Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven

Los Angeles, California

It was June 27th and you were just about to board the plane from Copenhagen, Denmark to Los Angeles, California as your bag broke and all of your things were scattered over the floor right in front of the gate. Your friend, Michelle, who you were going on vacation with, started to help you and soon, there was a guy who also helped you. As you all finished picking up all of your stuff the guy gave the things that he had picked up for you and you happened to see his eyes. They were big, brown and beautiful. Then, you saw the rest of him and you just thought to yourself:

"Wow, this guy is really gorgeous!"

After he handed you your things, he looked into your eyes and you looked into his, time stood still that very moment. You felt as though there was some kind of bond between the two of you, there was something special, it was chemistry. Then, you said:

"Thanks, you didn't have to do that."

"Oh, it's OK, It was nothing. By the way, my name is Taj."

"Hi Taj, I'm (your name) and thanks again." you said with a smile as you started to walk towards the plane.

"Wow, that guy was really fine! How come you didn't continue talking to him." Michelle asked you.

"No, I don't want to seem pushy, or anything." you explained.

Unfortunately you didn't see more of Taj during the flight.

When the plane landed in Los Angeles at about 6 p.m., Michelle and you went straight to your hotel, dropped your luggage off and took a little walk around the hotel before you went back to your rooms and slept throughout the whole night, tired to death. You dreamt of Taj. You dreamt that the two of you would meet again and that he would hold you in his arms, close to his body.

The next day, June 28th, your sightseeing started. Your first stop was Disneyland, where you spent your entire day. It was so much fun, you met Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Pluto and many, many more.

You went out to your rented car and right before you got in and were about to drive away, you saw a very familiar face. Within moments, you remembered that it was Taj, that really nice guy who helped you with your stuff back in Copenhagen. What was he doing here? He was standing by the entrance with five or six girls around him. Then, he suddenly looked your way and smiled. He had started to walk towards you and now he was only about ten meters away.

"Hi!" he said smiling. "I never thought I'd meet you here."

By now the girls, who stood around him before, had split up.

"Well, I guess you did. Thanks again for helping me at the airport. It could have been really embarrassing if I hadn't got all my stuff up." you said to him.

"That's OK. It wasn't any trouble or anything. . .So, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, my friend, Michelle, and I are just on vacation here. What about you, what are you doing here?" you asked him curiously.

"I? I live here in LA, this is my home. I just went down to Disneyland with my brothers for once. It was such a long time ago." he said in the sweetest voice, it was special. His voice wasn't like anyone else's and you got that strange feeling in your body again.

You stood by the car and because of Michelle, who sat inside waiting patiently, you said:

"Well, it was nice meeting you again but I gotta go now. I don't wanna keep my friend waiting for too long."

"OK, bye!" he said smiling, but still, in a way, he looked kind of sad.

"Bye!" you said as you waved to him, got in the car and drove away.

On June 29th, you went to Sea World. It was great! You both just loved all the animals, especially the killer whales, dolphins and penguins. When you were at a "killer whale show", one of the killer whales was going to do a trick and he splashed water all over you. Michelle and he bus and although it wasn't neither one of their cars, Taj opened the door for you and Taryll for Michelle. On the way you suddenly started talking about music and you said:

"I really like R&B, soul and rap."

"Just not gangsta rap" Taryll protested.

"I really like Oasis." Taj claimed and you looked at him really strange and then said:

"They're all right but I prefer Michael Jackson."

All three of them looked at each other, smiled, and said:

"Yeah, we really like him too. He has great music and Bubbles is just so cute. Michael's really kind and fun too."

"Don't you mean that he seems to be kind and fun?" Michelle asked them.

"No, really he is both kind and fun." T.J. said convincing.

"OK, whatever you say." Michelle said, but she didn't really believe that T.J. knew.

You arrived at Universal Studios and when you were about to go in Taj, Taryll and T.J. offered to pay for you and although it was really sweet, you didn't want them to. All five of you got in a tram to go on a guided tour to see all the places where the famous movies were shot. During the tour you found out that Tarzan's jungle was consisted of 12 trees, the ocean Moses split in two was about 2 dm deep and one bridge broke when the tram was on it. Then, you drove down so that you could see the poles from the bridge rise up and build the bridge back together again, by themselves. After that, you drove into a dark tunnel and it was supposed to seem as if you were in an underground railway while it was an earthquake. It seemed very real and when the road fell down beside you and a truck came sliding down towards you, you cried and threw yourself into Taj's arms, he was sitting next to you. It was really embarrassing but Taj didn't seem to mind and just smiled at you before helping you up again. This was the first time you were really close to him and as he touched you, your heart began to beat faster and chills were sent up your spine, it was an incredible feeling.

After you had got off the tram and bought yourself some souvenirs you went out and drove to a Chinese restaurant to eat some dinner. All three of them, Taj, Taryll and T.J., were all such gentlemen, always opening the doors for you and wanting to pay for everything. After eating, Michelle and you decided to go back to your hotel and get some sleep. Michelle said:

"Well, can we drive you home. I mean, we've got the car."

"No!" they all said.

"Just drop us off at Disneyland, our dad is supposed to meet us there." Taryll said.

"Are you sure?" you asked.

"Sure, we're sure. Besides, if you drive us home, our dad will sit and wait for us at Disneyland and just get worried." T.J. said.

So, you drove them to Disneyland and when you offered to at least wait until their dad got there, they said that it was OK.

"You should just go back to your hotel and get your beauty sleep. And don't you worry about us, we'll be all right." Taj told you.

"OK, we'll leave, but will we ever get to see you again?" you asked them.

"Sure!" Taj said without hesitation. "What are your plans for tomorrow?"

"I guess we were supposed to go to Beverly Hills, just to see what it's like. Right, Michelle?" you said and she nodded.

"Well, why don't we give you a tour?" Taryll asked.

"We'd love that." Michelle said sounding really happy.

You decided that they should come and pick you up at your hotel the next day at 11.30 a.m. and before getting in your car, you leaned forward and kissed Taj's cheek. It was wonderful, his skin was so soft that you wanted to kiss him again but both his brothers and Michelle were there so you didn't. As you drove away you could hear Taryll and T.J. making fun of him just because you kissed him, he didn't seem to mind, though, just smiling. The last thing you heard was Taj saying to Taryll:

"You're just jealous because Michelle didn't kiss you!"

Taryll suddenly became quiet and looked away.

The day after, June 30th, you woke up at about 10 a.m. and when Michelle and you had gotten dressed and had ate your breakfast, you went outside your hotel to wait for the guys. At exactly 11.30 a.m. you could see two black cars pulling over by your hotel. One Isuzu Rodeo which Taj drove and a Toyota with Taryll in the driving seat. They both got out and after saying hi, they told you that T.J. couldn't come because he had something he had to do. You didn't really mind because you cared most for Taj and Michelle most for Taryll. So, Taj opened the door for you and Taryll for Michelle, then, you started to drive towards Beverly Hills, Taryll and Michelle in front of Taj and you. On the way Taj and you didn't say much to each other because you were both really shy. Still, you managed to find out that he was studying to become a producer and attended LMU, Loyola Marymount University, which is a really fine university. Taryll attended the same one. You told him about your dreams and plans for the future and he actually seemed very interested to hear about it. That was about all you talked about, it was a really quiet trip. As soon as you got to Beverly Hills you parked your cars and got out to talk. You decided that Taj should show you around and Taryll Michelle, something everyone seemed happy with.

"So, what d'ya wanna see?" Taj asked you after helping you in the car and then getting in himself.

"I guess, you should know that, I've never been here before." you answered him.

"OK, let's start with some stores." he said and started to drive.

