Quotes from an 'Angel'

"Lance just wants someone to talk to." MTV interview

"Crunk. Crunk baby crunk! We gonna get this party on tonight, we're gonna get it crunk, that's what you say."
Justin said on TGIF

"Joey is Mr. Flirtatious. He gets outta hand sometimes...I'm bustin' Joey up, no." Justin is joking about Joey's

"I play basketball..that's what I do man...I'm to young to go clubbin." Justin during an interview

"Hi, I'm Justin and I'm 21..ok maybe not, I'm 17." Justin introducing himself

"What's up wit dat ya'll?" Justin said at the Disney Channel concert

"I'm getting jiggy baby!"

"One that recalls my attention is when we were in the airport once and we were checking in at the gate and they have security check before you get to the gates and this girl, I don't know, I guess she thought she was a piece of luggage or something, she tried to crawl through the security check. They got the x-ray of her like the M&M's commercial." Justin on the Rosie O'Donnell Show

"I hope he doesn't puke on me. That would be really bad." Justin on the Disney Channel concert

"See they pickin' on me, but who do you think they call if they ned a ride?" Justin at an interview

"What's up wit dat ya'll?!" Justin says this like everywhere.

"I can't pass a mirror with out checking myslef out."

"Look woman if you don't know who you are calling just hang up and try the number again!" Justin in some interview. (the wav is funnier!)

"Sorry for the delay everyone but some fan just ran backstage and stole all of our clothes and we are standking here buck naked."

"Men can actually be softer emotionally than women." (aawww How sweet!)

"Fame is really funny. We were on the Regis and Kathy Lee show and some girl in the audience yelled out Justin sit on my lap. I was like Excuse? I don't know you!"

"I'm really a party animal, when the others let me go to parties!"

"I used to love to be batman for Halloween."

"Not many people know what their love is before forty."

"I'm a cookie and JC is my sidekick Sprinkles."

"Oh yeah, ya like don'tchya?" from the MTV interview when he's giving Kurt Loder a ride in the M-Class. (Thanks Rachel!!)

"Wait, see a little chake, see a little shimmy. Oh!! Booty on the floor. What! What! What! Man that's dope!!" from TRL on Saturday the Super Bowl Special! (Thanks Rachel!!)