** NOTE**
This whole story is 100% fiction. None of the situations  in the story ACTUALLY happened. I hope that no fans or even Taryll are offended by this story. I hope to entertain the fans as well as send a message to them. Abuse is something we should all be aware of. Please take this into consideration as you read this..but have fun too! Thanx
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven

Part One

 Misty jumped out of sleep as she heard the front door slam. She hadn't awoke because the sound alarmed her but because she knew that the sound was her father. It was 1 in the morning. Which meant that he had been out drinking again. He had been doing this every night after her mother passed away. She hoped one day he would stop. That someday he would find other ways to cope, but he never did. Instead he took it out on Misty. He'd go out drinking then come home screaming at her because a cup wasn't clean, or the house looked the tiniest bit dirty. On nights like these though he would come into her room and say things he would forget in the morning. He was a monster when he was like this. Even when he wasn't , she was sure that he had forgotten by now that she was his daughter and not his maid, or punching bag

She held her breath listening for the sound of a belt being taken off or heavy footsteps, but the sounds never came. Her heart started to slow down as she realized he had either passed out on the couch or just wasn't up to making an excuse to beat her again. Slowly she fell asleep..

The next morning Misty was woke up as two strong hands grabbed her arms and yanked her out of bed. Her eyes opened wide and she suddenly got a really bad headache. She tried to focus on what was going on but she couldn't figure out what was happening. Then suddenly a strong voice screamed, "Get up now!" and bring her to her feet. Her head started to throb and she just barely managed to become fully awake and realize it was her father

"Get up!" he screamed again. This time he let her go. Misty wobbled a little but by now was awake and caught her balance. "W..what?" she managed to say

"Can you give me a reason why the 12 pack I had in the fridge last night is gone?!" he screamed in her face

"Daddy you drank it last.." she started but was interrupted as her fathers hand slapped her across her cheek, leaving a sharp stinging feeling across her whole left side of her face

"Don't lie to me! I hate it when people lie to me! You had someone over last night didn't you?!"

Tears rained out of her eyes and fell down her cheek. Her whole left side of her face felt as if it had fallen off. She knew he was delusioning again. He had drank the whole pack himself. For some reason when he had forgotten he had drank it he automatically assumed a guy had been in the house with her

"I'm n-not l-lying.." she said trying not to scream out in pain

"Oh you're not? We'll just see about that then!"

Suddenly her arms were pinned behind her back and she was being drug out of her room by her hair. Her head was ringing and there was no way she was going to fight back. He dragged her into the kitchen and flung open the refrigerator door

"Explain this then!" he yelled as he pushed her about a yard away into the table

Misty's breathing became shorter and harder to catch as she fought to say, "No one was here last night I swear. You must have drank them up yourself. Maybe you forgot..I'll go get some from your friend next door..."

 "No you won't!" he screamed as he came towards her pushing her harder into the table and causing a huge pain in her back. "Somehow I have to teach you to obey me! I am your father! You are supposed to me respect me!"

Quickly he pulled his belt off folding it ready to strike. Then he threw Misty to the ground. She fell on her shoulder and instantly felt a sharp pain go through her whole arm. Please don't let it be broke, she thought

 "You're going to pay fort this you little b*tch!" he said as he struck Misty with full force across her stomach. Misty screamed out in pain!

Her stomach was on fire, "Daddy stop! Please!"

 He struck again...this time across her legs. She screamed again."STOP!" she couldn't take it anymore. It took all her strength but she managed to stand up and grab the belt throwing it across the room. BIG mistake

Suddenly she was pinned against the kitchen wall. Her father held her by the collar of her shirt, "You should never had done that!" he yelled

Misty's ears were still ringing from earlier and when he screamed she felt like her whole head would explode. There was no way she could hide the fear that was noticeably showing on her face. She knew she had to do something now or she would end up in the hospital. Quickly she jabbed him in the stomach with her knee and fled to her room locking the door

As soon as she got in there she quickly started packing clothes into her backpack. Her whole body ached and her head was still spinning. She could hardly see with all the tears

She got control of herself just enough so that she could open the window and climb out. Just as she felt the ground underneath her feet, her father broke open her door. Misty ran and ran. She wasn't sure where she was going. She didn't cerate just wanted to be far away

Her tears were blinding her site and she could hardly see. She hadn't even noticed the car that was coming at her. Suddenly she turned around and saw the car. She didn't have any time to react before she was hit and went unconscious


Taryll was walking out of a store when suddenly he heard a screech. He turned around to see a girl laying in the road in front of a car. "Oh my god.." he whispered to himself. Without thinking he ran to where a crowd of people had already gathered

He broke through and was now standing above her

She had blood running down her face and had a huge cut on her left arm. She didn't look as if she was in any unusual positions so hopefully she didn'thave any broken bones. Slowly he bent down and tilted his ear to her mouth..listening for breathing. She wasn't breathing.

Not quite aware of his actions he pointed to someone in the crowd, "Hey! You! Call 911 now! Tell them the address and tell them someone has been hit by a car and is unconscious and is not breathing! Hurry!"

He turned back to her. Why was he doing this?! He was so quick to run over to her. Something about her drew his attention. But why? Quickly he tried to remember all the safety procedures he learned in high school

"Just calm down..you can do this..she needs you." He whispered to himself. He checked for breathing again. This time putting his fingers on her neck listening for a pulse. Still no sign of either. Slowly he tilted her head back and plugged her nose. Then started giving her mouth to mouth...one breath..two breaths.. Then he listened for breathing again. Still no sign

He tried again..one breath..two breaths. Checked...and still no breathing. He moved down to her stomach found her belly button and put his hand above it. Then clamped his hands together..giving her 5 abdominal thrusts. "Please let her live..please.." he said

Then he moved back to her head. He checked for a pulse and breathing. Still no sign

He gave her two breaths again. Then listened..Suddenly he heard a whimper. He leaned back and saw her slowly fight to open her eyes. He sighed with relief. Had he just saved her life?!

She looked at him weary eyed ..confused..then fell back out of consciousness as the ambulance arrived. They put her on a stretcher and put her in the back of the ambulance. He felt as if he needed to be there with her. He ran over to one of the EMT's and said, "Can I ride with you to the hospital?" they said yes and turned on the sirens racing to the hospital

When they reached the hospital they pushed her quickly through thedoors. Taryll followed behind them. He heard doctors and nurses yelling orders to do this..and do that. One doctor came to him and started asking questions

"Are you related to this person in any way?"