When you got to a long street full of stores, he pulled over and helped you out of the car. You went into a store that sold both women's and men's clothes. You looked around for awhile but it wasn't exactly your taste of clothes and the prices were outrageous! The next store selled only women's clothes and you tried on some dresses which you showed Taj. The look on his face showed that he really liked what he saw and that he especially liked a beige dress on which the top was covered with beige pearls and the lower part, down to your ankles was of beige silk and the dress was pretty tight.

"Wow!" Taj said sounding excited and stunned. "I'd definitely like to show you off for my friends if you wore that dress. Ah, I'd like to show you of anyway."

"Thanks, but, I can't afford this." you told him.

"Well, I would've bought it for you, unfortunately, I didn't bring my money." Taj said to you.

"That's OK. I wouldn't have let you buy this for me anyway. It's way too expensive. Look, it's 850$" you told him.

When you got out off the store, Taj picked up a carphone and phoned Taryll. They decided that the four off you would meet up in about two hours at their house. Then, Taj took you to a park. It was mostly grass but also a couple of trees. You sat down by one and chatted for awhile. The subject of former boyfriends/girlfriends came up. You told him that you didn't have anyone but had one before, Johan. He told you that he was single at the moment but had three before, Mary, Freya and Kelly. You asked him about them and he said:

"Well, from what I know they seem to be like you. Sweet, cute and fun to be with."

"Thanks. Am I really that?" you asked surprised.

"Sure you are." He said without hesitation.

At the moment you sat next to each other, but soon, you turned around and sat on your bare knees in front of him, between his legs. He leaned forward and touched his lips to yours but never really kissed you. Then, he said:

"You know. . .I really. . .want to. . .kiss you now. But. . .even if it would be all right with you. . .I couldn't. . .I mean. . ."

"Schhh. It's OK. I feel the same way." you said to him.

You stood up and started to walk through the trees to his car. On the way, he did something you'd never, ever had expected him to do. He turned you around so that you leaned against a tree and kissed you, and it was not a soft, gentle kiss, this was a real kiss.

"I'm sorry if you didn't like it, but I just felt I had to do it." he said afterwards, smiled, and looked bashfully away.

You didn't say anything because you were still in shock but as soon as you had recovered, you put your arms around his neck and started to kiss him and he wasn't late to kiss you back. Suddenly, you pushed him away from you, although you didn't want to, took his hand and started to walk with him towards his car. When he had opened the door for you he leaned over to get something, and you took his face in your hands and kissed him once again. What an incredible feeling. Before he got out again, he kissed your cheek. Then, he got in the driving seat and drove you to his home in Hidden Hills.

As you got there, he showed you into a big beautiful villa, it was magnificent and impressive. Something told you that this guy was rich. You found out that he still lived there with his father and brothers.

"Welcome to my home." he said and looked at you as if to find out if it was good enough for you.

"Thanks. This is quite some place you've got. Where are all the others?" you asked him.

"I don't know. TARYLL?! T.J.?! POP?!" he cried.

"I guess there's no-one at home." he said after hearing that no-one answered.

Suddenly Taryll and Michelle came to you.

"Hey, why didn't you answer us?" Taj asked them.

"I don't know." Taryll said.

"Would you like something to eat or drink?" Taj asked you politely.

"Thanks, but no thanks." you answered him.

Taryll and Michelle went into Taryll's room and Taj showed you into a room with a ton of music equipment. On the wall a picture of Michael Jackson hung and you asked him:

"Michael, is he your idol?"

"Well, I guess there is something you should know about me." he said as if he was preparing to confess something really terrible.

"What's that Taj? Are you wanted by the police or something?" you asked him worried but still with a bit of humor in it.

"No, no! It's nothing like that, it's just that, well, my last name is Jackson, which means that Michael Jackson is my uncle and my dad is Tito."

"OK, was that all?" you said not the least bit surprised, shocked or anything.

"No, I've gotta tell you that Taryll, T.J. and I are in a group, I don't know if you've heard about us, 3T."

"3T? I think I've heard some of your music, you sing "Anything" and "Why", don't you?" you asked him.

"Yeah, does it bother you that I'm famous?" he asked you and you could tell from the look upon his face that he really, really wanted to hear a no.

"No, of course it doesn't." you said to him, and you really meant it.

"It doesn't even bother you that I have MILLIONS of female fans all over the world and they all ADORE me." he asked in kind of a joking voice.

"No, it doesn't. At least, I don't think so." you told him smiling.

From the look upon his face you could tell that he was really relieved as if a ton of pressure was off him. Then, you happened to see a picture hanging in the hallway with a lot of people on it. He told you that it was a picture of him, his family and all his relatives on Tito's side which was taken in 1989 and he told you who every single one of them were:

"This is Joseph and Katherine Jackson, my grandparents. My aunts and uncles: auntie Rebbie with her husband, uncle Jackie with his wife Enid, my parents Tito and Dee Dee, uncle Jermaine with his wife Hazel, auntie LaToya with her husband Jack, uncle Marlon, uncle Michael, uncle Randy and auntie Janet. And also all of my cousins: Stacee, Yashi and Austin Brown they are auntie Rebbie's kids. Siggy and Brandy Jackson are uncle Jackie's kids. Uncle Jermaine's kids are: Jermaine Jr., Autumn, Jaimy, Jeremy and Jourdyn Jackson. Valencia, Brittany and Marlon Jr. Jackson are uncle Marlon's kids. And of course Taryll, T.J. and I."

"Wow, that's a pretty big family you've got." you said impressed after him telling you all of those names.

"Yeah, but things aren't the way they used to be. Uncle Jackie and Enid are divorced, uncle Jermaine and Hazel are divorced, auntie LaToya and Jack are divorced and so are my parents. Uncle Michael is married to Debbie now, after the divorce from Lisa-Marie Presley, and has a son called Prince, this April he's gonna be a father again to a daughter that is going to be called Paris. Auntie Janet's got a boyfriend called René Elizondo Jr. after the divorce from her ex-husband, and my dad has a knew fiancée." he told you.

"OK, so, when am I going to meet your parents?" you asked him.

"Well, my dad will be home in a couple of hours and I guess he'd like to meet you too. I told him about you last night."

"What about your mom? I'd really like to meet her." you told him.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but she passed away almost three years ago." Taj said in a sad voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry." you said and felt really awkward about asking him that question. Taj looked as though he really needed a hug right now so, you walked up to him and put your arms around him. He put his arms around you too and rested his head on your shoulder. It seemed as though he really appreciated you just being there and holding him. . .Michelle came out from Taryll's room and said that you'd better be on your way because it was already 8 p.m. So, Taryll and Taj drove you back to your hotel where you kissed Taj goodnight and he gave you his phone number so that you could call him the next day. Michelle and you went into your hotel, she came into your room and you talked for awhile before she went back into her room.

The next day, July 1st, you called Taj as soon as you woke up at about 11 a.m. and he answered in a very tired voice, apparently you had waken him up but he said he didn't mind. You suggested that you'd go down to the beach today but he didn't want that, instead, he said that he had something special planned for the both of you. Curiously you asked him what, but he said that it was a secret and that he was going to pick you up in about an hour and a half outside your hotel. After hanging up, you went directly into Michelle's room to find her there with Taryll and you found out that they had spent the night together, then you told them that Taj would pick you up in an hour and a half so you weren't gonna spend the day with them.

When Taj pulled over by the hotel and you had gotten inside the car, you asked:

"What is it really that you have planned for us?"

"Well, I was thinking if we could maybe play miniature golf?" he answered you.

"Yeah sure! I'd love that!"

"OK, let's go!"

Suddenly you realized that a tight and short dress wasn't really what you were supposed to wear, playing miniature golf and you said to him:

"Wait! Can I just go up and change clothes?"

