Remembering Ginger

It's almost been a year since our beloved Ginger left the Spice Girls, so we should all take the time to remember her. Here is a page of Quotes, Pictures and Information to help us remember her.


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What geri has to say about Ginger and the Spice Girls

"Ginger wasn't fake. She's part of me. There's lots of parts to me. I like what I do".

"When I left theSpice Girls, I was a headless chicken."

"I've always been one of these people that had kind of Hamlet's disease of introspection and no matter what was going on I'd always maybe sit back and contemplate and look," Halliwell says of her life-in-a-fishbowl time with the Spice Girls. "So I'm quite a split personality. On one hand, I'd be very chaotic and manic, while the other side was very reflective."

"I think it's quite important to be said that I wanted to finish the American tour and I apologize -- that's the only thing I regret that I didn't do. I wanted to."

"Sometimes things are put in front of you to make you question what you're about and what your principles are."

"Leaving the Spice Girls caused me a huge amount of emotional turmoil,"she says.

"Being Ginger Spice and part of a very successful group was a comfort zone. It was hard to walk out on all of that - like leaving a marriage. I feel like I have been in mourning for the last nine months. There were times when I was really, really low and I wondered whether I'd done the right thing. But now those feelings have left me and I'm happy to be on myown."

She says: "I had been wearing platform shoes since I was 18 but I've grown out of that phase. Even before I left the Spice Girls I'd started to change the way I looked. I never wore my Ginger Spice clothes off stage. The amount of make-up I was using was getting less and less. My clothes were growing more subdued, although I don't think anyone except me hadnoticed."

"My neighbours are nuns and I was worried about it offending them, so I showed them the video. But they weren't offended at all. They understood that it's the way people are inside that is important. The song Look At Me is all about labels and the way the media commented on me. No matter how I appeared my heart and soul stayed the same."

"I felt it was important to get my principles right. Talking about Girl Power at press conferences and photo opportunities is fine. I didn't mind the fun side of it at all. But I wanted to live it, too. That's why I got involved with breast cancer and other charity work."

"I fell in love with the Spice Girls, with each girl, passionately, intensely," she told heat magazine. "And then we fell out of love but there wasn't a defining moment when that happened. There's rarely one reason why people get divorced, it's lots of little things."

"I really don't want to say anything adverse about Melanie. At the end of the day, I wanted to leave the Spice Girls. She was my best friend and I would have been her friend whether we were in the Spice Girls or not. The bottom line with me and Melanie was that you take it out on the people you love the most. I don't want a public confrontation with her. If I ever met her again I'd want it to be private."

"I think I became a caricature of my own self," Halliwell recently explained to MTV News' John Norris, "and I think the pinnacle of that was at the previous MTV awards when I was in that American flag thing. But actually Ginger was a part of me, and I think it's good to have a sense of humor about it. You have to have a sense of humor to wear the outfits that I wore."

All quotes courtesy of American Spice.