Taryll still slightly dazed said, "No..I just helped her..that's all."

"Did you get her name or anything? See any form of I.D. Was there anyone with her before she was hit?" the doctor said

Taryll says.."I don't know..I don't think so. I don't know who she is.."

The doctor nods checking some things on a sheet then says, "Okay. If you would just sit in the waiting room please. You've helped enough for now."

Slowly Taryll goes and finds a seat. His head was racing with thoughts. What all had just happened? Had he just saved that girl's life? Why was he so quick to react? What was it about her that drew him to her?

He ran his fingers through his hair and down his face. He needed to call his brothers but he didn't really want them to get involved right now. So he just waited hoping that this girl..this total stranger would be okay

The doctors examined her looking for all types of ways to identify her. After a while they figured out who it was. "Misty Stevens.." one of the doctors said. "She's been here plenty of times. According to her father she has fallen down the stairs..burnt herself on the stove, and cut herself many times. I have never bought it. I know her father..he's a real jerk. I know we're suppose to contact the parents in this situation..but lets not. You understand?" The other doctors nodded as they hooked her up to an IV and did some tests

The doctor came back seeing Taryll with his face in his hands. "Sir..?" he said

Taryll instantly looked up. A sudden feeling of fear surged through him. Was she okay?

The doctor looked at a sheet of paper and said, "She's still unconscious as of right now. Luckily the only real injuries weren't too severe. She has a cut on the side of her head but we stitched that up. You helped a lot young man. If you hadn't done the things you did, she may not even be alive right now."

Taryll looked at him in disbelief, "I don't even know why I did it..I mean..I.." then he just stopped

"In life threatening emergencies we tend to do things we normally wouldn't do. It was a good act in this situation though, and I think that she would like to know what you did. What is your name?" the doctor said

Hesitating a little Taryll said.."It's Taryll....Taryll Jackson..but I'd appreciate it if no one else really knew if possible. I don't want the press getting into this...you know?"

The doctor nodded. "Sure thing, I understand."

After a pause Taryll says.."Has her parents been notified or anything?"

With a serious face the doctor says.."I am a doctor..yes. I do what I have to do and what is required, but sometimes you have to bend the rules. She lives with her father and..lets just say her father isn't very responsible. Misty would be safer if he didn't know."

Misty...so that's her name? Taryll thought. "Can I see her?"

The doctored kinda smiled.."Of course..she's in room 219. " he said. Then he walked away

Taryll walked to room 219..he opened the door and walked in. A pain went through his heart as he saw her. She looked as if she was in a lot of pain. Slowly he walked towards her pulling up a chair. He took one of her hands...holding it in both of his. "Hi...Misty.." he whispered. He knew that she couldn't hear him, but it helped him feel a little more comfortable. Stroking her hand he said, "I'm Taryll..." Then he paused. A few minutes later he leaned a little closer and started to sing...it was one of his uncles songs..but it fitted the moment..."You are not alone..I am here with you..though you're far away..I am here to stay..." he kept singing..then suddenly he felt a movement in her hand..

He looked up into her eyes and saw them flutter then open fully. He wondered if he should let go of her hand but he just couldn't

Part Two

Misty opened her eyes and saw someone in front of her. Who was he?! What happened? In a panic she looked around furiously ..but only gained a terrible headache. She laid her head back down and started to cry. She didn't know where she was or anything

Taryll scared that maybe he had alarmed her try to comfort her by saying.."Misty? Listen..you are in the hospital. You were hit by a car this morning...you were unconscious for awhile. I uh..I got you breathing again. My names Taryll..."

Misty focused more on him now pulling her hand away. "No..I couldn't.." then she stopped ..closing her eyes. Getting little flash backs of the morning before. "Where are the doctors?" she says

Not wanting to alarm her he says, "I can get a doctor for you if you want. Are you in pain?"

As Misty's eyes fully focused she realized just who it was standing by her. She had seen his face before. Yes! She remembered. She had seen himon t.v singing. His name slipped her mind..but she knew his last name was Jackson. Who could forget. But why was he there with her?!

"No..no..that's okay..I'm fine." She said. She was lying...her head was still throbbing and her whole body ached, but it was almost instinct to say it. She had used the line so many times

Taryll unsure and worried says, "I know you're probably wondering why I'm here. It's just I..." suddenly his beeper goes off. The sound made him and Misty jump. He looked for the number to see who called. It was his brothers..."I'll be right back.....just rest..you need it." Then he goes and calls his brothers

The phone rang twice then Taj answered, "Taryll?! Where are you? You were suppose to be home a long time ago! You know how Poppa T is! We are suppose to call or something if we are going to stay out so nothing happens!"

Taryll says, "Taj..Taj..calm down. Listen I know you may not believe me..but..there was an accident today. I was walking out of this music store and saw this girl laying in the road. I know this sounds stupid..but...I went over to her..and gave her CPR...and.."

Disbelieving him Taj says.."CPR?! Taryll please..you don't have to lie just get home."

"I"m not lying" Taryll says, "I'm at the hospital right now. I may stay with Misty..I don't know. Just tell Poppa T I'll be home soon. Okay?"

With a sigh Taj says.."Okay..but if anything goes wrong call us okay?"

"Okay ...bye" Taryll says hanging up. Then quickly he goes back to Misty's room

Misty looks up and gives her best smile. Taryll flashes a smile back and says, "How do you feel?"

Still totally lying Misty says, "I'm fine. I probably will get to go..." she was going to say "home" but home was one place she didn't want to go.." I'll probably get to leave here soon." She says instead

"Well, maybe. From what I've seen you are a very strong person. We'll see what the doctors think."

Just as he says this a doctor comes in.."Hey, little girl!" he says

Misty laughs a little.."Um..hi."

"So how are you feeling?" he says

"Just fine. When will I be able to leave?" Misty says kinda anxiously. She really hated hospitals

"Well, that's what I'm here for. I'm going to check you over. So far the only thing we see that is wrong is that you had a huge cut on the side of your face. The only reason you went unconscious was because when the car hit you it caused you to fall in hit your head on the pavement. Luckily the car stopped in time and didn't run you over. Also this young man saved your life. If he wouldn't have been there. You may not be here right now."

At the words of this Misty turns to Taryll. He was looking away as if to be thinking something over. He looked awful nervous. Then the doctors started looking her over. When he was all done he said, "Well everything looks fine to me. I'm going to give you some pain killers and some bandages. You may have some really bad headaches for awhile but just get lots of rest and dont do too much work. Go ahead and change into some clean clothes." Then he handed her some clothes that the hospital happened to have just for these situations

After she was dressed and checked over again the doctor says, "So where are you going to stay. I have a hunch that maybe you won't be going home." Misty says.."I don't..."