"Do you have to? You look so beautiful in that dress." he told you.

"Thanks, but I'd rather change so it's easier for me to beat you." you told him sounding very confident about it.

"OK, but that's just because I know I'm better than you, but I'll give you a chance." he said smiling before you kissed his cheek and went up to change.

When you got back you had changed into a pair of jeans-shorts and a white T-shirt. As you got to the car you noticed that Taj was sitting and dreaming, he had a really goofy smile on his face as if he was thinking about something really nice. You opened the door and said:

"Hi! What were you thinking about?"

"Oh, nothing. . .just how it would be to kiss you right now." he answered you.

"Well, stop thinking and find out for yourself!" you told him hoping that he would kiss you, but he didn't, instead he started the car and began to drive.

"What's the matter Taj? Why won't you kiss me? Don't you want to? Is there something wrong with me?" you asked him worried.

"No, no! It's not you." he said.

"Then what is it?" you asked him.

"It's just, I can't tell you, it's too personal." he said bashfully.

"Taj, it's OK. You can tell me, trust me. I promise I won't laugh or get hurt or whatever, just tell me what's on your mind." you said to him and you were really worried.

"Well. . ." he said as he pulled the car over by the road ". . .it's not that I don't want to kiss you, don't think that. . .It's just that, my dad, he taught me never to kiss a girl before being her boyfriend. . .and yesterday in the park, I just couldn't help myself. I don't regret it, though, but a little voice inside me tells me that it was wrong and I kind of feel a bit guilty." he said as if he was regretting something.

"No, Taj. You shouldn't feel that way. If your dad taught you that, it's really nice, but I definitely don't mind. I really liked kissing you and I would love to do it again. Just don't feel guilty. You don't have to wait until I'm your girl, it's really OK with me. We both wanted to kiss, right?" you told him hoping that he would change his mind.

"Well, yeah, but, are you sure?" he asked doubtful.

"Sure I'm sure! Why else would I say it?" you told him.

"Well, it's really sweet of you, but, I just can't." he said to you.

"Oh, you can't? But I can." you said before leaning over and kissing him for real, with the tongue. You pulled slowly away from him and asked:

"Are you sure you still can't kiss me?"

"That was wonderful." he told you.

You kissed him again and then he said:

"You know, I think I've changed my mind about kissing you."

"Are you sure that you're all right now?" you asked him.

"No, not really. . .but give me another kiss and I'm sure I'll feel much better." he answered you smiling.

"You silly boy." you said before kissing him.

"So, should we be on our way?" you asked him because it was soon going to be too late and if you were going to play miniature golf today you had to go now.

"Yeah, let's go." he said as he began to drive.

When you got there Taj went around the car to open the door for you and you walked towards the miniature golf court only to find that it was closed today. So, you went and grabbed yourselves an ice-cream each instead. Taj had chocolate and you had strawberry. You sat down and you let him taste yours before you tasted his. Then, with your ice-cream covered mouth, you kissed him right on his lips, which he seemed to like because he kissed you back right away. You both just sat there until you finished your ice-creams and it seemed as though you ate more from Taj's ice-cream than from your own and vice versa.

When you had got to the car and he drove you back to the hotel he was just about to kiss you goodnight as you told him to come up with you to your hotel-room.

"No, I can't do that!" he said sounding both shocked and embarrassed.

"Why not?" you asked him.

"Well, I just can't come up with you to your hotel-room." he said as if he was trying to give you a hint or something.

"OH!. . .Did you just think some nasty thoughts or something because if you did, that's not what I had planned. I just want to sit and talk to you. We've never really talked." you told him and he agreed to come up with you.

When you had sat down and talked for awhile you noticed it was getting late and you told Taj you would just go and change to your pajamas, which was a pair of pink silk pants and a silk shirt in the same color. You noticed that it was a thunder outside and you said to Taj:

"Do you want to stay here tonight? I don't want you driving in this weather."

He agreed to stay with you and took his pants off. Then, you laid down in the bed waiting for Taj to lay down beside you, but he didn't. Instead, he walked towards the couch. Surprised, you said:

"What are you doing? Come on over here."

"No, I've gotta go to sleep." he said.

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Come over here and sleep beside me."

"No! We can't sleep in the same bed."

"Why not? Oh?! You were thinking those nasty thoughts again, weren't you? Hey, just because we sleep beside each other in the same bed doesn't mean we have to get intimate. I mean, what's the worst thing that could happen, we might touch each other by accident and that wouldn't be the end of the world, would it?" you said to him.

"No, I'll take the couch." he insisted.

"Taj, you don't have to. I mean, you don't have to be such a gentleman. I really want you to lay down here beside me." you told him.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Sure." you said to him.

Finally, he walked towards the bed and laid down beside you. You talked for awhile before you rested your head on Taj's chest. It was so soft and feeling his chest to your head was so nice, he started to fiddle with your hair and before you knew it you were asleep in Taj's warm embrace.

When you woke up the next day, July 2nd, you were still lying in Taj's warm embrace. Today it was time for Michelle and you to go back home and Taj and Taryll gave you a ride to the airport. They both waited for you to get on the plane and when you had to say bye, both Michelle and you cried because you didn't want to leave them, even Taryll cried and you could see tears beginning to form in Taj's eyes. You hugged Taj and happened to turn your head around to find that Taryll and Michelle were up to some heavy kissing, so, you kissed Taj and he wasn't late to kiss you back. Then, you had to leave them there but Taj promised to e-mail you and apparently Taryll promised Michelle the same thing.

"Good bye. I hope to see you soon and I'll never forget you." Taj said to you as you walked away from him with your eyes filled with tears.

Part Two

Malmoe, Sweden

It was a hot and sunny day in the beginning of August. You had decided to bike the long way down to the beach. You packed your bag and you were on your way. Because of the slow speed you were keeping it felt as if the world rushed by, but you didn't mind. You enjoyed being in your own little world sometimes.

As you got down to the beach, you parked your bike. The first thought you had was to lay down and read right by the water but you soon changed your mind as you saw a couple of guys playing basketball, all except one without shirts on. When you had laid yourself down on your back and watched the guys play for a little while, you turned around, grabbed your book, "Awakening the giant within", and started reading. . .After reading for awhile you felt something hard hit you on the side and then, this really fine guy (the one with a T-shirt on) came up to you and apologized for the basketball hitting you.

"It's OK", you answered him with a smile.

"Taj, get your butt over here!" someone of the guys cried out.

"Taj, is that you?" you asked him surprised. He answered smiling with a question:

"(Your name) is that YOU? I can't believe I didn't recognize you!"

You hugged him and as you pulled him closer to you, you could feel his warm body close to yours. Then, he went back to his friends to play some basketball, they waited for him very impatiently and you stopped reading and started watching Taj play basketball instead. He was really good and he seemed to have so much fun. . .After the game you watched Taj chat with his friends, saying bye to them and starting to walk towards you. You started packing your stuff together because you didn't want it to seem as if you were waiting for him and soon enough you heard a beautiful voice behind you saying:

"I'm really sorry of what happened before." To you, those six words sounded like music played by angels and with a smile you excepted the apology. He said:

"I haven't seen you in such a long time. This is really great! By the way, what are you doing here?"

"I live here. I thought you already knew that." you told him. "Is this your first time in Sweden?"

"No, actually it's my fourth time here, this time I and my brothers are just on vacation here. It's my first time in Malmoe, though. The other times we've only been in Stockholm." he answered you.

"I didn't know, how come you haven't contacted me?" you asked him, waiting for an explanation.

"I didn't know you lived here!"

"Oh. Well, how do you like it so far?" you asked him curiously.

