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Hi ! My name is Sugar Magnolia, Maggie for short, and.....

this is me !!! *grin*

Jerry is a large part of what and who I am, a Perpetual Flower Child, so, it seemed only right that "Maggie's Page" be "Jerry's page as well.
So, come on in, get to know me, and look at some of the files I have collected. This page will be under constant construction, so check back often, and dont forget to write with advice and comments. By the way, I am having trouble finding Grateful Dead MIDI files, if you have any PLEASE send them my way ! Promise to answer all E-Mail !

August 1,1942 * August 9,1995

To see the real Maggie To E-Mail Maggie

A bit of Jerry's Magic

Photo FIles

Everyone's headin' for Groovie's Little Hippe Pad, better
check it out !!!!
More links to visit....Horoscopes, Flowers and more !
New links added.....check 'em out !!!!!

Crazyhorse GraphicsClick here for a preview !

Midi Files

Added while I was away from the keyboard.....
Sadie's Page
Please stop in and meet my very best friend !!!!!

***The Birthday Page***
Check it out on YOUR special day !

Todays Birthdays

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I have had over 200 visitors, and only 2 of you have signed my guest book ! Wont you please take a minute to say hello ?????
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