Then Taryll breaks in.."..With me..She can stay with me." A little surprised Misty says, "well...um..okay.."

The doctor smiles.."Okay..take care." Then he leaves

Misty turns to Taryll.."Why did you say that? Why do you want me to stay with you? You hardly know me...and what if I wanted to go home."

Looking in her eyes Taryll says handing her bag to her, "Someone who was just taking a stroll around the city wouldn't take half of their belongings with them. "

Taking a deep breath Misty says, "I guess you've done your detective work..."

"Come on. Whatever it was you were trying to get away from can't get you if you are with me. Trust me..okay?" Taryll says honestly

Hesitating a little Misty says ."Okay.." She didn't want to go back that was for sure


After they get to his house Taryll helps her to the door and carries her bag for her. He opens the door and sees that no one is home. "Where could they be?" he thinks to himself. Then he closes the door and says.."Go ahead and sit down. You need to rest like the doctor said." Then he helps her to the couch. "I'll be right back."

Usually if his brothers left they would leave a note on the fridge so he went to look if they did. Then he saw a note: "Taryll, we went with Poppa T to do some business stuff. We'll back soon. See ya Champ!"

After he reads the note he walks back to Misty and sits next to her. "Are you tired?" he asks

Misty is still looking around and can hardly believe half of the things that are happening to her. "A little..but I guess that is normal for a person who's been hit by a car huh?" then she smiles a little

Taryll laughs, "Yeah I guess it is..happens all the time..heh" then he gets a pillow and cover for her and helps her lay on the couch. "You can just sleep here. Tonight you can sleep in my room. I'll sleep on the couch. " then he covers her up. Misty instantly falls asleep

After he knows she is asleep he picks up her bag and takes it upstairs to his room so she'll have later. Suddenly something falls out of her bag. He picks it up and goes to put it back..but he can't help but look. It was a picture of Misty and another older woman. He guess that maybe it was her mom..and sure enough on the back it said it was. He wondered why she hadn't called her parents after she got out of the hospital

He put the bag by his bed, and sat in front of the keyboard playing anything that came to mind. He was probably up there 15 minutes when he heard a scream from downstairs. Instantly he shot up and sprinted down the stairs to see what was wrong. When he got down there Misty was sitting up on the couch with her hands around her stomach and her knees tucked in. Tears were running down her face as well

Taryll gets on his knees by the couch and says.."What's wrong?!" afraid to touch her thinking maybe she is in pain

Misty suddenly tries to stop crying wiping her eyes..."N..nothing.." she says

Knowing that she is lying Taryll says.."If nothing was wrong..you wouldn't have screamed like that. You can tell me...it's okay.." then he kinda rubs her back

As he does this Misty has the urge to cry more. He was making this hard. She could never tell him about why she was running...what would he think? She just couldn't

"Really it's nothing...don't worry about it.." she said..still trying to get the vision of her father out of her head

Taryll sits on the edge of the couch and tilts her chin up wiping some tears away. "Misty..I can tell you are lying. Please..just tell me. You can trust me..I promise."

Misty couldn't figure out why he wanted to know so much. Why did he care? No other guy had ever cared about anything that happened to her. Would he just hurt her too? No..his touch was so gentle..so kind, almost reassuring. She wanted to tell him so bad. She needed to tell someone about everything. All her life she needed someone to cry on..to tell..her mother wasn't around no more to rely on

Suddenly she took a deep breath and slowly took Taryll's hand from her chin. "If I tell you..you have to promise me one thing.." she said

Taryll looks into her eyes.."Anything.." he says

"Promise me you wont let anyone else know...unless I give you permission.." Thenwith all her confidence she starts to tell him about her past..." When I was about 8 or so my mother died. My father left it to me to keep everything clean and to keep his beer in the fridge. I had to grow up really fast. He would beat me all the time. Sometimes because something wasn't the way he wanted or if he just felt like doing it. Nothing has been the same since my mother died...that's why I was running yesterday. I was running from my father I don't want to ever see him again!"

Then she breaks out crying again

Not sure what to do Taryll tries to comfort her holding her close to him.."I am so, so sorry Misty. I'm sorry I made you tell me..I was just worried..."

Misty just cries in his arms. She felt so much pain..but yet so much relieved. She had poured her heart out to him and he truly cared. His arms were strong wrapped around her. She could feel the warmth of his breath on her head..Wait..what was she thinking?? She had never had any interest in a guy before..what was with her?

Taryll rubs her back seeing that she has calmed down and says, "You are very strong Misty. If you can get through this ..you can get through anything. I wish I could say I knew how you felt...and I kinda do. I lost my mother too..and it was very hard. But I never had a father like yours...I'm so sorry..really I am.."

Misty sat up and looked at him..into his eyes. He had lovely eyes...they reminded her of caramel or chocolate..then her eyes went down..looking at his lips..my gosh..what was she thinking?!?!

Part Three 

Taryll couldn't help but look at Misty's eyes. They looked so expressive. He felt like he could see all the years of pain that she had been through in them. They showed such sorrow. He wondered if they had ever even witnessed what happiness was like

What was he thinking? She would always be afraid of him because of something her narrow minded father had done. How could he let her know that she could really trust him? He really cared for her and when she poured her heart and soul to him he was drawn closer to her. He would try everything to keep her safe

"I think you should get more sleep. How about I take you upstairs to my room. You can sleep there tonight and I'll make sure no one wakes you up. It will be nice to wake up to your own free will and not being forced to get up and do something. You deserve it...believe me." He says

Misty yawns..it seemed the whole day had passed in a mater of seconds..it was now 9 o'clock. "Okay..but..are you sure you don't want me to sleep on the couch....I mean.."she starts.

"No..I'm positive I want to sleep on the couch. Come on.." he says helping her up and walking her upstairs. He opens his door and helps her get into bed covering her up. Then he says, "If there was anything at your house that you really cared for and want to keep then either my brothers or I will go get it. We'll do the job of getting you some new clothes and all that stuff. You can start a new life away from your father. So don't be afraid while your here because he has no clue were you are. Sleep well..." then he kisses her on the forehead...he really wanted to kiss her lips but he didn't want to rush things..then he went and shut off the light. "If you do need anything though I'll be downstairs. Tomorrow I'll introduce you to everyone. I'm sure they think I am crazy for bringing you here."