"I love it! There is only one thing missing. I have no idea of what is in the city, what Malmoe has to offer. That's why I came down to the beach to play basketball and to kill some time." he answered you.

"Well, I can probably fix that. What do you say, tomorrow, just you and I go around town and I'll show you every thing there is to see here."

This was an offer he gladly accepted. You set the time and place and then, he walked you to your bike and waved as you biked away from him.

You woke up at about 8 a.m. the next morning feeling really strange. It was a pleasant feeling, though, like being really happy and kind of nervous at the same time. . When you first got down to the beach, where you were supposed to meet Taj, you didn't see him, but soon enough you noticed a guy with dark hair sitting at the end of the bridge. You went out there and sat down next to him.

"Hi! Ready to go?" you asked him in a sweet voice.

"Hi! Sure!" he answered you in the most beautiful voice you've ever heard. It wasn't like anybody else's.

As you stood up you felt something cold on your back, it was Taj who splashed some water on you and now, you just had to get your revenge, even if it meant pushing him into the water after a little water fight. . .

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get you all soaking wet." you apologized to him.

"It's OK, can we just go back to my hotel before we begin the sightseeing?" he asked politely.

"Sure" you answered him.

This gave you a chance to maybe get to come up with him to his hotel room. You both walked down to his car and drove to his hotel, The Savoy hotel. It was the finest in Malmoe. You followed him up to his hotel room and he offered you to borrow a T-shirt from him because your white T-shirt was wet and you could see right through it, fortunately you wore your bra. . .

Finally, the tour could start, not that you minded spending time with Taj in his hotel room, you walked all the way from the hotel to "The triangle" and back again stopping at every cinema and going into all the stores just to look. You especially showed him your favorite stores where you usually bought your clothes. . When you finally, after four long, but fun, hours of walking, got back to the hotel you walked to his car, he opened your door and helped you in before he got in himself and started to drive. You told him where to drive and you showed him the theater, the concert hall and the museums. Finally, you ended up on a road with trees on both sides where you told him to pull over. You showed him the way into a park which was "hidden" behind the trees.

You walked together, holding hands, on narrow paths and small bridges that led across small creeks. When you got to a little stair of stone you both sat down close to each other and you picked up the bread you had been carrying with you all day because you knew you just had to take Taj to this place, which was your all-time favorite. You gave Taj half of the bread and you both started feeding all the hungry ducks in the park. You didn't talk much but it was still really cosy and perhaps even romantic as you watched the sun set by the horizon. When you leaned your head to Taj's chest he put his arm around you and you just sat there for what seemed like forever and a day. . .After awhile you just felt that something had to happen, so, you turned to face Taj and you looked into his big, beautiful brown eyes that you could gaze into forever, and he looked into yours.

"I don't ever want this to end" you said in a soft voice to him.

"It doesn't have to, not if you stay right here with me" he said and it was all so romantic.

Right then and there Taj started to sing to you, it was from his beautiful song called "Why":

"It's not like I can explain what's in my heart. . .It's just I feel a crazy pain when we're apart. . .I don't wanna breath. . .I don't wanna think. . .I don't wanna love. . .I don't wanna do anything. . .It's not like I can describe what's going on. . .It's just I feel I'm not alive when you're not home. . .I don't wanna sleep. . .I don't wanna be. . I just want you here beside me. . .Without you there's no me."

It wasn't until now you realized hat he had sung that song especially for you and tears were flowing down your cheeks and chin. Taj wiped away some and said:

"Please, don't cry, you're to cute."

"Thanks, but I can't help it, it was so beautiful" you sobbed still trying to smile.

That's when it happened, Taj said something:

"I was wondering. . .if it would be all right with me. . .sorry, with you. . .if I kind of. . .kissed you now?"

You nodded and his sweet, delicious, lovely, moist, luscious lips touched yours. It was this really soft kiss, not a "make-out" kind, but a really sweet kiss, kind of like if he was shy. It was so perfect. You leaned forward and rested your head to his chest and Taj wrapped his arms around you, pulled you closer and kissed you on your forehead. By this time you wanted to kiss him for real so you made your lips touch his and you both felt that you just had to kiss. He kissed you so passionately and intensively that you wished it would never end. . .The night was still young as you walked to his car and drove back to his hotel. He invited you up, and there you phoned your parents to tell them that you were OK. Luckily you spoke to your mother and told her that you'd be spending the night with Taj in his hotel room. She just wanted to know the address, the phone number and when you would be back the next day and it was OK with her. . .When you got off the phone Taj asked you if you wanted to play his wrestling game on his Playstation and you gladly answered him yes. . .

"Ha! I beat ya!" Taj said proud after winning three against two games.

"That's just because I let you win" you answered him

"Oh?! We'll see about that" he said and wrestled you down on the bed. . .After a while of tickling, pinching, screaming, laughing and wrestling it ended with you sitting on top of Taj. Your hair was ruffled and Taj's silver silk-shirt had opened up. You touched his chest before bending down and kissing him. You then rolled over so that you laid half beside him and half on top of him, your legs wrapped together and your mouths exploring each other, wildly. You started to unbutton his shirt when he suddenly pushed you away and said:

"Wait. This is going a bit too fast. Let's just slow things down."

"Oh, I'm sorry Taj. I guess I just got caught up in the moment." you said to him feeling a bit guilty. Usually you didn't move this fast but Taj made you feel different and more wild.

"It's OK, but let's just stick to kissing for awhile. OK?" he said.

"OK." you told him before kissing him again, but nothing else.

You kissed for awhile more before you fell asleep in Taj's warm embrace resting your head on his chest.

When you woke up the next morning you were still lying in Taj's warm embrace and you heard the birds singing outside. Taj was still asleep and when you looked at him, he looked so innocent and peaceful, just like a child. When he woke up, you kissed his chin and said:

"Good morning, Sleepy."

"Good morning, baby" he answered you before yawning loud.

You got up, got dressed and went to the store to get him some sour milk so that he could try it. You just loved letting people from other countries try typical Swedish food and this was one of the times. It was Taj's turn. When you got back, he was still in bed, half asleep, and you poured him some sour milk in a bowl and in another one for you. Then, you put some sugar and corn flakes in it and got up in the bed where you gave it to him.

"What's this?" he asked suspiciously while taking some sour milk up on the spoon and pouring it back into the bowl.

"It's breakfast, sour milk, come on, try it. It's really good."

He tried it and tasted it carefully, after a few spoons he said:

"I think I can learn to like this."

After breakfast you asked Taj if he could drive you home so that you could take a shower and change clothes.

"Sure, just show me the way" his positive answer was.

When you were just about to take his empty bowl, and your own, to the kitchen, he said:

"(Your name), can we talk?"

"Sure. What's wrong?" you answered him as you sat down between his legs with his arms wrapped around you.

"About last night, I just felt things were moving a bit too fast for me. I'm used to taking things slow."

"I know how you feel Taj. I'm not used to this either but you just make me feel different. There's just something about you that makes me go all crazy."

"Really?" he asked a bit surprised.

"Yes." you answered him shyly.

"Yeah. I am a good kisser, ain't I?" he said sounding very confident.

"Of course, you're the best."

"I knew that. Now, I can tell Taryll and T.J. a thing or two. They always tease me because I started out a lot later than they did, but now I got proof." he said.

"Silly boy." you said laughing before kissing him.

He took your hand and lead you to a chair where he kneeled down in front of you and said:

"I know this might be soon but I'll take a chance. . .(your name), although we haven't known each other for long, I feel that what we have is so special and I would like to. . .I mean. . .I never felt this way about anyone before and I want things to be a bit more serious. (Your name), will you be my girl?"

You felt a big lump in your throat and tears were beginning to form in your eyes as Taj nervously waited for and answer.

