
Ventolin-Anomie (hEARD)

Absolutely outstanding e.p. verging on hard rock and metal,with influences I can hear ranging from Soundgarden & Alice In Chains through to Rage Against The Machine and perhaps Fear Factory.A fairly brutal bass hangs in the air on most songs,with simple but effective riffing grabbing your ears and wrenching them to the speakers while simultaneously blowing you away.The band members are all aged 18,the sheer quality of the music certainly making you think about that & the vocals of Justin Roberts suiting the style of music incredibly well.Not surprisingly, the band have apparently already attracted the attentions of some big time record labels & it must only be a matter of time before they are signed.Opening track let down starts off with an awesome few drum beats before the guitar riffing cuts in & the vocals get underway.Second is 24th, which is a suprisingly gentle piece of music which comes on with a light guitar soundtrack for much of the track & and then lets you into the most wonderful piece of fuzz guitar.The title track is very cool to, easy to see why the band have made it a centre piece, though the closer pirethal is also impressive.The e.p. closes with a studio out-take, the music being reversed, including minor parts of the vocals recorded from talk in the studio obviously.Overall, this is one of the best debut releases from any band I've come across & I think they're about to climb the musical ladder in a very short space of time.

Terry Allen hEARD Online Magazine May 1998

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