EPs of RP (1)

Deathchurch (2)

Echoes of Anguish (4)


Table of Contents

The Horrors In The Museum
Macabre Heritage
The Only Child
Architectonic And Dominant
The Ignoble Earwigger
The Evil Clergymen
New Dark Age
Brown Jenkin
The Lovecrafts Were Quarreling Crazed Couplet
New England Tombstone Inscriptions
Lovecraft Baby
Buzzing Voice
Dream City
Drinking Song From "The Tomb"
C12 H22 O11
Jabbering/Racous Sqwark,Harsh Cackle/Sir Algovale Was Right The Bastard Faulconbridge Speaks
A Great Gnashing Of Teeth
Sunset For The Lords Of Venus
Homage A Tod Browning
Beyond The Tanarian Hills
Imps Of The Perverse
The Dead Loved
The Loved Dead
Periwig Power
A Bit Of Good Honest Anger Now And Then
Kappa Alpha Tau
American Anglophile In The World Turned Upside Down
Necronomical Secular And Spritual
Memento Mori
Lovecraftian Nomemclature
Better Not Born
Arkham Hearse
Sickening For Something
The Old Man Is Not So Terribly Misanthropic
Lonely As Hades
Gentlemen Prefer Blood
In Memoriam
Notes On My Illness
The Day The Universe Ceased
The Crime Of The Century
A Charming Chant
Musick In Diabola
A Return To Victorian Values
Black On Gold
Gaping Yawn Of Silence



Hairy flesh impinges from all directions, somnambulistic ramble around the room huddle in a corner,giant pink fleshly worm wolf's head round the door, dark petalled sensitive plants scuttle over carpets, black statuettes animate square heads firestokers, skewer me in flame, paradise lost dore aient no rowboat, nightgaunt nightgaunt, hellish barb bifid, nightgaunt nightgaunt,impossible bat wings, nightgaunt nightgaunt, they took my father today 1697, nightgaunt nightgaunt, but science foils our phobias, nightgaunt nightgaunt, noiseles faceless for faces frighten neighbours, nightgaunt nightgaunt,bloated somnambulitic shoggoths plash, nightgaunt nightgaunt, HPL paraphrased ad nauseum, nightgaunt nightgaunt, obscene clutch indigestion? gripe? cancer! nightgaunt nightgaunt, recurrent nightnare of death, nightgaunts nightgaunts, epistolarian oneupmanship/soliloquy-lecture, hallo sonny! I suppose you know...


The Horrors In The Museum

A muse musing in a museum- what's the use of looking if you don't see 'em? Always just that bit behind glass fondling the master's skull, fondling the master's skull as a child, one of his coffin nails for one hundred dollars, museum, eke out who determined the babyish bible's canon? Eschatological countdown, dictionary chewing last generation military messiah political king gods! o gawd o montreal dead sea scrolls caco kyrie caco kyrie, a low life milk-sop political king cthulhu & co. HPL the t-shirt the album repeats in dubs the quest of peni, alienists pretty well dispose of this love business, Lovecraft's last orgasm, Lovecraft lives in Del Ray books, Lovecraft's rock follies, acrobatic adjectives in my own town's Georgian steeples, nonsensical nouns Chrysler building not vampire state, puritanical sexuality, 'orror quelle horreur, Eldritch rainbow face, she walking up to the door, atrophy mother of parliaments, you're not such a sensitive plant, stereoscope kaleidoscope periscope pedascope telescope, in order to see (things better, more clearly even those luing far off, instrument, tool for verismus, microscope, magnifier of the miniscule, even things unseen, machine implement for Pyagnon) rudiments of genteel behaivior, hairy wig, yak! you have hit a nerve sir, maze of my minutae reveals nothing of me, evil eye, dead penies from heaven deceased materialist, atrophy museum UK, censor ship of fools, relinquish blatancy, one, semi uncalculated, the blockhead that collected Lovecraft, industrial revolutionaries, corpus cat, story all too prophetic, sir Fred Hoyles's spores, ululator martian alligator, Christology milk-sop religion build in a home for the dplinters of my heart, kidlet with withering sarcasm.


Macabre Heritage

Cave art, Poe, Book of Enoch, Poe, Caviculae of Solomon, Poe, Phlegon, Por, Beowulf, Poe, Dante, Poe, Mrs. Shelley, Poe, Poe, Huysmans, Poe, De La Mare, Poe, Machen, Poe, Dunsany, Poe, M.R. James, Poe.


The Only Child


Architectonic And Dominant

Flamelike Sunset


The Ignoble Earwigger


The Evil Clergymen(Real Audio)



New Dark Age

Hello and welcome to inconclusive arguments in today's conference we have a psychologist, a guru, an athlete, a freak, a scientist, a dictator, an anarchist, a mass murderer, a composer, a human vegetable, and a complete outsider. let's open the discussion with you, er huh what gives? that look of revelation on the athelete's face- the complete outsider is the centre of attention- just what is the human vegetable doing to the psychologist, the freak is eating the mass murderer, o my god terrifying vistas of reality and our position therein are being opened up to us all, this is the worst thing that's happened to mankind and in the studio they've opted for a new dark age but your commentator has gone stark staring mad.


Brown Jenkin(Real Audio)



The Lovecrafts Were Quarreling

What! Shall th' aspiring blood of Lancaster sink in the ground- I thought it would have mounted! See how my sword weeps for the poor king's death. O, may such purple tears be always shed from those that wish the downfall of our house! If any spark of life be yet remaining, down, down to hell, and say I sent thee thither!


