Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four


Jackee cruised down a street in a not-so-crowded area in LA in her brand new car with her friends K-Tee and Luniz. Luniz suddenly got hungry.

-Can we eat now? she asked.

-OK..., Jackee mumbled.

She drove to the nearest McDonalds and stopped her car on a parking place. Then the girls went in to the McDonalds. They stood in a pretty long line to order their food. In the next line, K-Tee saw a really fine guy. She couldn't stop stare at him. He noticed that she looked at him and looked back at her. She blushed and the guy smiled. Luniz started to laugh at her. K-Tee blushed even more and the guys smiled softly. His hazel eyes were so wonderful... Suddenly, K-Tee were first in line. Jackee had went out to her car with Luniz.

-And what do you like to have? a girl behind the counter asked.

-Uh..., K-Tee said. A PQ... uh... QP. I mean...

She looked at the fine guy who also ordered his food. Then she looked back at the girl.

-A QP, coke and some french fries..., she finished.

-OK, the girl said and then went to get K-Tee's food.

When K-Tee looked back at the other line, she noticed that the guy was gone.

-Damn..., she mumbled and looked around.

Where was he? She got her food in a little bag, paid and then she went to the door. When she stopped to open the door, somebody opened it for her. She looked up and saw the fine guy.

-Thanks..., she said with a shy smile.

-No problem, he answered, also with a shy smile. I'm Taryll.

K-Tee shook his hand.

-I'm K-Tee..., she said. Nice to meet you, Taryll...

She smiled and he smiled back.

-Shall I walk with you to your car? Taryll asked.

-OK..., K-Tee said.

While they went to Jackee's car, they had a shy conversation. They had a lot in common, actually. Suddenly, they were at the car. Jackee and Luniz looked at K-Tee and Taryll with big smiles.

-And who is this? Luniz asked curious.

-This is Taryll..., K-Tee said. Taryll, these are my friends Jackee and Luniz...

Taryll shook Jackee's and Luniz' hands. Then he turned over to K-Tee.

-I think I better go now, he said. My brothers are waiting at home...

K-Tee looked at him with sad eyes.


-Can I call you?

K-Tee smiled.

-Sure..., she said and took up a pen and a piece of paper that layed in her bag.

She wrote down her number and gave the piece of paper to Taryll.

-I'll call you! he said and turned slowely away to walk to his car.

Then he stopped and went back to the girls.

-Would you girls like to visit me...? he asked.

-Sure! K-Tee said. When?

-Now....? If that's OK with you girls...?

K-Tee smiled.

-OK! she said. We'll follow your car!

Taryll smiled.

-OK...! he said.

Then he walked to his car. K-Tee jumped into the backseat of Jackee's car and had a big smile on her face.

-Somebody is in lo-ove...! Jackee and Luniz sang to tease her.

-C'mon you guys! K-Tee said. Give me a break will you!

Jackee saw at Luniz.

-Luniz, have you eaten up yet? she asked.

-Soon..., Luniz answered with her mouth full of food.

-K-Tee, are you goin' to eat your QP or do you wanna throw it away? Jackee asked.

-Uh... I'll eat it now...

Jackee started her car and looked at Taryll. He drove to them and waved at them. Then Jackee followed him all the way to his house. K-Tee couldn't eat, so she layed her cold QP in a little trash can in the car. She drank her coke instead.

Taryll stopped his car and Jackee stopped her car next to his. K-Tee jumped excited out.

-This way ladies, Taryll said and smiled shyly.

The three girls followed the beautiful boy to his house. Luniz looked around. The garden next to the house were beautiful, the grasse were green, the flowers blossomed and someone walked to the swimmingpool... Hey, hold on hold on! Luniz stopped and looked at the person. It was a guy with a beautiful body who jumped in to the pool...

-Nice body..., she mumbled to herself.

-Luniz! Are you comin'? Jackee asked her from the house's steps.

-I’m comin'..., Luniz answered and went to her friends and Taryll.

Taryll opened the door for the girls and they went in. The house were BIG and it were lighted up by the sun. K-Tee looked at Taryll when she noticed that he was looking at her. Taryll smiled. K-Tee blushed. Taryll led the girls through the hall into the livingroom and the girls sat down at a cauch.

-I'll be right back..., Taryll said.

Then he went to a window and looked for somebody. Then he opened the window and leaned out.

-TJ! he screamed. The food is here!

-Alright! the person called TJ answered.

Taryll left the window open and went to the staircases.

-Taj! Sandy! Food!

Then he smiled at K-Tee and then sat down next to her.

-You girls want some food? Taryll asked while he took up the McDonalds food from a bag.

-No thanks, K-Te said. We just ate, already...

-Anything to drink?

The three girls shook their heads. A very cute guy with braids and a beautiful girl came down on the staircases. They stopped and the guy smiled at Taryll.

-Oooh, do we have company, huh? he said.

Taryll grinned at him.

-K-Tee, Luniz, Jackee, he said, this is my big brother Taj and his fiancée Sandy. Taj, Sandy, this is K-Tee, Luniz and Jackee...

They said hello to each others and shook each other's hands. Then Taj and Sandy sat down at an other cauch.

-Ah! Taj said. A big yummy Happy Meal just for me!

He opened the box and took the toy that followed.

-Oh look..., he said, kinda dissapointed. The little mermaid... How fun...

