.

Angelica grins and gets in the car. She had 6 more hours till she had to leave...

Part 6

Niether of them really said anything on the way to Taj’s house. Both of them were kinda afraid to say something that might ruin this all for them. But Taj knew they were being TOO cautious and broke the silence. "You’ll have to excuse my brothers sometimes they act a bit crazy... heh" Taj says.

Angelica kinda. giggles "Oh... I think I can handle them... heh."

Finally they reach the house and both of them get out of the car. Angelica is practicly deafened as Taj suddenly screams out, "Alright! Uncle Mike is year!

Angelica looks at him with a puzzled look... uncle mike?! Oh... that was Michael Jackson. Duh! Now she understood...

Taj says, "Oh I"m sorry! Hah It’s just he doesn’t really come around that often and his car is here so I assume he is here. I didn’t mean to scare you like that..."

"Oh no..I wasn’tmscared. I just don’t think I can hear out of my ears anymore... hah" Angelica replies.

Taj laughs and takes her hand walking to the house and opening the door. As soon as he walks in all eyes turn his way.

"What?" Taj says grinning.

Angelica just kinda hides behind his back shyly.

TJ says.."Well..it’s 5:30! You’ve been gone ALL day!"

"I told you I’d be back didn’t I? So chill okay?" Taj replies.

Michael gets up and walks towards him. "Well I should go now. I still have a lot of work I need to get done. I just thought I’d drop by and wish you the best for the holidays. I’ll see you Stooges later!"

Then he gives gives TJ and Taryll a hug and walks over to Taj and whispers..."She looks like a winner... heh" then gives him a quick hug and walks out the door.

Taj looks behind him and sees that Angelica has not even moved since the time she stepped into the house.

"Come on! They won’t bite you I promise! I won’t let them... ahha" Taj says.

Angelica grins and comes out from behind him.

"Okay everyone... this is Angelica. Angelica... this is everyone... haha." Taj says kinda laughing.

Taryll rolls his eyes kiddingly, "I’m Taryll and this is my girlfriend Tasha." He says pointing to her and grinning.

"Hi..." Angelica says quietly..

"I"m TJ and this is my girlfriend Tanisha." Tj says smiling.

Angelica smiles and says "It’s nice to meet you all."

Taj sees an open spot on the couch and says to Angelica "Come on..." Then goes and sits down.

Angelica sits down next to him then notices the tree that is standing in the living room... it’s not even decorated. " Umm... if you don’t mind me asking... heh... How come your tree isn’t decorated?"

Taj takes her hand and says, "Every Christmas eve we get together and decorate the tree ourselves then. It just seems like a lot of fun to do it then and so now it has come to be like a tradition... you know?"

Angelica knods...

"We eat food... listen to music... you name it we do it. We just wanna have some fun and enjoy the holiday as much as we can." TJ says.

"Well it sounds like a lot of fun to me!" Angelica replies.

"Why don’t we get started?" Taryll asks.

Taj says, "Good question... since your in such a hurry why don’t you and TJ go upstairs and get all the ornaments and stuff for the tree? Angelica and I will go to the kitchen and get everyone some egg nog and cookies. " Then , still holding her hand, Taj guides Angelica to the kitchen.

"Boy... you’re pretty bossy aren’t you?!" Angelica says.

Taj grins, "Well that’s my job... I"m the oldest. I was put on this earth to boss them around. Besides... who else is good enough to do it? Heh" he says as she gets into the shelves and pulls out six glasses.

"Hey can you get into the refrigerator and put that Egg Nog on the table for me?" Taj asks.

"Sure ..." Angelica says going to the refrigerator and pulling it out and putting it on the table.

"Thanks .." Taj says meeting her back at the table. "Do you want to fill the glasses?"

Angelica grins, "Sure why not..." and takes the carton from him filling the glasses.

As she does this Taj goes and gets a bunch of assorted cookies and puts them on a tray. As she finishes filling the cups up he puts them on the tray also. "Okay, great job... come on lets get back in there before they start acting crazy or something..."

BUT IT WAS TOO LATE... As Taj walked in and put the stuff on the coffee table TJ had already stuck a fake plastic reath on his head and was holding too ornaments to his ears as earings and walking down the floor as if to be on a run way.

"And TJ is looking luxerious in this Christmasy piece of work..." Taryll says.." He is wearing a excitingly wonderful red garlend which is made of only the best, and not only is this creation stunning and form fitting but it also compliments his wonderful... snowflake earings... lets give him a hand ladies and gentlemen...."

"... Cuz he truly does look like an idiot..." Taj says holding back his laughter.

TJ burst out laughing himself! "Hey, lighten up you guys! Hah."