Misty smiles..not a fake smile..but a real smile.."I'm glad you did Taryll. Good night.." then she falls asleep

Taryll walks down the stairs just as Taj, Tj, and Poppa T walk through the door

"Hey bro!" Tj says "Finally you're home.."

Taryll gives him a "don't start with me"look and says, "I'm serious about what I said on the phone. She's upstairs right now in my room sleeping. I'm going to sleep on the couch. Don't wake her up okay?"

Poppa T says, "Wait..now you didn't ask me for permission for this or anything Taryll."

"Dad, listen..she really needed help. A place to get away...she's been around a bad environment, lets say..and she couldn't go back. She had nowhere else to go. I'm sure if you were in this situation you would have helped." Taryll says convincingly

Poppa T smiles, "Your right, but you still should have asked me. How long do you plan on her staying?"

Taryll says, "I'm not sure...until things are straitened out and stuff."

"Well I hope you know what you are getting yourself into." Poppa T says as he yawns and puts his coat up. "I'm going to bed. I'll see you all in the morning. Don't have a party without me..hehe"

Taj laughs, "Oh sure we won't..good night."

"Good night dad." Tj says. "I'm heading to bed to. Cya guys in the morning." Then he goes to his room

Taryll says "me too.." and lays down on the couch taking off his shirt and putting it on the floor

"Cya too." Taj says going to his room also

As Taryll lays on the couch in total darkness he thinks about Misty. He had been hurt by many girls before. They either didn't respect him or only used him for his name. He knew Misty could never do that. She had been treated the same way, and he would never treat her like that EVER. If only she knew how much he cared for her..then he fell asleep

He woke up the next morning with a pillow in his face and a muffled voice saying, "Where's your money? If you stay quiet I'll spare your life.." Half way asleep and tiredly he says, "TJ, please I haven't even gotten awake yet.." then he yawns taking the pillow off his face and throwing it at TJ kinda smiling

TJ laughs, "Aww man..you're no fun in the mornings. You gotta lighten up a little Champ!"

Taryll kinda laughs.."Well, I'll lighten up when your dog decides I'm not a resting place and sleeps in her own bed.." Then he gives him a look as if to say it is his fault

TJ puts his hand over his heart and falls onto another chair and says.."Doh! I forgot that I didn't put her in the room last night and I shut my door. Oh man.."

"OH don't worry about it." Taryll says sitting up and stretching

Then Taj comes down the stairs rubbing his eyes and running his fingers through his braids and goes straight to a chair and sits down. Laying back in the chair he gives both of his brothers a "leave me alone, I'm tired" look then says "Tj are you sick?! Something must be wrong. You never get up this early."

Tj says, "Well I just had an urge to get up early. Can't I do that every once and a while?"

"yeah sure.." Taj says yawning. Then he turns to Taryll and says, "You know, I was thinking. Do you think that girl..what's her name? Would like to have some warm breakfast this morning? "

Taryll kinda smiles. He had dreamt about Misty all night. Now, there wasn't even a second that went by that he didn't think about her. "Her name is Misty, and yeah I think she'd really like that. What are we going to make though? I mean..we know we aren't the best cooks..heh"

Taj laughs, "Yeah that's true, but that is why someone invented instant biscuits and hashbrowns you can just warm in the oven. I think we can manage the toast and eggs ourselves. Tj, I know how challenging it is for you to do "new" things so...you can just pour the juice..heh"

With a hurt look Tj says, "Hey, I can do more than that...geez.." then he throws a pillow at him

"Well, lets hurry up and do this then. Maybe we can surprise Poppa T or something too." Taj says walking to the kitchen

TJ mumbles.."Yeah with food poisoning. hehe"

Taryll laughs hearing him and says, "Don't worry your juice will be fine I'm sure of it."

They all do their best at fixing breakfast. They fix Biscuits, eggs, hashbrowns, and toast. After it's all done they put it in the oven to stay warm till Misty wakes up then go back to the living room and turn on the tv. Taryll says, "It was a difficult task but we all came out alive. I'd say we did good gentlemen." Then he bursts out laughing

Tj rolls his eyes, "Yeah I was so afraid the juice was going to suddenly attack me and poison me with some kinda of orangy substance. Phew..thank goodness I'm safe!" Then he holds on to Taryll's arm and says in a high pitched voice.."My hero!!"

Taryll pushes him off and says.."Hey! Get off me man..I'm not no hero of yours!"

Taj laughs, "Yeah that's right Miss TJ..heh..he's Misty's hero."

Tj looking very hurt pretends to wipe a tear from his eyes.."Oh Taryll.." he says in the high pitched voice again, "I thought I was your only one.."

Taryll gives him a funny look and says, "You are. You're the only truly mental brother I have! " Then he kinda smacks him upside the head laughing

Slowly Misty woke up. She felt so much better and she was sure this was the only time she had ever slept peacefully. When she woke up she was surprised not to see her usual familiar room. It took awhile to remember everything that had happened the day before. Eventually she remembered everything and remembered she was in Taryll's room. She sat up and stretched. OW! A sharp pain went up her left arm and through her head. She thought she would cry but she didn't. She had forgotten that her arm was still sore from yesterday and her head wasn't feeling all that great either

She saw her bag by the bed and picked it up looking through it for the medicine the doctor had given her. When she found it she went into the bathroom and got some water then took it. She paused for a moment and looked in the mirror. The bruise that her father had made the day before was now clearly visible on her right cheek. Or had it been visible all the time? Then she lifted her shirt up and saw the cuts and bruises that were made from all the times he had struck her with the belt. Not all of them were from yesterday. Self consciously she straightened out her hair before going downstairs. She had never really cared how she looked before..but she was starting a new life. Things were going to change

She walked down the stairs slowly still a little dizzy and saw Taryll and his brothers watching t.v. They all had their shirts off and had baggy pajama bottoms on. Misty laughed to herself as she noticed how mesmerized by the t.v they were. They looked like little 5 or 6 year olds on Saturday mornings who had gotten up especially early to watch Saturday morning cartoons. It was really a funny site to see

As she came down Taryll heard her giggle a little and turned around. Just at the site of her he started to get nervous and his adrenaline flowed rapidly through his body. "Good morning sleepy head. Did you sleep okay? He says. Trying to sound casual

Misty walks down and sits on the couch. "I slept great actually. I don't think I've had that much sleep in my life. Thanks a lot." She says trying not to make eye contact with him

Taryll grins, "Well I'm glad I could help. I want you to meet my two brothers. This is Taj.." he says pointing to Taj.."and this is Tj." he says pointing to TJ. "Don't be alarmed. You have no reason to be afraid. They are both tamed and well behaved at times."

