Voices From the Underground

Olly Oliver - 05/23/00 10:52:26
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~mazram/gravenimage.html
My Email:gravenimage@hotmail.com
Fav Band: Ozzy/Black Sabbath
Fav South Park Kid: Cartman!!!!
Fav Beer: Becks/Warstiener/St paulies girl
How did you find our page?: Your newsletter

Hey bro sorry to hear bout yer band breakin up. Ya made some kick ass music though. Take care Olly...Graven Image

Jason Kincaid - 01/21/00 08:20:08
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks2/sychopanther
My Email:sychopanther@hotmail.com
Fav Band: Overkill
Fav South Park Kid: i like the rats that eat Kenny.
Fav Beer: anything that doesnt taste like Piss
How did you find our page?: Mp3.com

great page! I downloaded your song Of Death, and it kicks ass! when are you going to play around the Kansas City area? anytime soon?

mark brown - 12/18/99 01:51:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl3/freemetal
My Email:freemetal@webtv.net
Fav Band: metallica
Fav South Park Kid: dont know
Fav Beer: michelob
How did you find our page?: the new metal webring

cool site keep rockin guy's freemetal...

- 09/26/99 14:52:48


newbie - 09/14/99 11:16:47
My URL:http://www.cgocable.net/~draconis/Eva/default.htm
My Email:draconis@cgocable.net
Fav Band: prozzak
Fav South Park Kid: none
Fav Beer: canadian!!!!!!
How did you find our page?: trip6

i am new to this stuff i like it although

Evolution - 08/02/99 03:26:05
My URL:http://www.evolution.musicpage.com
My Email:evolution@exploremaine.com
Fav Band: Sepultura
Fav South Park Kid: NONE
Fav Beer: Honey Brown
How did you find our page?: Bunghole Metal Ring

Killer site.. The music sounds great. check out our site at www.evolution.musicpage.com SUPPORT UNDERGROUND MUSIC!!!!

dave - 07/15/99 05:27:09
My URL:http://listen.to/everybodysx
My Email:everybodysx@netzero.net
Fav Band: boxcar willie
Fav South Park Kid: I am cartman
Fav Beer: red stripe
How did you find our page?: you found mine

wuzzup rick? this is dave from everybodys x, I was just surfin through and thought i would drop you a line. site looks KILLER. going to download your mp3 next. Be sure to tell my buddy Tim from ANGRIUS (they KIK ASS!)that I said FUK YA> later Dave

DragonWyrm - 07/03/99 11:17:02
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Realm/3658
My Email:dragonwyrm@hotmail.com
Fav Band: Poison, Guns N Roses, White Snake
Fav South Park Kid: Cartman
Fav Beer: Hard liquor sorry
How did you find our page?: A friend, Rick!

Sorry haven't visited much, but the page is doing ok I see. Good thing what I sent you before helped you on your website. I haven't done anything with my website mostly cause I quit Ultima Online.. Oh well was getting expensive anyways. Talk to you la er Rick... "Playing Dead and Loving It!" Michael

Cedric - 06/14/99 14:45:24
My Email:ced_0@hotmail.com
How did you find our page?: Rick gave me the link

Hi guys, I am a new friend of Rick's. I went trough ur page and I really enjoyed the pictures (Rick I know what u look like: it's gonna make it easier to shoot u on the zone ;-) ). I wish u loads of good things for ur new songs. C-ya, Ced_

Tim Dzubay - 04/27/99 05:31:10
My Email:tdzub@cwix.com
Fav Band: SLAYER
Fav South Park Kid: Cartman
Fav Beer: anything that hurts
How did you find our page?: umm . . . dumb fate?

Rick: You da man! Thanks for mentioning us on yer page. July 17th--the unleashing of mayhem!!!! Peace, Tim

Talia - 04/23/99 04:18:59
Fav Band: Slayer
Fav South Park Kid: Cartman
Fav Beer: dont drink
How did you find our page?: surfing

Solitude Rocks!!! The MP3's are kinda shitty sounding, but the band jams. Good Luck Yo

B.K. - 04/12/99 04:46:11
My Email:bkayco@orci.com
Fav Band: ministry
Fav South Park Kid: stan the man
Fav Beer: Steinlager
How did you find our page?: you visited mine

very cool site!

Costic - 02/16/99 12:24:29
My Email:costic@tcac.net
Fav Band: Kmfdm
Fav South Park Kid: kenny
How did you find our page?: RICK aka Triple6

trip gave me the demo it rocked i loved it bad ass nuff said

Buffy Da Slayer - 12/14/98 11:11:03
How did you find our page?: Trip

Hey Trip: How's band life treatin' ya? Good I hope. Cyas.

