Welcome to my site!

I'm not going to sit here and type up a whole story of my life.......that kind of info is NYOB, k? All you get is a brief summary.

Click on Bakura for more useless stuff about me.

Now I'll hook you up with a few great links........

First off,

This is just a chatroom I created for this site. Feel free to use it whenever. I never do, so I guess you're on your own there.

Okay, so you've been to the chatroom and nobody was there, surprise surprise........ Now you can visit some of my favorite sites on the WWW.

Well Folks, Time is money , and I don't have much of either, so that's all for now. Please come back again soon because you never know when I'll get ambitious and add something new!

You cannot destroy me. I will return for I am the darkness... *Yami Bakura*