Misty laughs and covers her mouth so that it doesn't wake up whoever might be in the house. "You make them sound like animals or something..heh" she says controlling her laughter

Taj grins, "Yeah you know. Ever since he was abducted by those aliens he's been doing funny things." He says holding back a laugh

"Hm...I wouldn't be surprised if you turned into alien right now even. What he has is highly contagious." Tj says giggling

Playing along a little Misty says holding her head.."oh think I feel something funny in my head? Why didn't you tell me earlier? Oh..wait..I think that's just the throbbing in my head from yesterday." Then she kinda gives a smile

Taryll grins and kinda pats her on the back. "Well, we all made breakfast to make you feel comfortable on your first day here. It's not much but it's the best we could do" he says walking to the kitchen and putting their food on the table

Tj follows him and helps him out. "Ahem..I made the juice. It was really challenging. I don't think I could ever do it the same again." He says kinda glaring at Taj then laughing

Taj just laughs and helps get everything out as well. Then Taryll motions for Misty to come to the table. When she gets there he scoots a chair out for her and when she sits down he scoots it closer to the table. Misty laughs and says, "Thanks my alien friend." Then looks at all the food and says, "It looks really good. You guys really didn't have to do this though.."

Taj smiles, "Hey don't worry about it. From what I've heard from Taryll you deserve a little something this morning. It's no problem for us

Suddenly Misty's heart skipped a beat. Her eyes darted over to Taryll as if to say.."How much did you tell them?!?" Taryll looked back and shook his head in a gesture that meant that he hadn't told them anything she had told him

Misty sighed in relief and said kinda shaky.."Yeah..it all seems pretty weird to me right now. It's probably even stranger to you. I mean..here is this total stranger who suddenly ends up in your house. Your brother says that he saved her life and wants to bring her home. Hehe..even I would have thought he was crazy. I'll only stay as long as I need to. I mean..I know you all must be busy and have stuff to do and things."

Tj says.."Oh no we think Taryll is crazy all the time.But seriously you can stay as long as you need. It doesn't bother us at all. If we have anything we need to do then we'll do it. You won't be in the way."

Misty smiles., "Thanks..I just feel like I'm intruding." Then she takes a bite of her food and smiles, "But if you guys can cook this good..then I think I'll stay.." she says still smiling

Taryll smiles, "We did our best."

Then they all eat their breakfast. After they are all done TJ goes to take a shower and Taj goes to finish a book he started yesterday. Misty and Taryll are alone on the couch watching t.v

Part Four

Both of them are silent for a while not sure what to say to each other. To break the silence Taryll says, "If you want..today..I can go get some of your clothes or whatever from your house if you want, but if you don't want anything from there than I can have someone take you shopping and you can get some new clothes. It's on us..and don't worry about how much it costs or anything like that. Get you what YOU really want."

Misty looking at her hands says.."Taryll I don't know. I mean you've done enough for me already. I already should be dedicating my life to for what you have done. I think I could manage without new clothes. In fact I probably won't have to stay with.."

Taryll cuts her off.." Where are you going to stay? Come on..you know just as well as me that you won't last very long out there. Just let me do what I'm doing..okay? You deserve more than what you think you do. Trust me on this.."

Misty looked at him..why did he always tell her to trust him? And why did she always feel like she wanted to but didn't know if she could? "Okay, I trust you.." she says

"Okay then..." Taryll says, "Maybe I can talk one of my brothers or something to take you."

Misty kinda quietly says to him. "Well...um..why can't YOU take me? I mean I hardly know your brothers right now..." It was the worst excuse she had ever made up.

Taryll grinned.."Okay, I will then. Why don't you go get washed up and then I'll take you okay?"

Misty smiles.."Alright thanks.." then she goes and gets ready

Taryll meanwhile is sitting on the couch contimplating on whether he should tell her his feelings today..or if he should wait. He didn't want to rush things and he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. Finally he decides to just see what happens

After a few minutes Misty comes down after taking a shower and changing into some different clothes. As she came down she said.."Okay..already to take the town! "

Taryll laughs, he had already gotten ready and was just waiting for her now. "Well, lets go then!

Misty walks over to him and says, "Listen I really appreciate this. I don't know anyone that would even go this far to help me out. It means a lot to me. Thanks so much." Then she gives him a shy smile and looks down at her feet

Taryll grins," Your welcome..I'm just glad I can help you. Let's go." Then the both head off to the mall

When they get there Taryll locks the car up and helps Misty out locking her door as well. "So anything in particular you wanna look at first?" he says. Misty just looks around in awe at the Mall. "um.." she says.."Well..not really. It doesn't matter much to me."

Taryll smiles wrapping an arm around her and kinda hugging her and says, "Okay we'll just walk around and if you see something you like then we'll go there." Then he takes his arm away and opens the door for her. After they get in the mall Taryll says, "You wanna go in here?" pointing to one of the clothing stores, "They have some clothes you might like."

Misty says, "Sure. That's fine." Then Taryll guides her to the store

Misty notices that some people are staring at her and she suddenly realizes that big bruise on her face. Quickly she puts her hand to her face trying to hide it

Taryll notices and takes her hand away gently. "Don't worry about that Misty. Don't even be worried about what they think. You're here to have some fun okay?" Then he pulls some hair down into her face to cover the bruise up a little

Misty takes a deep breath and smiles.."Okay..I'm trying.."

Taryll says..."Good.."

After about an hour and a half of shopping Misty finally gets all the clothes that she needs

With a childlike face Taryll says.."Wanna check out the toy store?"

She gives him a kinda "are you out of your mind?!" look then says.."Um..yeah..sure..heh" Taryll grabs her bags then says.."Okay come on!" then practically runs to the toy store. He stops waiting for her as she runs over to him and says. "Are you nuts?!"