"Taj, I don't know what to say. . . . . .I'd love to be your girl" you said and an amazing smile lit up his whole face and he looked so relieved.

He searched in his pockets and found a little box which he told you to open. You opened it and inside the box you found a silver bracelet, it was beautiful. He put it around your wrist and kissed your hand.

"Thanks Taj. It's beautiful, I love it." you said to him before standing up close to him and kissing him, it was so beautiful and everything felt so perfect.

After he drove you home, he came up with you to your apartment and luckily there was no-one else at home. Your parents were working and your older brother was out with his friends. You showed Taj into your room and when he sat down on the bed, he told you to come and sit in his lap. He started kissing you and in a pause he said:

"I don't ever want to let you go."

"All you seem to be doing is kissing me" you protested with a little bit of humor in it.

"How can I not. . .I mean. . .any man with a girl like you would want to touch you all the time. I want to kiss you and hold your body close to mine" his answer was.

"Well, I can't disagree with you on that one" you said just before starting to tickle him until he didn't even know his own name.

"AAAHHH!!!. . .Please!!!. . .Stop it!!!. . .Baby!!!. . .!!!" he cried and laughed at the same time.

"I'll give him a chance" you thought to yourself and stopped tickling him for a second or maybe two.

He recovered quicker than you thought he would and soon he sat on top off you tickling you. As you tried to escape from his strong grip, you screamed. When he finally let you go, you remembered that your parents would soon come home and you knew that you dad would get really mad if he caught you with a boy in his own house. So, you told Taj he had to leave and told him to meet you outside his hotel at six p.m. the day after so that you both could go to "The Malmoe-festival" together.

"It sounds like a lot of fun. Can I bring my brothers Taryll and T.J.?" he asked and instead of answering you kissed him.

"I'll take that as a yes-see you tomorrow-goodnight-sweet dreams - kiss." he said before walking away.

At exactly six p.m. you walked into the lobby only to find it empty. You decided to go up to Taj's room to surprise him. You knocked on the door and when he opened he had just taken a shower and wore absolutely nothing except for a very small towel wrapped around his waist.

"Oh, aren't you dressed yet? We were supposed to meet down in the lobby now." you said sounding slightly irritated. You didn't even notice that he only wore a small towel, or at least, you didn't care even if he was drop dead sexy.

"What's with the attitude? Come on over here and give me a kiss instead." he said to you and you walked over to him.

He placed his hands on your hips and kissed you passionately. You had your arms around him feeling his worm body close to yours. You moved your hands to his chest and started touching him gently, letting your fingers run from his shoulders all the way down to his towel. He took your hands in his and moved them a bit higher up. You made your arms wrap themselves around his neck, touching the back of his head and fiddling with one of his braids. Still kissing you, he took your hands and moved them back to his chest where you touched him softly, he now had his arms wrapped around your waist and it felt so good. Then, you pushed him away from you and said:

"Now, that's enough. You have got to get dressed or else Taryll and T.J. will wonder where we are."

"Don't worry. I told them to meet us at seven instead because I knew we would start kissing and I'd have a very hard time to stop."

"Taj, it's 6.50 p.m."

"Oh?! I did get caught up kissing you. Maybe I should get dressed."

"Maybe you should."

You gave him a fast kiss on his lips before he went in the bathroom and changed.

When he finally was dressed and ready to go, it was already 7.20 p.m. and you both went down to the lobby where his brothers were waiting. You apologized to them but they said it was all right. They were used to it, he was always late.

I was the last day of the festival and Taj, Taryll, T.J. and you walked everywhere the festival was and ate everything that looked good, which was almost everything in sight. When all of you sat on a bench eating, Taj said he had to go and fix something and that you all would meet up at the hotel in about half an hour. While he was away, you just had to go in the Jewelry shop where you picked up the ring you had: "I love you, Taj. Your girl." engraved. It was a large silvery ring for his thumb with some kind of pattern on it. Taryll and T.J. walked with you back to the hotel and followed you to Taj's room where T.J. knocked on the door and cried:

"Yo, bro! There's this really beautiful girl here to see ya'! But if ya' don't have no time, I'll take her for ya'!"

You just laughed as he walked away, then, you opened the door and found a blindfold. A note beside it said: "Put me on and say I'm ready". That's what you did. Suddenly, you felt a big warm hand in your own that lead you around, without talking, for what seemed like forever. You heard a door open and you were lead into a room. The person leading you took you into a smaller room where you finally got to take the blindfold off. Then, he wished you a good night and walked away.

In the room, a really nice dress hung and you had been informed to change into it, especially for Taj who had picked the dress himself and bought it for you. It looked really expensive like almost seven-thousand crowns. The top, down to your breasts was covered with beige pearls and below, down to your ankles it was beige silk. The dress was pretty tight and the shoes were of the same color. You recognized it from somewhere, it was the dress you had tried on in Beverly Hills about a month ago. Taryll came in and helped you with your make-up and your hair, he was really good. As soon as you were finished you looked in the mirror to find that you looked like a real princess, then, you walked out into the big room.

The first thing you noticed was a table in the middle of the room with a candelabra on it. You went a few steps as another door opened, it was Taj, he was wearing a tuxedo and he also had a red rose which he gave you when he walked up to you and kissed your cheek. He then led you to the table and pulled out your chair. When he sat down he clapped twice and soft, romantic music started to play. Taryll and T.J. came into the room, they also dressed up, and served you champagne and a delicious dinner. After they had left, you said:

"You look so fine tonight, Taj."

He blushed and said:

"Thanks, you look like. . .I can't describe it. . .you are just so beautiful that I don't believe there is a single word in the whole wide world that could describe your looks. You look like a real angel, love."

"Why did you buy this dress for me? I told you that it was way too expensive." you asked him before he answered you:

"Nothing is too expensive for you (your name)."

By this time you felt really overwhelmed. The rest of the dinner was mostly quiet except for maybe phrases like: "You look so beautiful tonight", "You are so gorgeous" or "You do know that I love you, don't you?". After dinner and a delicious desert Taj picked up an acoustic guitar and started to play it for you as he sang Damage's song "Wonderful tonight":

"And I said darling, you look wonderful tonight."

It was definitely wonderful and you started crying, Taj stopped playing and wiped away your tears.

"No, don't stop Taj. It was so beautiful." you told him.

He picked the guitar up again and played it while singing his own song "Anything":

"I would do anything for you. . .I would do anything for you. . .I would do anything girl. . .Anything for you. . ." It was so beautiful and when it was over, you said to Taj:

"Taj, you don't have to do anything, you already have me."

He kissed you right on your lips before you asked him:

"Taj, how could you do all this for me?. . .I mean. . .WHY?. . .I haven't deserved nothing like this?"

"Well, baby, I just felt like it, that's all. . .and of course you deserve this, if you don't, who does?. . .I wanted to do something special for you so I rented this suite, ordered dinner, bought you a dress and me a tuxedo because. . .I love you. . ."

"I love you too, Taj." you said to him before hugging him and holding his body close to yours.

You felt tears beginning to form in your eyes and just as the first one left your eye and started to run down your cheek, Taj wiped it away before, kind of nervously sounding a bit insecure, asking you without trying to hurt you:

"Why are you always crying?"

Your answer was:

"Because you do so much nice things for me. I mean, I just became your girl and we just met a month ago but already you have given me a bracelet, you sung songs for me, we have so much fun together, you make me feel so good, you tell me that I am beautiful and now, all of this. You just make me feel so special. . . All I can say is that I love you and I want you to have this."

You picked up the ring and gave it to him with the words:

"As a symbol of my love for you now and forever. I love you."