An other guy came in through the front door. Luniz couldn't stop stare at him. He had a towel on his right shoulder and was dressed in Nike shoes and Adidas pants. And he had really big muscles!!! Luniz noticed now how beautiful his face and especially his eyes was.

-Did you buy me just one Happy Meal, Taryll? the guy said dissapointed. I asked for four...

-Ooops, Taryll said.

The guy saw the three girls and smiled friendly.

-Hi there, he said.

-This is my little brother TJ, Taryll said. TJ, this is K-Tee, Luniz and Jackee.

When TJ had shook their hands, he sat down next to Luniz. He opened his Happy Meal and took out the toy.

-Oh look; Taz! he said and looked at his Taz toy.

-TJ wanna change? Taj asked hopefully.

-Sure, what did you get? TJ said and throwed Taz to Taj.

Taj throwed his toy to TJ.

-Oh... Look..., he said. The little mermaid...

He smiled a faked smile and put the little mermaid on the table. Luniz smiled at him. He looked at her with a bigger smile.

-What...? he wondered.

-Nothing..., Luniz said, still smiling.

TJ looked at her for a long time.

-Want a burger? he asked.

-No thanks..., Luniz said.

-Are you sure?

Luniz nod.

At the evening, Sandy had went home and Taj had went to his room to surf on the net. Jackee, K-Tee, Taryll, Luniz and TJ sat on the cauch and watched a film. It was Scream. Luniz and K-Tee act scared and sat closer and closer to TJ and Taryll, who layed their arms around the "scared" girls.

-It’s only a movie! Jackee said. You don’t really have to be that scared.

The clock was suddenly 12 pm.

-We better go home..., K-Tee said.

-Can we call you two tomorrow? Taryll and TJ asked K-Tee and Luniz.

-Sure!!! K-Tee and Luniz said with one mouth.

Then K-Tee, Luniz and Jackee went to Jackee's car and drove home.

One year later, K-Tee and Taryll had been together for seven months. It was 9 pm and they sat in Tarylls room and listened to soft soul and R&B music. Taryll had been kinda weird the last weeks, so K-Tee were kinda confused when Taryll only sat and looked at his floor.

-What is it? she wondered.

-K-Tee, you know that I like you, right...? Taryll said.

K-Tee nod slowely. She was afraid. Was he goin' to break up??? Taryll sat down at his knees in front of K-Tee and took her hand.

-K-Tee, will you marry me?

At the same time, TJ and Luniz was at the beach. They sat down close together on the warm sand and looked at the ocean. The sun had disappeared and the moon gave the beach a romantic look.

-Luniz..., TJ said suddenly. This may come a little too soon...He looked at her for a long time.

-What? she asked nervously.

TJ sat down in front of her and looked her deep into her eyes.

-Will you marry me?

-TJ! Luniz said and kissed him for a long while. Off course I will!

Part One

The wake up alarm rang. A little kid came sleepy out from his room and went to his parents room.

-Dad, why do you have to get up so early? the kid wondered.

-Oh I'm sorry Joey, TJ said while he got dressed. But Daddy gotta go to work... Me and your two uncles are signing photos today.

TJ looked at his wife Luniz, who were still asleep. He smiled and then looked at Joey.

-You better go and sleep now, right? TJ said.

-No, Joey said. I'm gonna watch cartoons 'til Mommy wakes up.

-Alright, TJ said and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Joey ran to the livingroom and watched the morning cartoons. TJ walked into the kitchen and fixed himself some cereals.

-Joey are you hungry? he asked.

-Not now Daddy! I'm watching cartoons!

TJ sat down at the table and ate the cereals while he read the cartoons in the morning paper. Then he took his car keys and went to the door, when he saw Luniz coming down the stairs.

-Good morning, my dear Sleeping Beauty! TJ said with a charming smile and kissed her. Did you have a nice dream?

Luniz nod.

-I'll be home soon, honey! TJ said and kissed her once again.

He liked kissin' Luniz. He loved it. Then he went out to his car and drove away. Luniz saw at Joey.

-Hey Joey, you want some breakfast? she wondered.

He nod. Luniz went to the kitchen and made him some breakfast. She looked at him and smiled. While Joey ate, she went to the phone and called K-Tee. They had a looong conversation and then decided to meet each other in the park. The clock was 1 pm when Luniz and Joey met K-Tee and her 2 years old son Adren. Joey and Adren ran to the playground at once.

Taryll walked into a room. Outside, a "million" of fans stood and waited to come in. 3T had released their third album and their fans were crazy about it. Sure, the fans got REALLY mad and dissapointed when all the 3 T's got married and when They all got kids, but they soon returned to love and adore Them anyway. Taryll met TJ and Taj who already sat down next to a table to prepare themselves. A lot of people went around to fix everything.

-Taj you look a little bit sad, Taryll said worried. What's wrong man?

-I don't know... Sandy acts like I'm never there..., Taj said really sad. She's always ignoring me...

-Oh Taj! TJ said. That's awful! Why?

-I don't know..., Taj said.

-Are you guys ready? a man asked.

Taryll sat down at a chair and nod. Some men checked the security system once again and then opened the doors and the fans ran in. The security guards had a hard job when they tried to keep the hysterical fans in a line.

K-Tees mobile phone rang.

-Hello? she said.