With a laugh Taryll says, "Obviously you've forgotten that I'm an alien huh?" then he runs off down an aisle. Misty runs after him saying.."Taryll this is crazy!" Taryll stops in one of the aisles and waits for her to catch up. "Geez you are slow!" he says laughing and trying to catch his breath

Misty laughs, "Yeah but I'm also the one that was hit by the car yesterday..heh"

Taryll grins and puts all the bags down. "Lets play a game!" he says

She looks at him as if he has lost his mind. "Taryll..do you realize that there are people in here who are going to think that we have lost our minds?!" Taryll says, "Yep! So..lets play tag. Your it!" then he touches her arm and then starts running and turns the corner

Misty not sure if she wants to make a fool of herself..waits a second before darting off after Taryll. He was pretty fast so she had to do a bit of running to catch up. When she did she touched his arm and said."Now your it bud!" then she started running the opposite direction. After she had when down 3 aisles she stopped. Taryll wasn't around..at all. She thought by now he should have cought up. She looked everywhere around her..then she decided to just turn around and go back to see if he had even tried to chase her. As she turned around she kinda gasped as she bumped into someone. "Taryll! " she said, "Don't scare me like that! Sheesh!"

Taryll just stood there smiling with his arms crossed. He really wanted to tell her how much he liked her. She looked especially beautiful right now. It was the first time he had ever seen her smile and laugh at the same time and really be happy

Misty says, "So aren't you going to tag me?" kinda laughing. Taryll shakes his head and just walks closer to her. He reaches his hand out and brushes the hair away from the bruised side of her face. Then he looks into her eyes...deep into her eyes

Misty's heart was beating fast now. Was she scared ..or was she anxious? Maybe she was both..but she surprised herself as she realized that she really wanted him to kiss her now. Finally she realized..that she trusted him. Misty moved a little closer to him and took the hand that was brushing her hair from her face in her hand. He had big hands but she liked that. Her hand felt perfect in his and she wondered if he could tell if she was shaking a little bit

He didn't notice because his hands were shaking a little too. Suddenly Misty whispers.."Taryll...I trust you.." then looks back into his eyes

Slowly Taryll leans forward still looking in her eyes. Then he gives her a soft kiss on the lips. The adrenaline in his body was rushing wildly and his heart was beating like crazy. He could feel her hand suddenly relax as he kissed her. Would she resist and pull away?

No..no way. Misty had never felt this way before. She wanted to just stand there kissing him..but she couldn't. After all they were in a toy store. All of a sudden Taryll pulls away and taps her arm. "Okay..your it!" then he runs!

Still a little shaky from what just happened Misty starts to run after him! Taryll stops at were he put her bags and picks them up. Misty meets him and says.."You really gotta stop this running! My legs can't take it anymore!" then she laughs

Taryll laughs too and says, "Come on...I think we should get home." Then he motions for her to follow him as he walks back out to the car

Part Five

On the ride back to Taryll's house neither one of them said a word.  They were both afraid to say something about what just happened. When they finally got home Taryll got her bags out of the back seat. "Let me help.." Misty says taking a few bags. Taryll just smiles and locks the door once she gets a few bags and opens the door for her to the house.

Once they get in the door Tj jumps up and says, "Geez we thought you two decided to go visit those aliens or something. You've been gone practically all day!" Then he takes some of Misty's bag for her.

"Yeah did you guys go to a party with out us or something?" Taj says, "What were you all doing?!"

Misty looks at Taryll and kinda blushes.."Um..I think I"m going to..um..go put some medicine on these cuts of mine.." then she runs upstairs to the bathroom shutting the door and laying her back to it closing her eyes.

Taryll gives a big sigh and puts the bags down plopping on the couch.

Taj says.."So...?"

"So what?" Taryll says acting as if he has no clue what he is talking about.

"So how did it go.." Taj says. "You can't even try and tell me that you spent a whole day with this girl you are totally falling for and didn't even attempt to get with her."

Taryll lays back more into the couch.."Your right..but I mean..I did....*sigh* We did kiss..but I'm not really sure that she liked it..I mean..maybe I rushed her..I.."

TJ says.."Did she start to cry..or run off or anything?

Taryll shakes his head...Tj says, "Then you have nothing to worry about bro!"

Taj says.."yeah Tj's had millions of girls. He should know..yeah right..whatever!"

"I've had enough to know..so get off my back." Tj says defensively.

"Well, I just really like her. I've never felt this way about a girl before. I don't know if she feels the same though." Taryll says standing up and starting to walk to his room.

He takes the bags and says.."I'm going to go to my room and think.." then he walks to his room.

When he gets to his room he sits on the edge of his bed then falls backwards. Then puts his hands behind his head. He couldn't deny that his heart was still racing, and every time he thought about touching his lips with Mistys...it raced more. He wondered if she felt the same way. He really hoped that she did...

Suddenly Misty walked in the room.."Oops..um..I'm sorry. I didn't know you were in here. I'll leave.." she says kinda nervous.

Taryll sits up .."No!..dont go..I mean. Misty we need to talk."

Misty's eyes start to water.."About what? Do you want me to leave..because I mean.."

He stands up and walks up to her.."No Misty I don't want you to leave. THAT's what we need to talk about. I want to tell you this ..but I don't want you to feel like you are being pressured or rushed into something. I know you probably still aren't over your past..but today..when you said that you trusted me. Did you mean it?"

Misty looks around..not wanting to look into his eyes. His eyes made her so nervous..so excited..so..in love with him. "..Y..yes..I did.."

Taryll shuts the door the rest of the way then takes her hand and leads her to the edge of the bed and sits down with her. "Okay..good. Then listen very carefully..don't say anything. Just let me talk...and trust me. Okay?" he says.

Misty knods...starting to shake a little.

Taryll runs his fingers through his hair and still holding Misty's hands says, "The first time I saw you. When I saved your life..I didn't know what made me run over to you and do what I did. I just felt...attracted to you someway. I asked the EMT's if I could come to the hospital with you and then I sat by your bed hoping you would be okay. When you finally woke up I felt even more drawn to you. I didn't want to tell you then because I didn't know how you would react to a total stranger suddenly telling you how much he loved you and how much he cared for you right after you had the accident. So I offered to have you stay here so you could get to know me, and so you would be safe. I had a feeling there was more to the story then what you were saying. The first night you stayed..it took all I had not to tell you what I was feeling. Then when you told me everything about your past....I felt really bad. I didn't want to make you feel like you HAD to love me..so I tried to help you..and myself..by giving what I could to make you happy. So I took you shopping..and then...things went kinda fast..and I didn't want to scare you..so.."

Misty stops him."Taryll listen.I know you didn't want me to interrupt but you are going to worry yourself to death." Slowly she puts a hand to his face..running a finger down his cheekbone..."You didn't rush me..I CHOSE to kiss you, and I don't regret it at all. I have never felt that way in my whole life. The truth is..I was hoping you would kiss me. I wanted to keep kissing you but you stopped..." then she stops talking and looks down at her hands. "Taryll..I've never felt this way. I don't fully understand what is going on. I can't understand why you would care for me so much. No one else has..and how can I be sure that ...you won't hurt me too..?"

