What happened to Rol Model?

You and many others have asked the same question at least once...

3-3-2006 Rol Model treks to Seattle to plant the seed of Theodore Roosevelt.
12-17-2005 Rol Model will, in all likelihood, yet again reunite for a Solstice Sacrifice. The stone tablets have yet to be returned from the peak of Mt. Vesuvius, but the inflamed bush hints that the new year will be ushered in with the molten tongue of Beau Binek backed by a tsunami of solid stone... Be forewarned.
9-10-2005 Rol Model, after a successful summer, has played their last show of the season. Going out with the famous Rol Model speed and abandon, three shows were played in the last weekend of this year's tenure:
Saturday 9-10-2005 @ the Bandshell and also the Queen City Club [visuals available for the Bandshell appearance.]
Friday 9-9-2005 @ Bernie's Esquire Club
6-1-2005 Rol Model has reunited for yet another summer of domination in Southwest North Dakota. Members of this undeniable and formidable force are Beau Binek, Ross Myran, Dane Marcusen, Matthew Buettner, and Chente Ornelas...