-Hi, it's Maxim! said a voice.

Maxim was K-Tee's, Luniz' and Jackee's group Suga’ Honeyz’ manager.

-Oh hi Maxim! Long time no see huh.

-Yeah, Maxim said. MJJ Productions wants you girls to record a new album in their studio. Can you girls please come over here so we can discuss the album and maybe sign a contract?

-A new album? K-Tee said shocked. And MJJ Productions?? Now???

-Yeah, the first thing for you girls is to sign the contract, then you're signed in to MJJ's.


-They will do everything they can to make this one better then "Love Chain" (the Suga' Honeyz' first album), Maxim continued. It would be nice if the three of you could come. The meeting starts 2 pm.

-OK, K-Tee said. We 3 will come...

-Good! See you soon!

Maxim hang up the phone. K-Tee also hang up. Then she looked at Luniz.

-Maxim wants us to do a new album..., K-Tee said. At MJJ Productions...

-Haha you're kiddin'! Luniz said.

-No, I'm not kiddin'! K-Tee said and then dialed Jackees number.


-Hi Jackee it's K-Tee! How are ya?

-I'm fine and you?

-Little tired but I'll live... Y’know... Maxim just called me and guess what?


-He told me that MJJ Productions wants to release an album with us!

-Haha you're kiddin'!

-No no! I'm not kiddin'! It's true! It's a meeting any minute now and we got to be there...

-Shall I pick you up? Jackee asked.

-OK, cuz neither Luniz or I got a car...

-Where are you guys?

-Luniz, me and our kids is in our favourite park, it's...

-I'll be there any minute now, Jackee interrupted.

Then they both hang up. K-Tee looked at Luniz.

-She picks us up.

Then they called for Adren and Joey who was playing on a playground. After a while they saw Jackee's black car stop on a parking place next to the park. K-Tee, Luniz, Joey and Adren went to her.

-Hi! Jackee said while they sat down in the backseat.

-Hi on you too! K-Tee and Luniz said.

After a while, she parked her car on a parking spot next to the entrance to MJJ Productions. They went out of the car, Jackee locked it and then they went in to the big building. A security guard stopped them and was about to throw them out, when Maxim came.

-It's alright Chuck, Maxim said. They can be here.

Chuck, the security guard, let the girls, Adren and Joey go, and then went away. Maxim said hi to the Suga’z and the little kids and then they all went in to the elevator and talked.

During the Suga' Honeyz' meeting, 3T watched the looong, loooong never ending line of fans, that was waiting to get their autographs, run against them. Security guards made the fans stay in line while 3T signed photos and albums. They got a lot of fanletters and questions like "Are you goin to divorce K-Tee/Luniz/Sandy?", "How’s your kids?" and "When are you goin to have a concert?" After 2 hours of signing stuff and talk to all the fans, they finally was finished and went to their cars. While TJ went to his car, his phone rang. He answered it. It was Luniz. She told him about the Suga'z new commin' album. TJ got happy about it. Taryll would give Taj a ride home, because Sandy had taken his car, so they went to Tarylls car and sat down in it. Before they drove away, TJ came to them and asked them if they could come over to his house tonight for dinner. He wanted to celebrate both 3T's well doin' success and the Suga'z new album. Taryll and Taj off course said that they'd be there at 6.

Part Two

The Suga'z, Adren and Joey went to Jackee's car. They sat down in it and drove out on to the freeway. Luniz loked at the clock. It was 5.30 pm...

-Whooops! she said.

-What? K-Tee asked.

-I gotta fix the dinner right now! Luniz said. I bet TJ is VERY hungry!

Jackee drove into a little area outside LA, called Hidden Hills. She stopped the car outside Luniz' and TJ's garage and the girls and the two kids went into the house. It was 5.45 o'clock now. Yabo the dog ran to them to welcome them. Joey hugged her. TJ came to Luniz and kissed her.

-Where've ya been baby? he wondered with an other kiss.

-I'm sorry, we had a little meeting at MJJ Productions, as I told you on the phone earlier, Luniz said and kissed him back.

-Would you like to tell me all about it? TJ asked with a charming smile.

-Later..., Luniz said. I gotta go and fix some dinner...

-I've already done that, TJ said. Take a seat at the table.

Then he hugged Joey and Adren, said hello to K-Tee and Jackee and then went into the kitchen to prepare the dinner. Luniz took her son, her friends and Adren to the livingroom. The table was already fixed. The girls and the kids sat down at some chairs and Yabo layed down to sleep on a soft carpet. TJ came to them with bottles of Pepsi and Coke.

-The food is about to be served! he said.

He kissed Luniz and then went back to the kitchen.

-I hope the food don't stare at me this time, K-Tee whispered to Luniz.

-Me too..., Luniz answered.

Somebody knocked on the door.

-I'll open! Joey yelled.

He and Yabo ran to the front door and opened it.

-Mummy! Daddy! It’s Uncle Taj and Delores and Adaryll and Uncle Taryll!

TJ looked out from the kitchen.

-Oh hi! he said to his brothers. The food is soon ready!

Taj and Taryll went to him while Adaryll and Delores (Taj's kids) went with Joey to the table.

-This time it won’t stare at us right? Taj and Taryll asked their little brother.

TJ grinned.

-No it won't! he said. It've never stared at ya! You're just making it all up!