Drew - 11/19/98 05:16:58
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/lionhead_1/DD.html
My Email:Pimpnu@hotmail.com
Fav Band: Eagle Eye Cherry
Fav South Park Kid: Cartman!
Fav Beer: Im 14 yo
How did you find our page?: from a gay web site link said i could find gay porn here but i guess not...

Cool page bra keep it up well i gotta pee so lates

Madam - 11/18/98 13:25:58
Fav Band: Metallica and Beach Boys GO FIGURE!!
Fav South Park Kid: Never watched it
Fav Beer: Gennesse Cream Ale
How did you find our page?: Trip

Hey Trip! Love the hair. Like the music. Hate the beard. LOL

Steve Edgar - 11/15/98 01:33:28
Fav Band: RUSH
How did you find our page?: Corky Phillips

I like the music a lot! Look out Mettalica and Megadeath. You boys are RIGHT there. Keep on rockin.

C.PHILLIPS - 11/14/98 04:44:38
Fav Band: OZZY
Fav Beer: BUD
How did you find our page?: RICK


me :-) again! who else? - 10/13/98 02:09:27
My Email:same as below
Fav Band: like you had to go and ask again!?!?!
Fav South Park Kid: no thanks :-) 80 imatators a day is enough ;-)
Fav Beer: ick...doesn't taste like kool-aid ;-)
How did you find our page?: guess......

has to retype this cause it wouldn't let me add comments before it posted, not that i have anything profound to say...just good luck and all...from an old, old fan :-)

me :-) who else? (karlean) - 10/13/98 02:03:14
My Email:dekramer@msn.com
Fav Band: did ya really have to ask? *grin*


10/11/98 09:26:19
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

"The Dude" - 09/02/98 15:55:59
My URL:http://www.all-animal-sex.com
My Email:chicken-fucker@aol.com
Fav Band: Yanni
Fav South Park Kid: whats south park?
Fav Beer: Root
How did you find our page?: thought this was a bondage site

That Rick guy really shreds, but the rest of the band blows chunks, what a bunch of bloody wankers

Malcolm Lee - 09/01/98 19:07:51
My Email:malcolmlee@hotmail.com
Fav Band: The Beatles
Fav South Park Kid: er..don't know them
Fav Beer: i don't drink.not yet i guess
How did you find our page?: from Rick

this HP is really cool and informative! and i esp like the animation! it's rare to find a 'first' HP which is so well organised and full of info and pictures. and even sound clips! keep it up guys and good luck in the future!!

Mr. Bungle - 09/01/98 02:42:22
Fav Band: Exhorder

Your band sucks. Exept for Scott, he's pretty cool.

- 08/30/98 20:36:52


Dylan - 08/30/98 05:23:54
My Email:alanwood@islandnet.com
Fav Band: Metallica
Fav South Park Kid: your kidding me
Fav Beer: Labatt Blue(im a candian eh)
How did you find our page?: Trip its me doh

Just saw your web page. I like. I cant wait till you give me that demo, im waiting to hear how you jam. Give me a dingle trip D

Michael J. Carter Sr. - 08/29/98 14:06:55
My URL:http://www.poboxes.com/freeoffer
My Email:hotzi@webtv.net
Fav Band: Pet Shop Boys, Erasure
Fav South Park Kid: none
Fav Beer: none
How did you find our page?: Personal Invitation

Rick, Your site looks great! I'll definitely let others know about it. Best of best of luck to you guys, even though I really only know you. (Hi guys!) I'm glad things are going great for you all. I'll definitely be back again to check out any update . Take Care, Michael J. Carter Sr. www.poboxes.com/freeoffer

Josh - 08/29/98 02:30:32
My URL:http://none
My Email:josh334@aol.com
Fav Band: Slayer
Fav South Park Kid: Kenny, cause he's dead
Fav Beer: Bud wise er
How did you find our page?: Searching the web

Im from Raytown, I seen you guys at Nieners with Darkside.

Dawna - 08/28/98 12:57:03
My Email:poe@aol.com
Fav Band: toss up; Pantera, Marilyn Manson
Fav South Park Kid: Ike.. Dont kick the baby!!!
Fav Beer: Red Dog ( i guess)
How did you find our page?: I'm in love w/ the gorgeous guitarist ;)

This is some killer s**t!! Like the history, like the props to the locals. One problem..need to invest in a spell check ;)

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