Welcome to Rabman's Shack

Update May 21, 2000 - Sheeeeet, I moved my site
here in January this year and see that over 18,000 of you
have come by. Well, I gotta get working on the site again.
I have done a lot of work on Club Paradis, including a few
exclusives to Rabman's Shack. There are going to be so many
other area in this site too, including some exclusives from a
number of other bands. The site was originally done 3 years
ago and so much has happened since that has kept me away
from updating it. In the next few weeks there will be so many
changes to the site to look forward to, so check back soon.
The site will be moving from Geocities too, don't you just hate
them ads coming up on every page? There will be a redirect
though, so you won't get lost trying to find it.

ok computer - This room is for Radiohead fans. It includes lyrics to the OK Computer album, pictures and links to other Radiohead sites.

Club Paradis - This room has been dedicated to Vanessa Paradis. It includes three galleries of Vanessa pictures, with more to be added shortly.

This site has been designed and constructed by Robert Fahy, 1997.