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This page will document my transformation.

 September 2006

9/23/06: The journey begins. Today I started a cleansing programs that will last 9 days. I actually started on my journey the night before by determining my starting point. I recorded measurements and my weight for my benchmark.

9/25/06: The weekend. It was hard to resist all the yummy food that everyone else was eating this weekend, but I wanted to give 100%. Even though I was doing an intensive cleanse for Saturday and Sunday, I felt better than I have in years! I must admit, I did cheat, but not on food...I couldn't wait until tomorrow to weigh and measure. I lost 6 pounds and just under 6 inches! I participated in a conference call and shared my results. My coach told me that I would lose even more overnight. The greatest part is that I have more energy than I have had in years. I feel AWESOME.

9/26/06: First "official" weighing/measuring. I weighed myself first thing in the morning, as I couldn't wait anymore. Well, it's been 48 hours and I lost a total of 14 pounds and 11.5 inches!.

October 2006

10/2/06: Well, the results are in. I lost 20 pounds and 15.25 inches! Woohoo...I'm on my way.

10/08/06: I'm waiting on my next cleanse kit. I can feel the difference when I am not on the cleanse. I still feel good, but I get a little more tired every day. I still have alot of cleansing and weight loss to go.

10/14/06: Starting the second 9-day program...

10/23/06: Another 10 pounds and 16.5 inches lost! I feel AWESOME. The total is up to 32 pounds and 38 inches lost.

November 2006

Pending: Results are on the way.