Angelica is laughing in histarics now and is trying to calm herself down. "I thought he looked rather nice. Who knows... maybe soon you’ll get to walk the runways with Naomi Campbell and Cindy Crawford... heh" she says.

TJ just giggles putting a box of all the Christmas stuff in front of the tree. "Dig in everyone! It’s all here!"

Taj looks at Angelica and grins... "Come on..." he says pulling her over and getting some ornaments and getting the lights and putting them on the tree.

Angelica helps and gets some ornaments out putting them on the tree also. After a few minutes all the ornaments and garlend are up.

"You guys go ahead and put the rest on we’ll be right back." Taj says taking Angelica’s hand and walking upstairs to his room.

"Where are we going?" Angelica says.

"I have to get something..." he says opening his door and walking to his closet.

Angelica sits on his bed as she rummages through the closet and finally finds what he is looking for. He walks back over to her and sits next to her. Then Angelica grins as she sees what it is... "It’s and Angel.." she says.

Taj smiles, "Yes it is... but it is very special you see..my mom gave it to me when her and poppa T got divorced. She said that no matter what I shouldn’t let this get to me because I would always be here little angel... no matter how old I get. She bought this angel to remind me... I’ve kept it ever since. She passed away a few years ago and since then I havn’t put it on the tree... but I think I will this year..."

Angelica looks at the angel and says, "You’re mom will be proud to know that you have kept it all this time. You’re making a good decision... and I know it probably hurts a lot to do this... but you’re doing the right thing.."

Taj sighs and looks into Angelica’s eyes... he felt that same radiant aura around him again. "Gosh... Angelica... what is it about your eyes? Everytime I look into them I feel something I’ve never felt before... I can’t figure it out." He says.

Angelica grins, "Are you making moves on me Taj?"

Taj kinda blushes, "No... I mean... heh well... I’m serious."

Smiling Angelica says, "Have you ever felt love?"

"I think so... is that what I’m feeling now then?" he says moving closer to her.

"It could be..." she says moving a little closer...

"Then I must in love with your eyes then... haha!" he says kinda laughing.

Angelica bursts out laughing totally ruining the moment... but suddenly Taj puts his fingers under her chin and kisses her lips softly. Angelica closes her eyes kissing him just as soft...

Taj pulls away slowly and says, "I’d like to continues... but uh... I think we need to get back to the fashion show down stairs." Then he nervously runs his fingers through his hair blushing a little still.

Angelica grins putting her hand in his and walking downstairs with him.

Taryll says, "Geez... what were you all doing up there?!"

"Something "G" rated I hope..." TJ says laughing.

Taj swaps them both upside the head, "Come on guys! What do you take me for! Geez..." he says sitting back down and pulling Angelica close to him as she sits down.

"Well all that decorating has made me hungry!"

TJ says grabbing a couple cookies and a glass of egg nog and handing some to his girlfriend.

Taj just couldn’t keep his eyes off of Angelica...

Part 7

Wow... the time had suddenly warped it seemed like! It was already 10:30. They had been having so much fun they didn’t even keep track of time! After about half a glass of egg nog TJ was dancing around the room disco style... thing is... the music they were listening to was pretty slow.

"Oh spare us please!" Taryll yelled putting a pillow over his face and pretending to get sick.

TJ just frowns jokingly and sits back down.

Suddenly Angelica realizes the time... She had to do this now. She had to tell him... and this would result in all she had worked for today. Did she do it right?

"Well, " she says, "I really should get going now..."

Taj says, "Oh... well I hope you had fun... Do you want me to drive you?"

Angelica grins... "No... I"m going to walk... I need the exercise."

Taj says... "Well let me at least walk you to the door... but are you sure?"

Angelica knods then turns to TJ, Tanesha, Taryll, and Tasha. "Bye you guys... I had a lot of fun."

TJ says, "So did we take care of yourself..."

Taryll smiles and waves...

Angelica walks towards the door and Taj follows. As she steps out she feels a kinda exceptance inside her..."Yes I know..." she kinda whispered. She knew it was a sign that she had to go...

Taj shuts the door behind him and says..."Angelica?"

Angelica turns around and takes a deep breath..."Taj... I have to tell you something..."

Taj’s heart suddenly fell... he could tell something bad was coming up... "Tell me..." he says.

"Listen... I don’t want to hurt you. If I could do this in a way that wouldn’t make you hate me for the rest of my life but only remember all that we have experianced today... I would.... but I can’t. Taj... gosh... what I’m going to tell you is really going to confuse you. But you have to try and understand me... and not think about the past. You see... I don’t have a sister... therefore... I wasn’t buying books today for my sister... I don’t even live in California, and in a few minutes I have to leave to where I really live. Which is far from here... and it’s possible I’ll never see you again.." her eyes were filled with tears now but she wouldn’t let them fall...