Crazed Couplet

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die, dead death, dead death, death dead! death dead!


New England Tombstone Inscriptions

The sweet rememberance of the just shall flourish when they sleep in dust, here lyes ye remains of, here lyes ye body of, here lyes buried, the body of, in memory of, my glass is run, memento mori, life is uncertain, in the 21st year of her age, when I die bury me here, the grave is god's dying plan, deposited beneath this stone, to the memory of death, adieu my friends, there is rest in heaven, here lies buried the body of, life is short.



Imprisoned with the pharaohs, I notice no race predominates, but slavery's still the norm, sarcophagus, sarcophagus, sarcophagus,flesh-consumers of the great house.


Lovecraft Baby


Buzzing Voice

...Go out among men and find the ways thereof, that he in the gulf may know, to Nyarlathotep, mighty messenger, must all things be told, and he shall put on the semblance of men, the waxen mask and the robe that hides, and come down from the world of seven suns to mock...


Dream City(Real Audio)


Drinking Song From "The Tomb"


C12 H22 O11


Jabbering/Racous Sqwark,Harsh Cackle/Sir Algovale Was Right The Bastard Faulconbridge Speaks




A Great Gnashing of Teeth


Sunset For The Lords Of Venus



Homage A Tod Browning

Weird sister one of us, weird sister one of us, a loving cup, a loving cup, gooble gabble, gooble gabble, gooble gabble, gooble gabble.


Beyond The Tanarian Hills




Imps Of The Perverse

(Song without words) Tintinabulation Tympanum. Tinnitus as the paraquets' song.


The Dead Loved

The dead loved you and the dead loved me, The dead loved you and the dead loved me, The dead loved you, the dead loved me, The dead loved you, the dead loved me, The dead loved you, The dead loved you, The dead loved you, The dead loved me.


The Loved Dead

They've taken Lovecrafts lantern jaw off and are embalming him, his pale complexion feigns an aura more lifelike than when he lived the adoration of dead personalities safe fantasia, immortality of the unobtainable.


Periwig Power


A Bit Of Good Honest Anger Now And Then


Kappa Alpha Tau

Kappa Alpha Tau fraternity, Felidae fetish, why did your cat run? Artefacts of the aether, Specks of the universe, Noble aloof independent, Kappa Alpha Tau for eternity.




American Anglophile In The World Turned Upside Down


Necronomical Secular And Spiritual

Parchment papers in jars, corrected letters, confused corrections 'twixt lines, that lordly contempt for the obvious which hath ever been the mark of superior parts, roll up roll up, get your copy of the Necronomicon here, come on ladies and gents, this book is more popular than the bible, a veritable commonplace rarity of a tome.


Memento Mori

Die bugger, Die bugger, Die bugger, bugger die, Die bugger die.


Lovecraftian Nomemclature


Better Not Born


Arkham Hearse

ssssssssssssssssssssssss,Arkham Hearse sssssssss,Arkham Hearse sssssssss, Arkham Hearse sssssssss, Arkham Hearse sssssssss, Arkham Hearse sssssssss, Arkham Hearse sssssssss, Arkham Hearse sssssssss, Arkham Hearse sssssssss, Arkham Hearse sssssssss, Arkham Hearse sssssssss, Arkham Hearse.


Sickening For Something

Give me that decanter, Eliot!


The Old Man Is Not So Terribly Misanthropic

You do not realise how much I appreciate you, new deal now a new deal now, new deal now a new deal, ultra-tory to quasi rad, at least it's original, a life in reverse, aristocratic socialism, the old man's not so terribly misanthropic.


Lonely As Hades

Aloneness differentiation alienation aloneness differentiation alienation aloneness.


Gentlemen Prefer Blood


In Memoriam

Father, maternal grandfather, mother "centre of my orbit", Henry St. Clair he was my friend, two-gun bob, auntie and me.



We'd all like to kiss pretty girls all day, unkissed since infancy, waste your affection on cats, I find myself singing all the while, senile old shuffler weds Sonia Haft green baby, you wouldn't think that he was a gentile, oh Bedelia Ella o, I've made up my mind to steal you my dear, never the initiator, head of the house is humbled, who is Phillis, Phillips, is she your mother lover, you're the flower of my heart, in the shade of the apple tree on a sunday afternoon.


Notes On My Illness

Cancer of the colon and rectum a very common form of cancer which can often be cured by surgical removal provided it is caught early enough. hmmmm... carcimona of the intestines chronic nephritis.


The Day The Universe Ceased

(March 15 one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven) Bloated with gas, stomach specialist, death certificate 1066 1492 1642 1776 1894 1923 1924 1925 1924 1923 crash, the god of the winds/bowel trouble/even the monsters shat themselves.


The Crime Of The Century


A Charming Chant

To tread on a peni guitar is death, to tread on a peni drum is instant death.


Musick In Diabola


A Return To Victorian Values

Henry was giving his mother a good fucking.



Call of Cthulhu as I'm recording here in this studio this shard will surely reach someone, someone who'll know but all these messages have been in vain from the little glass bottle to the unfilmable such things just should not be writ so please destroy this if you wish to live 'tis better in ignorance to dwell than to go screaming into the abyss worse than hell but all these messages have been in vain from the little glass bottle to the call of Cthulhu.




Black On Gold


Gaping Yawn Of Silence


EPs of RP (1)

Deathchurch (2)

Echoes of Anguish (4)


[ Christ entombed]