You could see tears beginning to form in Taj's eyes as he put the ring on and thanked you. You pulled him close to you and hugged him very gently. You got off your chairs and sat down on the couch instead where you started kissing. You made Taj lie down on the couch and you laid down beside him where you both kissed for quite some time. It was wonderful, not to mention that Taj was a very good kisser. You stopped kissing and sat up beside each other on the couch. Taj had his arm around you and you rested your head on his shoulder. After sitting there for awhile, you both decided that it was time to go to bed and get some sleep so, after changing into your PJ's and Taj changing into a T-shirt, you sat down beside each other in the bed. It was as if you were in heaven, sitting on clouds embraced by angels. You sort of were because Taj, your very own angel, embraced you. Suddenly he moved away, he took a small package which he handed you with the words:

"For you my angel."

"What? A gift too? You shouldn't have, you've already given me more than enough." you said while opening it.

Inside was a necklace with a heart as a charm. Taj's name was engraved and he put it around your neck and said that he gave you his heart and he showed you another necklace, which looked the same as yours, but with your name engraved and he asked if he could have your heart. Without saying anything you put it around his neck and kissed him softly on his lips, then you said to him:

"Thank you, Taj. I love you."

"Wait, that's not all" you heard him say.

He took the two hearts really close to each other and suddenly they were stuck together with the help of magnets.

"You see, as long as we wear these, my heart will belong to you and yours to me. Our hearts will work good separately but when we put them together they will work even better."

You started to cry but soon enough Taj was there, this time he kissed all of your tears away and then, you both laid down. Drifting to sleep and with Taj embracing you, you told him:

"Thank you, Taj. I will never, ever forget this night."

Part Three

Copenhagen, Denmark

"I'm coming to Copenhagen within a week. Shall we meet there or should I come to see you?" you read from the screen on your computer. It was an e-mail from Taj, you had been E-mailing each other since August 16th when he had left Malmoe which was about two months ago and this message made your heart beat faster and your body get wormer.

"He actually wanted to see me again. Well, maybe he should want to, after all, he is my boyfriend" you thought to yourself before writing him a message saying that he should call as soon as he got there and then, you would take the first ferry over to Copenhagen.

You turned off the computer and went in to your room. There, you took a box out of a drawer which contained poems and love-letters for you sent by Taj. As you read them you realized that when he wrote them he wasn't in a hurry and that he had taken time to think of the perfect things to say to you, because perfect was just what it was. Every word and every sentence he had written with all off his heart and every bit of his soul. Of course you had written poems and love-letters for him too but now you realized that they weren't even half as good as the ones he sent you.

As the ferry got in to the harbor, you went upon deck and looked out over Dragoer. Right there, you saw a man waving to someone on the ferry and as you got closer you noticed that it was Taj and he was waving to you. You started waving back and it seemed as if it took forever before you could get off the ferry and run smiling towards Taj where you were welcomed with a big hug before you said:

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." he said and hugged you again, holding your body even tighter and pulling you closer to him.

He pulled away from you, opened the car-door and motioned for you to get in. When you both got in he asked:

"Should we stop by my hotel so that you can drop your stuff off first?"

"Yeah." you said to him. "Wait a minute, what do you mean by stopping by first?"

"Well, this time my brothers and I aren't on vacation, we have to work. We're doing a promotional tour in Europe and in two hours I have to get down to a radio-station and do an interview there before heading off to some café where we are going to sing a couple of songs and sign autographs. But, you're welcome to come along." he told you and you said:

"Come along? I thought our relationship should be a secret. I thought you didn't want it to be in all the newspapers and magazines. Won't all the fans be disappointed?"

"Don't worry. Before, I didn't know if this would last but now I know that I love you and I want the whole wide world to know. . .You know. . .it can be pretty frustrating when the media is talking about your personal life like if it wasn't worth anything and it can hurt a lot. I didn't want to go through with that before because, if it would end, they would write about that too and it would just be too painful. Now, all I want to know is: are you ready for this? I mean, you might be mobbed by fans who are extremely jealous and the press will definitely want interviews. You might be more wanted than I am and you know what my life is like. Just don't worry about the fans, since when did they become more important to me than you are?" he told you as if he was preparing you for the greatest experience in your life and you answered him:

"As long as you are by my side I can do anything."

You finally arrived at his hotel, it was the SAS hotel, very nice indeed. Taj lived on the top floor and he showed you into a beautiful room.

"Care for somethin' to drink?" he asked you.

"No, thanks." you answered him as you admired the room. . .

. . ."Well, we better get going now if I'm gonna be in time for that interview." he said while walking towards the door.

"Yeah, I guess so." you said and walked out to the corridor to where Taj had held the door for you.

You got out of the hotel and while you both were walking across the parking lot, you found yourself thinking about Taryll and T.J. and you asked Taj:

"Uhm, Taj? Aren't your brothers coming along?"

"Well, actually, they're gonna go and do some interviews too, but for a magazine. So, we'll meet up at the café later." his answer was.

When you arrived at the radio-station you had expected there to be a lot of screaming fans but the place was empty so you could both just walk right in. There were only two minutes left before the show should start when you got there so Taj walked right in to the interviewer and you waited in a room outside where you could hear the program.

I: "Hello, hello and good evening everyone. Today we have a very special guest here. Who is it? Well, he has dark skin, braids and he always seem to wear PJ's. Now, who else could it be but Taj Jackson from 3T? Welcome Taj!"

Taj: "Hi, and thanks."

I: "I know your album is soon to be released. How far have you come? Is it finished soon?"

Taj: "Well, it's the end of October now and we plan to release it here in Denmark in the middle of March. Yes, it is almost finished, I think that we have two or three songs left to record and that won't be a problem, will it?"

I: "No, of course not. What will it be like? Will it be like the last one, "Brotherhood", or totally different?"

Taj: "I guess I could tell you that there will be some smooth ballads but also a couple of funkier tracks."

I: "Can you give us the names of the songs?"

Taj: "Well, I can tell you three. They will be called "Hey Luv", "I'm So Alone" and "You Turned Your Back On Me" and the album will be called "Déjà vu"."

I: "OK, that was one of the most important questions. Another one the fans can't wait to hear is: have you found yourself a girl yet?"

Taj: "I sure have and I love her with all of my heart."

I: "That was really nice, can you tell us something about her?"

Taj: "Sure! She is (your nationality) and she actually lives right here across Oresund. Her name is (your name) and she is (your age)."

I: "Did you say (your age)? Isn't that a little young?"

Taj: "No, no! The age is not important. What is important is that I love her and that she loves me."

I: "I guess you're right. What does she look like?"

Taj: "What can I say but she's the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world. No one can ever compare to her. She has (your hair-length and hair-color) hair, (your eye-color) eyes, (your skin-color) skin, she is about (your height) and she has the most amazing smile."

I: "Wow, sounds to me like you're really in love."

Taj: "You bet!"

I: "Well, I guess the interview is over now. Thanks for stopping by and I wish you and your girl all the luck."

Taj: "Thanks, it was my pleasure."

I: "One last question: what are you going to do now when this interview is over?"

Taj: "Well, I guess (your name) and I are going down to a café where my brothers and I are going to sing a couple of songs and sign autographs."

I: "Oh, is she here?

Taj: "Yes, right there." (pointing at you)

I: "Wow, she does look good. Hope you'll be back soon."

Taj: "I hope so too!"

The interview was over and Taj came out to you. You had heard the interview and as soon as Taj came to you, you put your arms around his neck and asked:

"Did you really mean all of what you said in there?"

His answer was:

"No, not everything. . ."

You got a sad expression across your face before he said:

". . .about the songs, I'm not sure of the titles."

"I meant what you said about me, Stupid." you said before slapping him on his tummy and starting to walk.