-But it did ran away, Taryll reminded him.

TJ thought for a while.

-Yeah maybe it did - but hey! I didn't know to wash the vegetables before I cooked it! I was only 5!

-TJ you were 12, Taryll said.

-And besides, it only happend once.

-No no no, it happend all the times you had anything to do with the vegetables! Taj said.

TJ started to get in a bad temper.

-Now, go and sit down at the table..., he mumbled.

-OK sir, Taj said.

He and Taryll went to the livingroom where the kids drank Coke and the Suga'z talked. Taryll kissed K-Tee for a loooooong time.

-Oh please - get a room! Jackee said.

Taryll sat down at a chair between K-Tee and Adren. Taj sat down between the 3 years old Adaryll and the 2 years old Delores. K-Tee looked at Taj. He looked so sad somehow.

-Hi Taj! she said.

-Hi on you too! Taj said and tried to smile.

-Where's Sandy? Luniz wondered.

Taj looked sad at her.

-Don't ask me..., he said and looked at Adaryll.

K-Tee and Luniz looked at each other. Then they looked into the kitchen to see what TJ was up to. Jackee looked at Taj. The last time she'd seen him was for 4 years ago, at Taryll's and K-Tee's wedding. He were so cute, even though he looked so hurt. He noticed that Jackee was looking at him. He looked at her. Their eyes met for a moment, but then TJ screamed:

-Dinner's ready!

The whole gang watched TJ carry out the food. Joey moved closer to Adaryll and whispered:

-I hope it doesn't run away this time!

Adaryll nod and watched his uncle TJ when he put down the chicken on the table. TJ fixed himself a big piece and put it on his plate.

-Uh... honey..., Luniz said.

-Oh! I'm sorry sweetie! TJ said and gave Luniz a big piece too.

-No no no TJ! Luniz said. It's the chicken! It's... it's...

-It's all icky inside! Joey screamed when he saw the chicken.

TJ sat down at his chair.

-That's my luck..., he mumbled to himself.

-I call for pizza, Taryll said and went quickly to a phone.

-So TJ..., Luniz said to comfort him. I'm so sorry that this happend to you. TJ...

TJ looked at her with a week smile.

-What? he said.

-I won't ever let you fix the dinner again.

She gave him a kiss and then went to throw out the chicken. The four kids Joey, Adren, Adaryll and Delores ran after the escaping salad all through the room.

-Don't hurt your self! K-Tee said to them.

Jackee saw at Taj. He looked back at her with shy eyes. He smiled but then looked down at the table. Jackee looked at the clock. It was 6.25 pm. Taryll put down the reciever.

-The pizza'll be here any minute now! he said.

He kissed K-Tee for a long time and then sat down at a chair and just looked at his wife. Then he took her hand and made her sit down at his lap. Then they kissed each other again. Taj looked at them with sad eyes. Wonder what Sandy did right now? TJ and Luniz throwed all the, by this time, dead salad in a trash can and then cleared the table. Joey looked out through the window and saw the pizza car.

-Pizza's here! he yelled and ran with Yabo to the front door.

TJ got some money out of his wallet and then went to get the pizza. The pizza smelled so good. He kissed Luniz and put the pizza on the table. Everybody took a big piece from the three pizza boxes and started to eat.

The clock was soon 9 pm. Joey, Adren, Adaryll, Delores and Yabo were asleep in Joeys room. The "adults" were in the living room and watched a comedy movie "Airheads", from the 80's. It was just so super!

-Wanna watch an other movie? Luniz asked when "Airheads" was over.

-Sure! Taryll said. Wich one?

-We have "I Know What You Did Last Summer" somewhere..., TJ said.

-Okidoki! K-Tee said.

She moved closer to Taryll on the cauch and layed her head on his shoulder. He kissed her forehead. TJ went to get the movie while Luniz took out some ice cream from the fridge. Jackee, who sat next to Taj, looked at him for a short moment and then looked back at the TV screen. TJ put the film into the VCR while Luniz gave everyone big bouls with ice cream. Then they sat down close to each other. The cauch was so full and could break any moment... just kiddin'...

The movie went on in almost 10-15 minutes without almost anything happend. The people in the movie was just about to push the dead body down into the water, when the body was alive and took one of the girl's crown. K-Tee got a little bit scared, so Taryll put his arm around her, but he didn't take his eyes from the TV screen. Anyway, one of the persons jumped into the water to get the crown from the body. Suddenly, a unexpected thing happend in the movie and TJ, Luniz, Taryll, K-Tee, Taj and Jackee screamed and 'jumped' higher up on the cauch. The cauch broke of the sudden weight changes and broke. TJ landed on the floor with Luniz on the top of him.

-Oh hi baby..., he said with a big grin.

Jackee also fell down at the floor, and with Taj over her!

-Oh I'm sorry! Taj said and moved quickly away.

Then he turned over to TJ.

-Gosh TJ! he said. Your cauch just broke sir! How old was it??

-Uh..., TJ said. Old...?

-He bought it only because it looked nice, Luniz said and paused the film. What he didn’t know was that it was VERY old...

-Where's Taryll? K-Tee, who also landed on the floor, asked.

-Hello..., a voice said.

Taj, TJ, K-Tee, Luniz and Jackee looked up to the roof. Taryll was hanging on the lamp.

-Jump down before it breaks too sir! Taj said.

