The Gen13 Addicts' Pages
Gen-Active Fan Archive
Character Biographies
Short Synopsis
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*If anyone can sponsor me by donating some space, I would be able to greatly expand the archive...please consider it*
*Any good writers out there? How about contributing a few stories to the Gen-Fan Archive? (sorry, but no XXX stories). I am also in need of some fan art (even edited gen-art is fine!)*
*Does anyone know what site has the animated gif of Caitlin blinking?*
* I'm looking for animated Gen13 gifs. If anyone can give me some, I will be eternally grateful.*
*Also: Please click on the Link Exchange banner at the bottom of this page, then return to my page. It will only take you 2 - 3 seconds, and helps a great deal. Thanks!*
Gen13 Addicts have been drawn to my page since April '97.
  Welcome to the Gen13 Addict Pages. Browse through this site by clicking on the buttons at top. The "synopsis" is recommended reading for those who are as yet unaccustomed to Gen13. This site is created with and thus best viewed with Netscape Communicator 4.0.
Animated Gifs, Issue by Issue synopsis 
For the non-Gen-active:
What's Gen13? Well, for all you tech geeks who still believe Marvel leads the industry, it's one of the hottest comics on the ever. Why? Simple: a). It's Image - the same company that created such hits as "Spawn", "Darkness", "Witchblade", "Cyber Force", and "Ascension". b). NO COMIC CODE. The dummest idea since cloning spider-man has (thank God), been completely rejected by Image. c). Caitlin, Roxy and Sarah (hmm...these reasons shoulda been at the front...oh well ;). Need I say more? 
For a basic understanding of Gen13, read: 
<<character biographies>> and the <<SYNOPSIS>>**There was a mini-series that explained the origin of Gen13, but now that's its price has excalated to around $40 per issue, it's unlikely any newbies will be picking it up. However, there is hope. Currently, you can get the Gen13 Backlist, a compilation of the miniseries, for around $15 US, 
or $20 CAN. 
FINAL WARNING: If you feel that Gen13 is too explicit, and that beautiful women shouldn't wear skintight clothing, I recommend this site:<<click here>>. The only reason the comic is doing so well is because, without that annoying "Comic Code", they have the freedom to produce pretty much anything they choose. This way, the writers and artists can unleash all of their creative talent create something truly amazing. Besides, of all the Gen13 fans in this world, the majority consists of geek/nerds who spend $50 per week on comics. So, for the few of you out there who read it for solely the storyline (which has been picking up lately :) and good art, just be glad it's there.=>P.S. If any religious fanatic tries to e-mail bomb me, know that I've got plenty of insults to fling around. Besides, remember that I'm merely providing a service to the many other Gen-Addicts in the world... ...but should you choose to screw around with me anyway, you are certainly welcome - however, I assume no responsibility for any *retribution* that may result. Have a nice day!
<<Update History>>
Last Update: December 28, 1997 
Updates: Downloaded every cover(Wildstorm did a good enough job...why bother scanning? :). Increased total picture cache(not just the piddley 2 megs of pics I have on this site) by 500%!!! (now i need SPACE desperately, about 5-10 megs...plz help) 
Got a Pentium II 300, color scanner, updated search engines. 
Pending Updates: Screw being an "official Wildstorm page". I've got enough stuff to give even them a run for their money :). Soon as I find some space(or get a cable modem), that is. 
All Gen13 images are solely the property of Wildstorm and Image, with the exceptions of original/fan art. If you don't agree with these terms, take it up with them.
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