He ran after you smiled and ruffled your hair. When you got to the car he opened the door to you and after getting in you were of to the café.

When you finally got there after a long drive you were shocked. You had never seen so many girls in one place at the same time, to you it seemed as though every teenage girl in Denmark was there but Taj seemed cool about it. He was used to it by now. Fortunately four lifeguards came and guided both of you through the crowd. When you got in to the café you discovered that it was crowded inside too but the fans in here were calm and waited patiently for 3T to perform. Taj showed you to a chair in the back, the only one available before he went up on the stage to his awaiting brothers and started to sing. They sang "Anything", "24/7", "With You", "Sexual Attention", "Give Me All Your Lovin", "Tease Me" and "Words Without Meaning". All of the time Taj was singing, he seemed to look at you and you thought he sang to you. Then, Taryll announced that they would sing yet another song called "Waiting For Love" and that they were going to get a girl each out of the audience. They walked around looking as if they had to make the tuffest decision ever. T.J. picked up a girl, she was tall, thin and blond. Taryll went outside and picked up a girl with brown hair, she was kind of short and seemed to have a few extra pounds. Then, it was Taj's turn. You guessed that he was trying to tease them all because he walked around for a very long time but suddenly he said:

"(Your name), can you come up here?"

You walked kind of shocked up on the stage because you were absolutely sure that he would take someone else, to make the fans happy but when you came up on the stage, he said:

"Everyone, I want you to know that this is (your name), my girlfriend and therefore I'm gonna sing this song especially for her."

As they started to sing: "turn off the lights and close the door", the light dimmed and they all danced with each girl. When they sang "let's stop wasting time come here out on the floor" you were in the middle of the stage and you laid down on the floor. Taj took a pause singing and bend down over you and kissed you gently on your lips before getting up and continue singing.

After the performance they announced that they would be signing autographs outside and during that time you stayed back and let them take care of it.

"Excuse me, are you Taj's girlfriend?" you heard a voice behind you and as you turned around, there was a girl your age and you answered shyly:


"Are you from Sweden?" she asked you.

"Yes." you answered feeling kind of awkward because you weren't used to people you didn't know come up to talk to you.

"I'm Danish and I, kind of. . .have sort of a. . .crush. . .on Taryll." she said to you in Danish and you understood her because Danish and Swedish are very similar. In Swedish you asked her:

"And you want to talk to him?"

"Well. . .kind of, I mean, if it's possible." she nervously told you in Danish.

"Sure. Hold on. I'll see what I can do." you said to her in Swedish before stepping up to Taryll and asking him to come and talk to a fan, you whispered so that the other fans wouldn't get upset because she didn't have to stand in line. He agreed to go and talk to her and when she saw him coming towards her and when he gave her a hug her whole face lit up and it gave you the best feeling knowing that she just gained a memory which she would keep a lifetime.

At last, Taj didn't have to sign any more autographs and you drove back to his hotel. When you got up to his room, he said:

"You know, I booked a room especially for you for tonight, but my pops kind of showed up unexpected and by that time the hotel was full, so, I kinda let him have your room. But, if you don't have any special place to stay tonight you can spend the night here with me."

"I'd like that. I was so excited about seeing you that I forgot to fix someplace to spend the night." you answered him.

Then, he said politely:

"Well, you can take the bed and I'll take the couch."

"Why? I mean I am your girl now and I do believe that we are aloud to sleep beside each other. Aren't we? I mean, the worst thing that could happen is that I happen to touch you and that wouldn't be the end of the world, would it?" I said to him.

"OK, baby. Are you sure?" he said and he sounded as though he just didn't want to hurt you.

"Of course I'm sure. Now, I'm just gonna go and change into my PJ's" you told him and before you got in the bathroom he said:

"Yeah, I'll just change out here."

You changed into a pink silk pajama and Taj put on a T-shirt with Taz in the front. When you had changed and brushed your teeth you walked into the room. Taj had turned off all the lights except for a very small lamp by the bed and he laid there waiting for you. You got up and laid yourself gently down beside him. He pulled you closer so that your head rested on his arm and wrapped his arms around you while you were fiddling a bit with his fingers and nails. He pulled the quilt up so that it covered both of you and then whispered:

"You know, I really like this. I just love feeling your body close to mine. "

"I really like this too, Taj. You do know I love you, don't you?" you asked.

"Sure I do and I love you too." he said before he continued "Did you hear the interview on the radio today?"

"Yes, what about it?" you asked and tried to remember if there was something you had or should have reacted to.

"Well, when he asked about you and I told him your age he reacted immediately, as if I was way too old for you. Does the age difference between us bother you in any way?" he asked sounding rather concerned.

"No, it doesn't bother me, does it bother you?" you asked him back.

"No, I guess it doesn't, I mean, the most important thing here is that we love each other, isn't it? he told you.

"Of course it is, Taj." you told him before turning around and kissing him gently on his lips. Then, you removed his T-shirt which he didn't seem to mind and he kissed you oh, so soft. It was perfect. When you had removed his T-shirt, you kissed for awhile before you started drifting off to sleep with your head and hand resting on Taj's bare chest with his arms embracing you very gently.

The next morning when you woke up, you felt cold. The quilt was off you and Taj wasn't lying beside you so you asked:

"Taj, where are you?"

"I'm right here!" a voice from the bathroom said.

"What are you doing?" you asked him.

"************" you heard.

"What????!!!" you asked because you didn't understand anything.

"*** brushing ** teeth." you heard.

"Oh!. . .Come here when you're done." you told him. . .

. . ."What is it?" he asked when he was done.

"Nothing really, I just missed you." you said and motioned for him to come and lay down beside you in the bed.

When he had laid down, he said:

"Well, today I don't think I have anything special to do, maybe Taryll, T.J. and I had to go and do an interview at about 2 p.m. and we were supposed to eat dinner with a journalist. Do you want to come?"

"If it's OK." you asked doubtful.

"Sure! The journalist will definitely like it because she will be the first one to get an interview with you, if you could agree with an interview?" he said to you.

"Of course! I mean, I don't mind but I've never given an interview before, do you think I'll do all right? Is there something special I should think of? Something I shouldn't mention because she will probably try and ask me anything and everything now." you asked Taj.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't get into details like if she asks if we ever did it, which she probably will, you don't have to answer it if you don't want to." he answered.

"OK, what should we do today, like before we go and do that interview?" you asked Taj.

"Well, I really don't know. Why don't we just take a walk and talk, you know. Walk around in Copenhagen. It's not very often I get to do that and I love to see knew cities." he said.

"Sure Taj. Should we go now?" you asked him.

"Well, maybe we should get some breakfast first and get dressed." he told you and you both got up off the bed.

After you both had gotten dressed and had eaten your breakfast, you got out off the hotel and started walking. All the time, Taj had his arm around your waist, which felt really good and you had your arm around him too. Sometimes, between all the talking, you kissed and in a park, you sat down on a bench in front of a fountain and held hands. Even though it was cold, the fountain was on and the water almost reached you. You had put a thin jacket on and Taj could tell that you were really cold, so he took one of his arms out and wrapped that half of the jacket around you, he could do that because his jacket was really big. You huddled up and leaned against him, it was so cosy and he kissed your forehead. . .You looked at the watch and it was already 1.20 p.m. and you had to go back to the hotel now if you would be in time for that interview.

When you got back to the parking lot, Taryll, T.J. and Tito were already there waiting for you. It was the first time you met Tito and Taj introduced you:

"Pop, this is my girlfriend, (your name). (Your name), this is my pop, Tito."

"Hi, it's nice to finally meet you." you said to Tito.

"It's nice to meet you too. I've heard a lot about you and if I should believe my son, you seem to be a really nice girl." he said while shaking your hand, he had a very firm handshake.