-Uh... Will you catch me? Taryll wondered. It's so far down to the floor.

-I'll catch ya baby! K-Tee said.

Taryll, really carefully, jumped down. He landed on his knees on a pretty soft carpet, far away from K-Tee.

-I'm so sorry baby! K-Tee said.

-It's alright honey..., Taryll said.

-Are you OK?

-Yeah, off course I am! But I'm tired...

-Shall we go home then?

Taryll nod. K-Tee smiled at him. He looked like a baby when he had that tired face...

-Luniz, TJ..., she said. I'm really sorry, but my man wants to sleep and that's why I have to take him home while he still is awake...

-It's alright, Luniz said.

Taryll went to get Adren and after some goodbyes, they drove home. Taj, Jackee, TJ and Luniz watched the movie. FINALLY, the movie was finished. TJ said good night to Jackee and Taj and then went to Luniz and kissed her.

-I'll see you upstairs..., he said with a charming smile.

Luniz smiled back at him. TJ went to their room. Taj went shyly to Jackee.

-Um... Can you drive me, Adaryll and Delores home? he wondered.

Jackee smiled happily.

-I'd love to Taj! she said.

Taj smiled back.

-Thanks..., he said and then went to carry down the sleeping Adaryll and Delores from Joey's room.

They said good bye to Luniz and then went out to Jackee's car. Taj sat down in the back seat with Adaryll and Delores while Jackee started the car.

-How come you don't have a car? Jackee asked while she drove out from TJ's and Luniz' yard.

-Sandy has it right now, Taj said.

Then they started to talk about everything, and they realized that they had a lot incommon'.

Part Three

While Jackee drove Taj, Adaryll and Delores to their home, and K-Tee, Taryll and Adren were asleep at their house, Luniz went upstair to her and TJ's room. She opened the door and was chocked when she saw what TJ had done. It was candle lights almost everywhere! Some soul music was playing in the back ground. Luniz smiled when she saw TJ standing in the room with a sexy smile on his face.

-Oh, TJ..., she said with a smile.

TJ went to her and kissed her. She kissed him back. Then they just looked into each others eyes before they started to kiss each other again. They danced to the music and couldn't stop kissin' each other. TJ took slowely off Luniz' clothes and she took slowely off his. Then they layed down on the bed, still kissing.

Jackee stopped her car next to a apartment building in a, by this hour, kinda silent area in LA.

-Thanks for the ride! Taj said.

-You're welcome! Jackee said.

Taj carried Adaryll and Delores out and closed the cardoor.

-See you sometime, he said to Jackee. Bye.


Jackee drove away. She really liked Taj, even though he was married and had 3 and 2 years old kids. Taj carried the sleeping Adaryll and Delores in to the elevator, up to the highest floor. Sandy always wanted to live in the city in a penthouse. Taj opened the door. It was unlocked, so Sandy must be home. Taj carried Adaryll and Delores into their room and layed them on their beds. To his surprize, his dog Rascal were in the kid's room. Taj remembered that he had left Rascal sleeping in the livingroom. What was she doing in here? Taj went to his own room with Rascal running behind him. He opened the door and turned on the lights. He saw Sandy laying in the bed, looking at him - and there was also a man with her! Taj couldn't believe what he just saw!

-Sandy...! he said hurt.

-Taj what are you doin' here? Sandy said.

-What I am doin' here? I LIVE here! The question is what he is doin' here - in bed with you!

Taj didn't know what to do. He was so hurt. He felt a tear running down his cheek. He looked at Sandy.

-Go out, he said. I never want to see you again. Go out!

He went to the living room and sat down at the cauch with his head in his hands. Rascal jumped up next to him and put her nose close to his face to comfort him. After a while, Sandy and the man came out from the bedroom with a bag with Sandy's stuff in it.

-Give me my car keys Sandy, Taj said.

-But how do you think that we'll get somewhere without a car? Sandy asked.

-Take the bus, Taj said. Give me my car keys now...

Sandy looked angry at him, but then layed the car keys on a table. Then she and the man walked out. Taj looked out through the big windows, then he went out to the balcony. How could she do this to him? He really loved her, with all his heart...

At 1 o’clock, the phone rang and woke TJ up. He answered it with a very tired voice.


-Hi, it's Taj...

-Oh hi Taj! How's it goin' man? TJ said a little wondering.

-It's Sandy... She... She was with a man here yesterday...

TJ couldn't believe it. How could Sandy do this to Taj?

-Are you sure? TJ wondered. Maybe they just sat in the livingroom or something and talked?

-Yeah, maybe they did, but then they headed of for the bedroom and was doin' somethin! Taj said, almost crying.

-I'm sorry, Taj..., TJ said.

-When's Poppa T goin' to get back? Taj wondered.

Tito was with his new wife in Hawaii, for a honeymoon. He'd been there a couple of weeks now.

-I don't know really, TJ said. Maybe next week?

-OK... Thanks. Bye.

-Taj, wanna come over? TJ said. We can hang out. Just you, me and Taryll...?

TJ didn't want his brother to be in a sucha bad mood.

-Thanks but no thanks..., Taj said. But maybe after we've been to the Smith house. Bye.

-OK, bye...

They both hang up. Luniz had woke up and she looked worried at TJ.

-Who was it? she asked.

-Taj. Sandy cheated on him yesterday.

