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Welcome to my Ragtime Page!

Background Music: Magnetic Rag

Here you will find a selection of MIDI files created by myself and others. The files here are mainly ragtime pieces, mostly by Scott Joplin.  For some other files I have created, see the Gilbert & Sullivan Archive. All files are in standard MIDI format.

Ragtime on CD

Looking for Ragtime music by Joplin and others?  Click here: has a great collection of ragtime music.  Click on the link above.  This will take you to their search page.  Scroll down, and under "Classical Search", enter "Joplin" in the Composer field.   They even have some pieces by Lenzberg!  (The first I've ever found).   Check it out!

Sheet Music

Now in progress!  I am working on getting the piano works into pdf format.  Please be patient, I'll get them all eventually.

To view the sheet music you will need Acrobat Reader from Adobe.   You can download it for free from their website.

Please let me know what you think!

I 'd like to know your thoughts on my new layout. Also be sure and tell me of any broken links or anything else that isn't right. I am also willing to take requests for specific works by Scott Joplin and James Scott (the only two composers whose complete printed works I have access to). Send me E-Mail at And while you're here, don't forget to visit my Home Page and sign my Guest Book!

Number of times this page has been accessed since 4/27/96:

What's New

Added the sheet music for the extended vocal version of The Rag-Time Dance.  MIDI file not complete yet (9/21/98)

Added Rose Leaf Rag and Fig Leaf Rag.  That makes the Joplin collection complete.  All his piano works are now here.  Next:   finishing the sheet music pdf's and getting Joplin's vocal pieces online.   (9/21/98)

Added Sheet Music for Maple Leaf Rag and removed the zip files (9/19/98).

Added Sheet Music for Fig Leaf Rag (1/26/99).

What's Here

MIDI Files

All 61 files zipped together (212 kb)

Works by Scott Joplin

Original Works
Collaborative Works
Vocal Works
Selections from Treemonisha

Works by James Scott

Works by Joseph Lamb

Works by Julius Lenzburg

Original Works

The [Great] Crush Collision March (1896)
Joplin's first published work

(25 kB, created by Jeff Powell)

Sheet Music

(222 kB, created by Jeff Powell)

Combination March (1896)
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18 kb Jeff Powell  

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Harmony Club Waltz (1896)
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40 kb Jeff Powell One of Joplin's first published non-ragtime pieces.
Original Rags (1899)
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24 kb Jeff Powell Joplin's first published rag

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Maple Leaf Rag (1899)
Joplin's greatest work; the definitive ragtime piece

(20 kB, created by Jeff Powell)

Sheet Music

(282 kB, created by Jeff Powell)

Peacherine Rag (1901)
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22 kb Jeff Powell Features some unusual (for Joplin) use of 32nd notes

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Augustan Club Waltz (1901)
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23 kb
The Easy Winners (1901)

(20 kB, created by Jeff Powell)

Sheet Music

(273 kB, created by Jeff Powell)

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Cleopha (1902)
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18 kb Jeff Powell  
A Breeze from Alabama (1902)
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11 kb Warren Trachtman  

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Elite Syncopations (1902)
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13 kb Warren Trachtman  
The Entertainer (1902)
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23 kb Jeff Powell  

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March Majestic (1902)
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18 kb Jeff Powell  
The Strenuous Life (1902)
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19 kb Jeff Powell  

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Weeping Willow (1903)
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2 kb Warren Trachtman  
Palm Leaf Rag (1903)
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2 kb Warren Trachtman  

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The Favorite (1904)
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2 kb Warren Trachtman One of my favorites!
The Sycamore (1904)
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2.5 kb Jeff Powell  

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The Cascades (1904)
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2.5 kb Warren Trachtman  
The Chrysanthemum (1904)
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2.5 kb Jeff Powell  

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Bethena-- A Concert Waltz (1905)
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4.5 kb Jeff Powell Another waltz, showing Joplin's darker side.
The Rose-bud March (1905)
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2 kb Jeff Powell  

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Leola (1905)
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2 kb Jeff Powell  
Bink's Waltz (1905)
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2.5 kb Jeff Powell A very sad and melancholy waltz