"Thank you. Taj talked quite a bit about you and I must say that you've done a good job raising that boy." you said smiling.

"OK, let's go!" T.J. shouted from his car a couple of meters away.

You and Taj got in Taj's car and Taryll, T.J. and Tito in T.J.'s. The two cars drove after one another and you were first. . .When you finally got there, the interviewer was already there, inside the restaurant and she waved to you. Taj said:

"Oh, I really don't like the food in these kind of restaurants."

"No, neither do I but I guess we don't have much of a choice but to eat it." you said and he nodded.

When you all got in you shook hands with the interviewer and sat down by a table. You all ordered food and while waiting for the food, the interviewer started asking questions.

I: "So, I was thinking maybe we could talk a bit about your album. Can you tell us something about it?"

T.J.: "Well, we are soon finished."

Taryll: "The album will be called "Déjà vu", it was Taj's decision."

Taj: "Yeah, for once, they actually listened to me."

I: "Don't they usually do that even though you're the oldest?"

Taj: "No, never! We always have those little fights, nothing serious though, I guess we just spend too much time with each other. Like, at the moment, I'm kind of pissed off at. T.J. because he borrowed my PJ's about a week ago and he still hasn't returned them."

Taryll: "Yeah, what do you have to say for yourself T.J.? You borrowed a T-shirt from me at the same time and I haven't gotten that back either."

T.J.: "Don't worry, you'll get it back. . .eventually."

Then, it was your turn to be interviewed, she interviewed you in Danish/Swedish because it was easier for her while Taj, Taryll, T.J. and Tito sat a bit bored because they didn't understand a thing.

I: "So, you are Taj's girlfriend. What's it like?"

You: "Well, what can I say? He is just great and that he is famous just makes it better because he comes to Europe a lot more than he would've been if he wasn't."

I: "And you don't mind all the screaming fans who would do anything to get hold of him?"

You: "No, I know that he would never do anything like that and of course the fans deserves a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I mean, without them, he wouldn't be where he is now."

I: "That's a really great attitude you've got and I'm sure the fans will like you."

You: "Yeah, I hope so too."

I: "Tito, what do you think of your sons now that they have come this far and they are famous all over the world?"

Tito: "Well, what can I say? I love them and I'm very proud of them and I know that they work hard to achieve their success."

Finally the food arrived and you were all starving. Actually, both Taj and you thought that the food was really all right.

I: "There is a question a lot of fans ask me to ask you and it is: you are half afro-american but what about the other half? Where did your mother come from?"

Taj: "Well, actually she came from the Dominican Republic but she was born in New York."

I: "Taj, whom of your parents are you most alike?"

Taryll: "He does definitely look like Pop."

Taj: "Yeah, I guess I do but I am more like my mother, she was a very good listener and I am that too and I am great at keeping secrets, just like she was."

I: "T.J., at school, were you as popular as you are now?"

T.J.: "Sure! I can't believe you even doubt that? I mean, it's gotta have something to do with my charm."

Taj: "Oh, don't get such a big-head. You know that you and Taryll only became popular because I was there first."

I: "I can see that you all are finished with your food but I have one last question. What would you do if suddenly no one wanted to buy your music anymore and everything ended right now?"

Taryll: "Well, we wouldn't be sad or anything. Everything has an end and I guess we would think that it was fun while it lasted. As long as people could still listen to our music and enjoy it, we would be all right because that's the most important thing. I would still work with music, though. Try to continue writing music for other artists, I guess."

Taj: "No, I don't think I would continue with music as much as Taryll would, I think I would concentrate more on becoming a better producer."

T.J.: "I wouldn't do as much music as Taryll either. I guess I would take up my studying to become a business man."

Finally the interview was over and Taj drove you back to the hotel. You didn't really know what to do so Taj asked you:

"Should we play my wrestling game on my Playstation?"

"Oh, I don't know. You know how it ended that last time and I'm not really in the mood for that." you said to him.

"What?! Losing?!" he asked you.

"No?! What we did afterwards. Of course, I don't like losing either, why don't we play Mario Kart?"

"Sure!" he said and started the game.

It was so much fun because apparently Taj hadn't played this game in ages and you practiced a lot with your brother back home. So, for every race you won, he got more and more determined to win, fortunately he didn't succeed and he knew that he was going to have that one back over and over and over again. Afterwards he claimed that it wasn't fair because he hadn't practiced in months and that was the only reason you beat him.

"Yeah sure! Whatever!" you said to him.

"It's true! I used to be the undefeated champ at this game, just let me practice and get back into shape and I'll prove it to you!" he said and now he was almost upset because you beat him.

"Taj, Taj, calm down. It's just a game!" you said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. . .but I'm still gonna practice and show you that I am the true champ at this game." he said to you before you covered his mouth and when he had shut up, you pushed him down on the bed and kissed him. He definitely kissed you back and as you touched him, you felt his hands on your waist moving lower down to your hips and thigh and pulling your body closer to his, it was a great feeling. Then, he flipped you over so that he was on top of you, still kissing you. You caressed his. Then, he flipped you over again so that he laid below you and started unbuttoning your blouse and removing it. You took his T-shirt off and kissed his chest before stopping and lying down on the bed, you had to go to bed now even though it was only six p.m. because you had to get up at four a.m. the next day to say good bye to Taj at the airport, he had to go to Germany tomorrow and you couldn't come because it was school the day after.

"Good night, Taj. I love you." you said to him, you rested your head and hand on his chest and he said:

"Good night, (your name). I love you too."

When you woke up at four a.m., because you set the alarm clock, Taj laid beside you, still asleep. You didn't want to wake him up but you had to so that he wouldn't miss his flight.

"Good morning, baby." you said as you tried to wake him up gently and kissing him softly on his lips, chin, cheeks and forehead.

He took a deep breath and yawned loud. You had to drag him out of the bed because he absolutely didn't want to get up and when you finally did get him up, had made him breakfast and kissed him good morning a lot of times, he was still a bit cranky. But, after breakfast he began to awake and soon enough you drove to the airport with his brothers and father. Well there, you realized that you wouldn't see Taj for a very long time and it made you sad. As they were about to board the plane, you hugged Taryll, T.J. and Tito good-bye and they walked away to give you and Taj some time alone.

"Taj, I don't want you to go." you said with a lump in your throat.

"I don't want to go either, but I have to. You know that. What about Christmas, we can see each other then, can't we? If you want to, you can come to L.A. and spend Christmas there with me and my family." he told you trying to keep you happy but it was hopeless, you cried and cried and cried.

"Christmas? It's two months until Christmas!" you sobbed.

"I know, I know. Now, where's that happy face, I know it's hiding somewhere underneath all those tears, cheer up, I want to remember you with a smile on your face. " he said comforting and you tried your best to smile but it didn't work out very well. Taj held you tight, close to his body and you could smell the scent of his cologne, he smelled wonderful and you decided that you were going to remember that smell forever.

"Do you promise that we'll see each other this Christmas?" you asked him trying to stop crying.

"Of course, I wouldn't want to celebrate Christmas without you." he told you.

"I don't want to celebrate Christmas without you either. It wouldn't be the same." you said to him.

"Sorry to interrupt this, but we have got to go now, Taj." T.J. said from behind Taj's back.

Taj let you go but before walking away he gave you a last good-bye kiss, you never wanted to let him go and you held each other tight, tight. Taj let you go and walked away while saying:

"Good bye. See you soon. I love you. And remember, I'm not leaving, I'm always with you in your heart, just call me and I'll be there."

"I love you too! I'll miss you! I'll think of you all the time." you said and watched him walk towards his brothers and father knowing that you wouldn't see each other in a very long time. . .

Part Four...

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