Words to live by

Here I have gathered some phrases that I consider to have a very deep meaning and I feel that they represent me at, least in a certain extent.
For me, these are indeed words to live by, and surprisingly or not, many of them spring from the hearts and minds of Darren Hayes and Daniel Jones. Another reason to listen to these guys. They simply know what they are saying!

There is not enough darkness in the whole world to extinguish the light of a small candle...(anonymous)

Split a piece of wood and I'm there. Lift a stone and you will find Me...The Kingdom of God is in you and in everything around you. It is not in wooden buildings and in priests...

There is no love on these streets, I have given mine away to a world that didn't want it anyway...(Savage Garden)

If I’m out in the cold, waiting in the back of a line too afraid to drop my name for fear of decline, could you tell me I'm good enough? (Darren Hayes)

People of genius will always be objects of admiration and envy, but the most miserable of us all. They are meteors that burn so that the earth may be lighted...(Napoleon Bonaparte)

Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent...(Victor Hugo)

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come...(Victor Hugo)

There is nothing like a dream to create the future...(Victor Hugo)

I had a dream my life would be different from this hell I am living, so different from what it seemed. Now life has killed the dream I dreamed...(Victor Hugo)

A prudent question is one half of wisdom...(Francis Bacon)

The impossible is often the untried...(Jim Goodwin)

Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it...(Confutious)

Who is to say what is a sin in God's eye? ("The Scarlet Letter" novel)

Experience is what people name their mistakes...(anonymous)

The best cure for anger is delay...(Seneca - native American)

Whatever you are, be a good one...(Abraham Lincoln)

Anyone worth spending your life with is worth fighting for...(anonymous)

Concentration is the secret of strength...(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

You can't test courage cautiously...(anonymous)

Imagination is more important than knowledge...(Albert Einstein)

All stupid people think they're great looking and all ugly people think they're really smart...(anonymous)

The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war...(G. Rickover)

Nothing is as far away as one minute ago...(Jim Bishop)

Truth fears no trial...(Proverb)

I dream of painting and then I paint my dream...(Vincent van Gogh)

Truth is beautiful without doubt, but so are lies...(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

It is impossible that anything so natural, so necessary, and so universal as death should ever have been designed by Providence as an evil to mankind...(Jonathan Swift)

The woods are lovely, dark and deep
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep... (Robert Frost, US poet)

God is really only another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant, and the cat. He has no real style. He just keeps on trying things...(Pablo Picasso)

People feel so lonely because they build walls instead of bridges...(anonymous)

A chain is no stronger than its weakest link, and life is after all a chain...(William James, US philosopher)

If we were alone in the Universe, then there would be an awful waste of space...("Contact" movie)

The world is a savage garden...(Anne Rice)

Love is a drop of God...(Darren Hayes)

Communicate anyway, anyhow...(Savage Garden)

If you act like a genius, you will become one...(Salvador Dali)

I believe that sun should never set upon an argument...(Savage Garden)

I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every moment of it...(anonymous)

What you want to be, you'll be in the end...(Moody Blues)

Sanity is the playground for the unimaginative...(anonymous)

We all have wings, but some of us don't know why...(INXS)

I wonder if you know the pain to want the one thing that you haven't got...(Savage Garden)

Just a twist in time, just a sip of wine, just a kiss devine...and you could be mine...(Savage Garden)

Sometimes sanity takes vacation time on me...(Savage Garden)

Take these broken wings and learn to fly...(Savage Garden)

We scream to avoid suffering in silence...(Savage Garden)

Television is a one way conversation...(Savage Garden)

I'm dreaming my life away...(The Everly Brothers)

It's not just a planet. It's home...(Animal Planet)

The world belongs to those who say "I can"...(anonymous)

If you don't like the news, go out and make some...(anonymous)

The power of one is to do something. Anything...(Animal Planet)

The earth has enough for every man's need but not for every man's greed...(Mahatma Gandhi)

The change you want to see in the world you should see in yourself...(Mahatma Gandhi)

He who laughs last thinks slowest...(anonymous)

Why is 'abbreviation' such a long word? (anonymous)

When you fall, fall forward......(anonymous)

When I was young I wanted to become someone. Now, at the end of my life, I wish I had been more specific......(anonymous)

Elation and pain are experiences that make you realize you're alive. Thank God you feel them; otherwise you'd be numb...(Darren Hayes)

For everything you have missed, you have gained something else; and for everything you gain, you lose something...(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

A day without laughter is a day wasted...(Charlie Chaplin)

To be loved is great but to love is even greater...(anonymous)

If you judge people, you have no time to love them...(Mother Teresa)

People are devided into the ones who sleep and the ones who watch, two kinds of beings forever different, who only have their appearance in common...(anonymous)

The mind is an amazing thing... (Savage Garden)

Therapy is expensive. Popping bubble plastic is cheap. You choose... (anonymous)

People tell me that I feel to much, but I don't care...(Savage Garden)

The more people I meet, the more I love my dog...(anonymous)
My mama said it's O.K. to love your pet as long as you don't LOVE your pet...(Darren Hayes)

The suspension points... I just like them a lot. They seem to leave a lot of room for interpretation and inspiration.

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