Take 5 has officially been over for quite awhile now. Because of this, Desi has rejoined the Crew. Melissa is gone, due to personal problems. We would like to thank everyone for their support of both us and Take 5 since 1999. We love you and we miss you all! Drop us a line sometime!
We will be updating the Fanfic site soon.
Still Luvin' Stevie is currently under renovations as is T.J. Christofore Heaven. We hope that you take the time to visit these sites when they have been revamped!
We would also appreciate it if you would continue to check out our fanfic site. We're hosting now, so if you have something to send us, PLEASE send it our way.
Still Luvin' Stevie
To Visit the old Take 5 Heaven!
~!* StOrIeS wIlL bE tOlD *!~
Our heartfelt congratulations also go to out to Josh, who will be married at the end of June, and to Desi who got engaged in December of 2002. The rest of the Crew wishes them nothing but the best!