Open Since 1997

Welcome to the Punk Cafe, the best place to find the pages and info of the Northern New York Punk & Hardcore Bands. Many of them have web pages, some don't, but whatever you need its here. Also we like to highlight the pages of other "Big Name" Bands that people request to see, so make this your one stop shop for band pages. Site back, relax, grab a beer from our lounge, and listen to the punk rock flow out.

Just Click on a section, and you'll see what band is hanging out there.

Current Bands In The Punk Cafe
NoGameShow: Last seen in the closet
Fascist Lemonade: Currently playing on stage
Kluster Fuk: In The Blacklight Lounge smoking some weed.
C.O.D. "Cock Of Doom": Playing the billards in the billard room.
Other Visitors In The Punk Cafe
Open Grave Records (Its a distro, not a band): In the Recording Studio Making MP3s
Fresh Rabbit Productions: Making T-Shirts in the storage room