Taryll lifts her chin up looking into her eyes and says.."Trust is a very complicated thing. It's hard to trust some one you don't know much about, and that's why you get to know them better and decide whether to trust them or not. I want you to try..with me...I promise I won't hurt you. I can't make you...it's something you have to decide yourself."

Misty looks into his eyes.."I'm willing to try..but Taryll...I swear..if you hurt me.."

Taryll puts a finger to her lips.."I won't.." he whispers as he leans forward..

Misty hesitates a moment then leans forward as well..touching his lips once more. The same feeling that had rushed through her in the toy store except this time she felt more secure. She kisses him back moving her hands to his shoulders his lips were so soft and she felt like she could kiss him all day.

Taryll moves his hands to her waist..bringing her a little closer..but not trying to force her at all. He couldnt believe that this was really happening. She smelled so good..and he could feel her heart racing in her chest.

After a few minutes..they both pulled away and gave a shy smile. Taryll says."Whoa..heh."

Misty laughs.."Yeah..whoa..heh. So um..does this mean that..we are together?" she says kinda biting her lip.

Taryll smiles stroking her arm.."Is that what you want?"

Misty looked into his caramel colored eyes again..and gave him a quick kiss.."Yes. That's what I want"

Part Six

Meanwhile back at Misty's old house her father paces the living room floor with a beer in his hand. "Where is she?!" he screams slamming his fist against the wall. Suddenly he picks up the newspaper and sees an article about an anonymous person helping a young girl after a car accident. They said her name...Misty Stevens. "She is going to get it now!" he screams louder as he throws the beer down and goes to the hospital.

Once he reaches the hospital he goes to the front desk and asks where she is. "She left about 2 days ago Mr. Stevens." One of the nurse's say. Then the doctor come around the corner and sees him.

"Where is my daughter?!" Mr. Stevens says.

"We let her go. We didn't have any reason to keep her here." The doctor replies.

"Where did she go?!" he says louder." I have the right to know..after all I AM her FATHER!"

The doctor sighs. It was true he had to tell him. "She went with the young man that saved her. Here's the address..but Mr. Stevens. Don't make things more worse than they already are."

Mr. Stevens just gives him a glare and walks off. Tomorrow he would pay them BOTH a visit

Misty shyly puts a piece of hair behind her ear. "Kiss me again.." she says smiling.

Taryll laughs and kisses her once more.."Good enough?"

"Yeah.." Misty says with a smile. "I guess I should go get some rest. I'm kinda tired. I'll see you later..or tomorrow."Then she gets up and walks to the door and opens it. Before she steps out she looks back and blows him a kiss then shuts the door and walks to the guest room the T's fixed up for her.

She slipped on a long t-shirt and got into bed. She closed her eyes but she couldn't get Taryll out of her head. His touch...his lips...EVERYTHING about him was perfect. He didn't seem like the kind of person she ever thought she would get to be with.

He was gentle, kind, loving. It was obvious that he cared about her. Why else would he have gone through so much trouble? Slowly she starts to fall asleep dreaming about seeing Taryll's face in the morning.

Back in his room Taryll kinda paces the floor. Now what? He had just got the only girl he had ever had feelings like this over. Why did he feel like something was missing? Like there was something he still had to do to be completely satisfied?

Suddenly some words popped in his head and he walked over to his desk and started to write some words down, "Innocent as an angel, eyes filled with emotion, Deep inside she holds, A love that could fill an ocean, Yet on the surface there is pain, And she tries not to show, Continuing with artificial smiles, "She doesn't know that I know", If I could show her what love is, What it's really all about, Maybe she could trust me, And let all her inner pain drift out, But till then she cries, Listening to the haunting voices of the past, Her emotions forever scarred, She always put's herself last, She's not sure what to do , Unsure where to go, She pretends to be happy," but she doesn't know that I know" I know what happens when light turns to dark, What happens when she's alone and her emotions fall apart, I've seen the tears she's cried, And heard the things she has said, If only it was her who knew instead...."

He stops putting the pen down and playing a few chords on his keyboard. Only now did he realize how tired he really was. Slowly he he walks back to his bed not even bothering to change into some different clothes. He just crawls in and turns off the light. Then whispering he says.."Good night Misty..." and falls asleep

Misty wakes up to big huge eyes and a not so familiar smell in her face. Suddenly a huge tongue comes out and licks her face. "Rascal!" she says.."Please.." Taj comes running in practically pulling his shirt and pants on. He was obviously in a hurry.

"Oh man! Rascal come on! What have I told you about waking up the guests?! Hehe" Then he picks Rascal up and says, "Sorry about that."

Misty laughs, "oh no problem. It was a lot less disturbing then some annoying alarm."

Taj says. "I agree. Listen..we all have to go to this autograph session down at this record company. We'd take you with us but we all decided you should stay here and rest. Okay?"

"Yeah. That's fine..um..Where is Taryll?" Misty says kinda embarrassed.

Taj smiles, "I knew it would overtake you. He's fixing his hair and stuff he'll be out in a minute. " he says kinda laughing. "See ya! " he says running out.

Just as he walks out Taryll pops in.

"Hey sleeping beauty." Taryll says smiling.

Misty laughs, "Hmm..well as far as I know. Sleeping beauty was awaken by a handsome prince. Unless the story has been changed Sleeping beauty didn't wake up to a furry big eyed, yet cute..bad breathed dog named Rascal."

Taryll walks over to her and sits on the edge of the bed and laughs. "Close your eyes...."

Misty looks at him puzzled...

"Come on..just close your eyes." He says.

Hesitantly Misty closes her eyes...

Taryll leans down and kisses her softly on the lips. "NOW you can be Sleeping Beauty.."

With a grin Misty says, "Mmm..you smell good. You're going to an autograph session?"

"Thanks..heh." hey says, "..and yeah we are. I want you to rest. So don't worry about anything and if you want to talk or anything then we'll do it when I get home. For now..just sleep. I'll see you when we get back." Then he kisses her on her forehead and stands up.

"Bye.." Misty says still smiling.

Taryll shuts the door and head off to the autograph session with his brothers and Poppa T

Part Seven 

There was silence all through the house. How could she ever get back to sleep? She probably wouldn't be able to so she gets up and walks around downstairs. She never dreamed of being in such a beautiful house. She new that sometime she would have to leave, but she hoped that the time didn't come too soon.