-Oh that's awful! Luniz said.


TJ kissed her. Then he watched the clock. 1.05 pm. 3T was goin' to perform at the Smith family's house tonight, at 7 pm. The Smith family was one of the richest people in LA, and their youngest daughter was a big fan of 3T. It was her birthday, so her parents off course made 3T come. TJ went to the bathroom and took a shower, then he, Luniz and Joey ate breakfast. Luniz & company were goin' to MJJ Productions to work with the songs to the album, so Jackee and K-Tee was goin' to pick her up. She got all reday and decided to spend the last minutes just watching TJ and Joey play "Destruction Derby" on the PlayStation. Joey won because TJ had a lot to think of. TJ and Joey were so much alike. They were both very intelligent, they had the same nose and eyes, and they were both dressed in PJ's. And off course, they had the same hair too. Suddenly she heard Jackee's car stop outside the house.

-Loooooniz! K-Tee yelled.

-Gotta go, Luniz said and kissed TJ and Joey good bye. See you tonight TJ.

-Bye baby, TJ said. Take care of ya!

-I will.

-Bye Mommy!

-Bye Joey!

Luniz closed the door behind her and went to Jackee's car.

-Hi on you! Jackee said when Luniz sat down in the backseat.

-Hi on you too! Luniz said.

Then they drove off to the MJJ building.

At 6 pm, TJ drove Joey and Yabo to his uncle Jermaine's house. Jermaine had promised 3T to take care of their kids and dogs while they performed at the Smith family's house, cuz the teez' wifes wouldn't be home for a long time. TJ stopped his car.

-Bye Joey, TJ said. I'll see you tomorrow.

Joey gave TJ a hug.

-Bye Daddy! he said and jumped out from the car and ran to the house.

When TJ saw Joey dissapear into the house, he started to drive out from the yard. Then he stopped and looked at the map he had. He finally found the way he was goin' to take and started to drive again. He finally got to the house. He stopped at the closed gates and a security guard came to check who it was. Then the gates opened and TJ drove in. The garden was HUGE! A couple of cars stood parked at a big parking area. He saw Taryll's car and parked next to it. Taryll had probably given Taj a ride, cuz Taj were probably very sad and confused since yesterday - that's a reason why Taryll wouldn't let him drive. TJ got out of the car and went to the big, white house. A butler opened the huge door for him and he went in. He saw Taryll and Taj standing next to one of the giant windows and went to them.

-Hi TJ! Taryll said. I see you finally found the house!

TJ grinned.

-Yeah I did...

Taj were the only one in the whole house who didn't smile, or even looked happy.

-Hey man, TJ said. I'm sorry about you and Sandy, I really am...

-That's OK, Taj said. I think I can get over it.

He knew that it didn't sound like he meant it, so he smiled to make it more truthfully.

-Oh come on..., TJ said. You know yourself that you don't mean it!

Mr Smith came down the big stairs to talk with some guests. Taj was chocked.

-It's him! he whispered to his brothers.

-Huh? Taryll said.

-He's the guy that Sandy was with!

-You mean Mr Smith? TJ said. Do you really think so?

-No, I really know so! Taj said.

Mr Smith came to 3T. He gave Taj a disrespecting look. Taj stared back at him with the same look.

-So you are the 3T's? Mr Smith said with a English accent.

-Yes, we are, TJ said. And you are off course Mr Smith, I suppose?

-Yes I am, he said.

Then he went to some business men he worked with. Taj got so mad for what Mr Smith and Sandy had done, so he just wanted to go over to him and punch him in the face. TJ and Taryll cooled him down.

-Cool down Taj! TJ said.

-Yeah man..., Taryll said.

-Easy for you two to say! Taj said really loud and angry.

People looked at them for a while and then turned away. Taj knew he had to cool down, so he did. A 13 years old girl came down the stairs and looked at them. Then she went over to them with a big happy smile.

-Hi 3T! she said. I'm Josephine! Thank you for coming today, I really appriciate it!

-We're just glad that we can make you glad! TJ said with a smile.

-Hi TJ..., Josephine said. I'm your biggest fan...!

-Really? TJ said. How fun!

Josephine saw at Taj.

-Why do you look so sad?

-Oh... nothing..., Taj said and smiled.

-Josephine! Mr Smith yelled.

-I gotta go, Josephine said. Thanks for comin' once again! Go and take a seat on a cauch!

Then she went to her father. 3T went to a cauch and sat down. Taryll looked around. This place were so HUGE! The giant windows had white curtains before them and the light that shone through lighted up the big, almost unnecessary huge room. In one corner of the room, a big stair was leading up to the 2nd floor. Suddenly he saw a beautiful lady comin' down the stairs. She looked at them and went to them. She was so beautiful...

-Behave yourself! Taryll thought for himself. You have K-Tee and Adren!

Don't even think of start to think about this girl!

Even though he didn't want to, he couldn't stop look at her. She was one of the most beautifulest girls he'd ever seen! There was something about her that every other girl didn't have... Hey wait! He couldn't start thinking about this girl! He had a wife and was happily married! Taryll forced himself to take his eyes off of her, but when she stopped in front of them he had no other choice then to look at her. She had long, blond hair, red lips and she had those wonderful blue eyes... She had a red tight dress and red high-heeled shoes. She had a juvelery necklace and diamond earrings.