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Eugenia (1905)
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4 kb Jeff Powell  
Antoinette (1906)
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3 kb Jeff Powell  

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The Rag-Time Dance (1906)
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6 kb Jeff Powell This file has three tracks. The first two are for left and right piano. The third is a percussion track intended for the foot-stamping indicated in the music. Set your MIDI player to an appropriate sound.
Gladiolus Rag (1907)
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2 kb Warren Trachtman  

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Rose Leaf Rag (1907)
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18 kb Warren Trachtman  
Nonpareil (1907)
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2 kb Warren Trachtman  

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Searchlight Rag (1907)
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3 kb Jeff Powell  
Sugar Cane (1908)
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2 kb Warren Trachtman  

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Pine Apple Rag (1908)
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2 kb Warren Trachtman
Fig Leaf Rag (1908)

(22 kB, created by Warren Trachtman)

Sheet Music

(249 kB, created by Jeff Powell)

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Wall Street Rag (1909)
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2 kb Warren Trachtman  
Solace (1909)
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5 kb Jeff Powell One of Joplin's most beautiful and haunting pieces, and his only tango.


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Pleasant Moments (1909)
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3 kb Jeff Powell Joplin's last waltz.
Country Club (1909)
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4 kb Jeff Powell  

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Euphonic Sounds (1909)
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3 kb Jeff Powell  
Paragon Rag (1909)
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3 kb Jeff Powell  

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Stoptime Rag (1910)
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3 kb Jeff Powell Contains a third track for foot-stamping.
Scott Joplin's New Rag (1912)
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2 kb Warren Trachtman  

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Magnetic Rag (1914)
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26 kb Jeff Powell Joplin's last completed work
Reflection Rag (1917)
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3 kb Jeff Powell Published by John Stark after Joplin's death.

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Silver Swan Rag (1971)
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3 kb Jeff Powell This rag first appeared as a player piano roll about 1914. Curiously, it was never published or even copyrighted until 1971 when a copy of the roll was discovered. This arrangement follows the published score, which eliminates some of the embellishments found on the roll.

Collaborative Works

Swipesy (1900)
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2 kb Jeff Powell With Arthur Marshall. This was Joplin's only work during 1900.

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Sunflower Slow Drag (1901)
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24 kb Jeff Powell Composed with Scott Hayden
Something Doing (1903)
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2 kb Warren Trachtman Composed with Scott Hayden

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Lily Queen (1907)
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2 kb Warren Trachtman Composed with Arthur Marshall
Heliotrope Bouquet (1907)
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3 kb Jeff Powell The first half of the piece is the only surviving example of Louis Chauvin's work.

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Felicity Rag (1911)
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2 kb Warren Trachtman Composed with Scott Hayden
Kismet Rag (1913)
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2 kb Warren Trachtman Composed with Scott Hayden

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Vocal Works

The Rag-Time Dance (1902)
The original mini-performance piece on which the 1906 piano solo was based.

Not finished yet

Sheet Music

(583 kB, created by Jeff Powell)

Selections from Treemonisha (1911)

Scott Joplin's original preface to the opera

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10 kb Jeff Powell Quite simply the longest and most difficult MIDI file I have ever sequenced.

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A Real Slow Drag (piano only)
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4 kb Jeff Powell One of my favorites. It's too bad it doesn't get more exposure.
A Real Slow Drag (with Vocal Tracks)
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5 kb Jeff Powell Click here for the lyrics

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Coming Soon: We're Goin' Around
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Very Long Jeff Powell I know I've said it's "Coming Soon" for quite a while, but I will finish it eventually!

Works by James Scott

Paramount Rag
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5 kb Warren Trachtman  

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Works by Joseph Lamb

Sensation (1908)
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2 kb Warren Trachtman Arranged by Scott Joplin

Works by Julius Lenzburg

Operatic Rag
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4 kb Unknown  

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Hungarian Rag
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2 kb Unknown  
Angel Rag
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5 kb Unknown Really Good!

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Haunting Rag
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6 kb Unknown  

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