Taj’s face was clearly showing what he was feeling. He was hurt... "But... Angelica... why... No... wait. You told me to trust you and to give this all a try... then you go off and tell me you lied! What kind of trust is that?!"

Angelica looks at her feet..."Taj I know... that’s why this is so hard. But you have to look deep Taj... you’ll see the true reason I’m leaving. I know you have it in you to heal yourself from the past... and this is the whole reason for this... you have to understand.."

Then she hands Taj a present..."I want you to take this. Don’t open it till five minutes before midnight... just do it and don’t ask questions..." she says. Then she turns around to walk away...

"You’re not going..."Taj says on the edge of crying, "I won’t let you go."

Angelica couldnt’ hold it back... the tears finally fell... "Don’t make this harder Taj... you don’t know how tough it is to do this. Just turn around and don’t look back till you know I’m gone...

"I can’t... don’t go Angelica!" Taj says...

"Please Taj..." Angelica says really crying now.

Taj turns around, "Fine..go!" After about 5 seconds he turns back around and she is gone. Taj couldn’t believe she had done this!

Suddenly he walked into the house and ran up the stairs slamming his door and plopping on the bed. He looked at the wrapped present and through it onto the floor next to him. What was she talking about?! Nothing she said had made since...’But you have to look deep Taj... you’ll see the true reason I’m leaving. I know you have it in you to heal yourself from the past... and this is the whole reason for this... you have to understand...’....Understand?! How could he? He had put all his heart into trusting her... there was no way he could recover from this again...

He picked the present off the floor and checked the clock... it was 5 till 12. What could be so important in here that he couldn’t open it till now? Quickly he opened it and a note fell out. It read :


Remember... if you make a wish on an angel like form on midnight during Christmas Eve... then you’re wish will come true. It’s midnight... make a wish.


P.S. Have you ever thought that maybe
You’re mom could be your gaurdian angel?

Taj looked in the box and he pulled out a shiny crytal like angel ornament. He put it up in the air to examine it... instantly the light shone through it, and the ornament being made of a prism type material, gave off a familiar color.

Taj noticed it immediately... it was the same color as Angelica’s eyes... He looked at the clock... it had JUST turned midnight. He didn’t know if what Angelica said was true... but he was willing to try anything right now...

Looking at the angel he said in almost a whisper..."I wish Angelica would come back. I love her more than any other girl I have met. Mom... if you really are my gaurdian angel... then you’ll listen to me. I need her... bring her back... please..."

He put the ornament on a table next to his bed and turned off the light... maybe if he went to sleep he would wake up and all of this would just be a dream...

Part 8

KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! It sounded like the whole house was caving in! Taj shot up out of bed and ran to the door. "What do you want?!" he said rubbing his eyes.

"Geez you’re beautiful in the mornings!" TJ says. "I just came to tell you that it was time to eat. Unfortunately its either Trix or Cocoa Puffs... but hey it’s the best I can do."

Taj says, "I’ll be down later..." then he shuts the door and sits on the edge of his bed. Was last night a dream? He turned around and looked at the table by his bed... nope... the angel was still there.

Slowly he got dressed and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Just as he did this the doorbell rang. "Grrr....who could it be this early?!"

He walked to the door and opened it. A mail women was standing at the door holding an envelope. "Can I help you?" Taj says.

"Yeah, this letter is addressed to Taj Jackson. Unfortunately the mail doesn’t usually run on Christmas but it looked like you might need this so I brought it by..."

Taj took the envelope and said, "Thanks.." then shut the door. As soon as he shut the door he looked at the envelope. He looked to see who it was from... it didn’t say who... it just said the return address. Heaven?!?! What kinda joke was this?! He ripped the envelope open and started to read the letter..:


Right now you are thinking that this letter is some prank or something. It is not possible to get a letter from heaven right? Or is it...? I think youve figured everything out already... you just dont realize it. I think you know what I am... you just dont believe it and that is why you havent actually came to it. Add everything together... and look deep... do you see me? When you figure it out open the front door...


Taj’s heart stopped... No... it couldn’t be possible. Well maybe... no it just couldn’t... it had to be... she was an angel! Taj swung the door open and grinned instantly!

"Hi Taj.." Angelica said.

"Oh my gosh..." Taj says.."This can’t be possible..."

Angelica smiles, "If it wasn’t I wouldn’t be here..heh"

"But I thought you couldn’t come back..." Taj says puzzled.

"You wished for me Taj... remember? It’s just a matter of believing and I knew you could. I get to stay... if you can still give me anothe chance..."

Taj grins suddenly taking her into his arms, "I love you Angelica...." then he whispers.."thank you mom...."

The End

Merry Christmas 3T fans! Have a fun and safe Christmas! This is my present to you!


E-mail the author, Kandi at kandi@iland.net.

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