-Hi I'm Valerie, she said.

3T shook her hand while they presented themselves.

-So you're the 3T's huh, she said. I thought I recognized you...

She looked at Taryll.

-So Taryll..., she said. Wanna go and get a drink?

-Well... um...

He didn't know what to do. He was very attracted to her, but he was also afraid of what could happen.

-OK, he said.

What could happen? Nothing! Why would a girl like this be attracted to a married man like himself? They left TJ and Taj and went to a table. Valerie gave Taryll a glass of lemonade and then took one for herself. They went to a cauch, pretty far away from TJ's and Taj's, and sat down.

-Taryll huh? she said. Nice name.

-Thanks, Taryll said. Valerie is a very beautiful name too...

She smiled at him.

-I've heard that you're a Jackson? she said.

-Yes... I am.

-Son to...

She tried to remember the name of Taryll's father.

-...Tito Jackson, yes..., Taryll said.

-Oh, Tito! That's it! I'm so bad at names...

They sat there for a long time, drinking lemonade and talk. Valerie was a really cool person and she was very beautiful, so Taryll forgot all about K-Tee and Adren for the moment.

-Is that a wedding ring? Valerie suddenly wondered.

Taryll looked at his finger.

-Yes... It's a wedding ring.

-How fun... What's the lucky girl's name?


Valerie did a grimace. She seemed to not like that name.

-K-Tee? she said. Her name is K-Tee?

-Well... um... It's actually Katherine, but I call her K-Tee..., Taryll said, looking at the ring.

Then he noticed that Valerie was still looking at him. He was just goin' to look at her too, when Mr Smith came.

-If it's OK with you, you and your brothers can start singing now, Mr Smith said.

-OK Mr Smith, Taryll said.

He smiled at Valerie, and then went to his brothers. He felt so weird somehow...

-Here's the songs Josephine likes us to sing, TJ said and gave Taryll a list.

-OK..., Taryll said.

He looked through the list and then looked back at Valerie. TJ gave him a easy punch in his back to see if he's still alive.

-Hey stop that! Taryll said.

TJ grinned. Then they got their microphones and everyone gattered around them. 3T started to sing "Happy Birthday", then "Anything". Josephine were so happy. She sat next to Valerie in a lether cauch and just smiled happily at 3T. When Taryll sang his verse, he didn't look at Josephine or Valerie, he just looked around and tried to concentrate on the song. After him, it was TJ's turn. He looked at Josephine and smiled. She got even happier and she couldn't believe what was happening. Taj suddenly saw Sandy comin' in to the room and she went to Mr Smith and kissed him! Taj started to sing, but then his voice broke down, so TJ sang the verse instead. Taj couldn't take his eyes off of Sandy. He wish that that thing had never happend, that she only was his... TJ gave him a easy clap on his shoulder, as if to make him return to reality. "Anything" was followed by "Hey Luv", "Why" and their newest single, then their performance was finished. The people around them applouded and Josephine got 3T's autographs. Just as 3T were about to leave, Josephine made them stay by giving them cookies and lemonade. Then Josephine drag TJ up to her room so he could sign all the stuff she had on him and 3T. While Taj sat with Taryll, who ate cookies, on a cauch, Valerie came to them.

-Taryll, can I speak with you for a moment? she asked. Alone?

-Sure, Taryll said. What is it?

Valerie took his hand and went to the stairs. She looked around to see if her father was anywhere around. He weren't. She took him upstairs and into her room. She locked the door and sat down on her bed. Taryll looked around. The room was big. Red, soft carpets was on the floor and some very expensive paintings were hanging on the walls. There were no chairs in here, only a white table with make-up and stuff on it and a big white closet, filled to the limit with clothes. The room had a lovely smell, it smelled like... like... Taryll didn't know what it smelled like, but he liked it.

-Sit down, she said.

Taryll shook his head.

-No thanks, he said. I can stand up.


Taryll couldn't resist when he saw her begging, beautiful eyes. Slowely, he sat down on the bed.

-What was it you were goin' to speak with me about?

Valerie looked at him.

-Are you happily married? she wondered.

Taryll laughed a little bit. What kind of questions would come next?

-Yes I am! he said.

-So... do you have any kids?

-Yes, one. His name is Adren.

-Do you love your wife?

-Yes I do.

-Do you love me?

Taryll looked at her.

-I don't even know you!

-Why can't you even take your eyes off of me?

Taryll looked down on the floor.

-I don't know..., he said. I better go now...

Valerie layed her arms around him and kissed him. The kiss was wonderful. But then Taryll paniced and stood up really quick. He went to the door, but then noticed that he was trapped. He couldn't open it if he didn't have the key!

-Where's the key?? he said.

-What's the matter? Valerie said. It was only a kiss. Didn't you like it?

-Yeah I liked it and that's why I have to go! Taryll said.

-Weren't you happily married with that... K-Tee?

Taryll looked at her.

-What do you want Valerie?


Part Four

Taryll looked at her.

-Me?!? he said. Why?!

-No other reason then that I want you... only you...

She went to him and kissed him again. Taryll pushed her gently away and went to a window. He looked out. It was too high for him to jump down. So he went back to the door and kicked on it.

-HELLO??? he screamed.

No one heard him. He turned to Valerie.

-That's it! he said. Give me the key Valerie!

