
Liz Phair Mailing Lists

There are five Liz Phair mailing lists out there.

The original one is known as Guyville.

If you'd like to join this list, just send a message to with "subscribe Guyville" in the body of the message. The listserver will then add you to the list at that e-mail address.

If you'd rather get a digest form of the list instead of receiving each message individually, just send a message to with "subscribe Guyville" in the message body.

To send messages to the list, just send mail to
To UNSUBSCRIBE from the list, send a message to with "unsubscribe guyville" in the body of the message.

The list is maintained by:

For more detailed information on the how to subscribe / unsubscribe to the Guyville Mailing List, visit the Guyville Info Page.
Visit the Guyville mailing list homepage at Guyville - The Liz Phair Mailing List web site.

Another mailing list is called Support System / 6'1" - The Liz Phair Digest List.

If you'd like to join this list, just send a message to with "subscribe support-system-digest" in the body of the message.

To send messages to this list (which comes in digest form), just send mail to
To UNSUBSCRIBE from the list, send a message to with "unsubscribe support-system-digest" in the body of the message.

The list is maintained by:

For more detailed information on how to subscribe / unsubscribe to the Support System / 6'1" Mailing List, visit the Support System FAQ Page.
Visit the Support System / 6'1" mailing list homepage at The 6'1" Mailing List Web Site.

Another mailing list is run by Capitol Records.

This is apparently a monthly newsletter (from the description given by the website).

To join this list, go to Whats On Line At Hollywood And Vine, give your email address, choose Liz Phair, and press the "SUBSCRIBE" button.

The list is maintained by:

For more detailed information on the Capitol Records Mailing List, visit The Capitol Records Liz Phair Webpage.

Another mailing list is called strangeloop.

A description of this mailing list is: This is a mailing list to discuss the music of Liz Phair... alternative singer-songwriter whose latest album is "whitechocolatespaceegg".

If you'd like to join this list, go to the strangeloop webpage for more details.

To send messages to this list (which comes in digest form), just send mail to

The list is maintained by:

Visit the strangeloop mailing list homepage at strangeloop mailing list webpage.

The newest mailing list is called No Longer Exiled.

To join this list, go to just send a message to with "subscribe" in the body of the message. You will then receive confirmation at that e-mail address and, in 24 hours, the first digest.

To send messages to the list (which comes in digest form), just send mail to

The list is maintained by:

There are also two Liz Phair USENET newsgroups:
AND (this one is a newer one that is only on select news servers).

There has been a little activity on both. If you choose to visit these newsgroups, please post something!

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Last Updated: February 18, 1999