After a while of walking she goes back upstairs and changes into some clothes.As she does this her father arrives in front of the house. Slowly he peeks through the windows and sees if anyone is home. He could have sworn he saw Misty walking around. So very carefully he opens a window and climbs through.

When Misty is done getting dressed she comes down the stairs brushing her hair and humming "WHY". As she reaches the bottom of the steps her heart leaps into her throat. That couldn't be her father standing there could it? Maybe she was more tired then she thought.

"It's time to come home.." her father says moving closer.

Misty takes a step back.."No.." she whispers. Her whole body felt like jelly and her head was spinning.

"Don't make this hard on you Misty...come on" he says.

Misty takes another step backward.."no" she says again...tears building up in her eyes.

All of a sudden her father grabs for her, but before he reaches her she steps back more and then throws the brush she had in her hand at him!

Automatically she starts to run up the stairs!

Misty's father after recovering runs right after her and follows her into the hallway.

She could see the fire in his eyes. Those eyes..everytime she saw them she felt trapped. Like she couldn't do anything but what he said.

"Get over here now! " he screamed. The volume of his voice made her ears ring.

Still she stood her ground. Not moving or saying anything.

Suddenly he leaps towards her and grabs her arm squeezing her wrist hard then slamming her against the wall. "Listen to me carefully!" he screams, "There is no way I am going to let you get away with this! I am your father! Obviously you don't understand that do you?!" then he slaps her across the face.

Misty screams out in pain. It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the huge cut that was already on the side of her face.

"You were so WRONG to fight me the other day! " he continues..."And you were so WRONG to run off on me. Well ..now...no one can save your life. So.."

Suddenly her father is pulled away from her and pinned to the wall. Misty gasps surprised. What just happened.

"That is where YOU are WRONG!" Taryll yells pushing her dad even harder into the wall.

Misty says.."Taryll...? Wh...what are you doing..?"

Taryll says.."Misty listen..go downstairs. Tell my brothers I'll be right there. Stay down there and don't come up until I tell you to. Okay?"

Misty knods and races down the stairs to the T's.

When she is gone Taryll looks straight into Mr. Stevens eyes. "Okay Mr. 'I'm so macho I can beat up my daughter anytime I feel like' what are you doing here?"

Mr. Stevens laughs.."Ooooh I'm scared." He was obviously pretty drunk. It was a miracle he was even still standing.

Taryll says, "oh..no need to be.....YET. But if you don't get out of my house now I'm going to call the cops and you'll be charged with breaking and entering. Then I'm sure Misty has a few things she'd like to add to that. If you go now and never show your face again I won't say a word. If you stay..then I'm going to lose my cool and you're going to lose some teeth. So what is it? Your choice.." Taryll could hardly keep from attacking him. He could see why Misty was so scared of him. It made him so mad to be even touching him. He had never hated anyone so much in his life.

Mr. Stevens just laughs, "Let me go now! I'm taking my daughter home!" Then he shoves Taryll back into the other wall of the hallway.

Taryll gets really mad and pushes him "I said go now!" he says

Mr. Stevens screams and punches Taryll on the left side of his face! Taryll groans in pain..then quickly recovers and punches him in the stomach! Then he shoves him against the wall and grabs him by the shirt. "I'm giving you till the count of 3 to get your sorry A** moving. If you don't start going then I'm going make you myself. 1...2..3..." Mr. Stevens hadn't moved one bit. So Taryll still holding him by his collar takes him downstairs. He was so drunk he could hardly stand up now. It was starting to take affect on him now. Taryll takes him outside and says..."Goodbye!" shutting the door and going to the phone calling the police.

Misty runs over to him and says frantically.."Taryll..oh my god! Your bleeding! What happened?! Did he hit you too?!?"

Taryll puts a finger to her lips..and tells the police what happened. Then he hangs up. There was a heavy throbbing in his left cheek..and he had to practically bite his lip so he wouldn't scream. "I'm fine.." he says to Misty.

TJ runs and says.."Hold up! Just what happened?! The last thing I know was that you came in to get your wallet. Then a few minutes later some guy is being picked up by the cops and you are in here bleeding! What is going on?"

Taj follows him and says..."You better get to explaining.."

Taryll sits down and says.."Okay this is the story. I didn't tell you earlier because I didn't want it to be a big deal. You already thought I had lost my mind because I let Misty stay here." Suddenly he remembers his promise and looks at Misty as if to ask if he can tell them. Misty sighs..then knods. "Misty was running away from her father. He had tried to hurt her really bad the morning she got hit. I didn't know that then but she told me after I had gotten her here. He has made her whole life miserable. The jerk that was just in here was her father."

Taj looks at Tj then back at Taryll..."Geez..Misty I'm sorry. If we would have known though we coulda got some kinda protection for you.."

Tj says.."You should have known you could trust us...but now what are we going to do about that autograph session?"

Taryll saying wincing in pain. "you guys go ahead. Tell the fans I'm not filling well and I couldn't make it. " It was a complete lie. His face felt like it was going to fall apart any second.

Taj says.."oh man..I don't know." Then he sees Taryll glare at him and says."Okay..but if anything else happens call use okay?"

Taryll knods then Tj and Taj go to the autograph session.

Misty goes and gets a wet washcloth and some ice then walks back over to Taryll. She puts the wet washcloth on his face to wipe away the blood then puts the ice pack to his face. He flinches and so does Misty.

"I'm sorry .." Taryll says..

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure it hurt.." Misty replies.

Then she looks into his eyes and says..."Thank you..for saving my life once again."

Taryll takes the ice pack from his face and sets it aside holding her hand in his. He rubs his thumb over the top of her hand and says.."Misty, I'm going to promise you right here..and right now. I will NEVER let anyone hurt you ever again. No matter what I have to do. You don't deserve any of this sh** that is happening to you!"

Misty lets a tear fall down her cheek then she puts a trembling finger to his lips and lets it linger to his cheek. Then she whispers.."Life is difficult Taryll. No one is ever fully protected from pain. Sometime I'm going to feel pain again and you won't be able to help. Don't make promises you can't keep. I don't need promises...I only need to know I can trust you." Then she leans forward a little letting her lips barely touch his.

"You're amazing.." Taryll says...his lips lightly grazed over hers as he spoke. Slowly he puts his hand to her chin and kisses her softly. She seemed to be wanting a little more than just the little innocent kisses they had been doing. So gradually he kissed her with more passion...then he stopped.

Misty wraps her arms around him and hugs him.."I'm so glad I have you." she says


E-mail the author of this story, Kandi, at kandi@iland.net

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