Valerie sat down at the bed.

-Why would I do that?

-Cuz I want to go!

-If you want the key...

Valerie looked at the key and then at Taryll. Then she dropped the key in her dress and layed down on her bed. have to find it, she said.

-I bet you really don't wanna do this anyway! Taryll said, kinda mad and confused.

-Oh, so you think that only because I happen to be very rich, I'm Daddy's good girl?

She grinned.

-Well I'm not...

-I can't do this Valerie! Taryll said. I'm not like that at all! Just let me go.

-Find the key then..., Valerie said with flirting eyes.

Taryll sat down at the floor.

-Damn..., he said.

All he could do now was to wait 'til she opened the door herself.

-Where's Taryll? TJ wondered when he came back to Taj.

-He's havin' a private conversation with Valerie, Taj said.

-And where are they havin' this private conversation?

-I don't know...

TJ sat down at a chauch and looked around. Taj looked at Sandy. TJ, who didn't had seen her earlier, turned to Taj.

-Hey Taj! Isn't that Sandy?

-Yes..., Taj said without taking his eyes off of her.

Sandy and Mr Smith went away. Taj closed his eyes, trying not to cry. Then he looked at his clock. It was 8 pm.

-I'm goin' out for awhile, TJ said. I need some fresh air. Are you

comin' with me?

-Sure, why not?

The guys went out. The air was really fresh and the sun had just dissapeared behind some hills next to the Smith's yard. Taj suddenly stopped.

-What? TJ said.

He saw at that direction Taj was looking at.


They saw Sandy kiss Mr Smith, and she loved it. Taj turned around and walked back in to the house. TJ followed him. Taryll wasn't anywhere in sight. Taj stopped and looked at TJ.

-Can you please drive me home TJ? he said quietly.

-But we gotta wait for Taryll! TJ said. It wouldn't be very nice if we left him here all alone!

-Just drive me home!! Taj screamed, really mad.

The people around them gave him a irritaring look and then turned away. Taj calmed himself down a little bit.

-Just give me your car keys, he said.

TJ looked at him. He knew why Taj couldn't stand being here, so he picked up his keys from his pocket.

-OK, he said and gave Taj the keys.

-Thank you, Taj said and almost ran to the car.

When he got outside, he saw that Sandy were still with that Mr Smith guy. Angrily, he sat down at the driver seat and slamed the door. He started the car and drove fast away from the big house. The security guards opened the gates for him and he drove away.

Valerie was still laying on the bed. She couldn't take her eyes of Taryll, who had his eyes closed. It looked like he was asleep, but he wasn't. Almost all the guests had gone. Soon, TJ was the only one left. A butler came to him.

-I'm sorry sir, he said, but the clock is soon 10. You have to go now.

-How am I suppose to do that when my brother, who also happens to be here somewhere, never come so we can go home?

-How do you know that he's still here?

-His car is outside.

-I'll look for him sir, the butler said and went away.

Valerie started to have boring. The clock was almost 10 and Taryll just sat there with his eyes closed.

-Isn't it hot in here? she said and started to take her shoes and juvelary off.

-Go and open the window then..., Taryll said, still with closed eyes.

-No, then I'll freeze...

She sits up. Then she touches Taryll's face and is right about to kiss him again.

-Stop that right now young lady! Taryll said and stood up.

He went to the door and kicked on it. Maybe someone would hear him now?

-Stop that! Valerie said, just as they heard someone tried to open the door from outside.

-Miss Valerie, are you OK? a butler asked.

-Yeah, I'm OK, she said.

-Let me out of here! Taryll said and kicked on the door again.

The butler outside locked up the door and watched Taryll and Valerie.

-Thank you very much! Taryll said and went quickly down stairs.

He should have kicked on the door a long time ago! He saw TJ sitting on a cauch.

-Hey TJ! Taryll said.

TJ stood up.

-Where have you been? he said kinda angry.

Then he noticed something on Taryll.

-You have red lipstick on your mouth...

-What? Taryll said and went to a mirror.

He had a lots of lipstick on his mouth!

-Damn..., he said and tried to wipe it away with his hands.

-What kind of private conversation exactly did you have with that Valerie, Taryll? TJ wondered.

Taryll looked around. Some butlers were still in the room.

-I'll tell you in the car... Where's Taj?

-He took my car cuz he couldn't stand it anymore here, TJ said.

-Why didn't you give him a ride home?

-Cuz then you wouldn't have noticed that you had lipstick on your mouth, and I guess K-Tee would get very mad if she saw it...

-Don't tell it to her, please! Taryll begged.

-I maybe have to if you don't give me a good explonation!

The lipstick was soon gone. The two brothers walked to Taryll's car while Taryll explained everything to TJ.

Taj sat in TJ's car outside his house. He didn't want to go in there. He had called to TJ's and Taryll's houses, but no one answered. He didn't knew where his keys to Tito's house were. Taj didn't know what to do. He didn't feel like goin' to his relative's houses either. He just wanted to go to a quiet place, so he decided to drive to the beach. He started the car, drove slowely out from the parking spot and out on the road with a pretty high speed. What he didn't know or see, was that a car was driving, in the fastest speed, his way. The car hit 'his' car very hard and Taj lost control. He saw a big truck comin' at him and he couldn't stop the car in time...

To Be Continued...

By: Miss Mystery

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