MONTROSE Tribute Page!!!

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Side note:
"Montrose" was the name of Sammy Hagar's
'first' band...

On Monday February the 8th, 1999...Ronnie Montrose himself emailed me!
Talk about excited! Here is what he said:

"Chuck, thanks for taking the time to put up the page! It looks great! I wish you continued success with it! We had fun making those albums, and we're glad folks like you appreciate them!
peace, Ronnie"

RONNIE MONTROSE EMAILED ME! Hold on a sec while I recoup! hahaha He is very nice. It is very hard for me to believe that the man who helped create some of my favorite songs ever, contacted me!!!!! Now, just three more members of the band to track down and email!!!!!
Please check out Ronnies OFFICIAL webpage at
It has a wealth of information on his current projects and if you like his guitar picking from the 70's, just IMAGINE what he plays like with 20 MORE years of experience!

WOW! What can I say about Montrose. One of the best bands to ever come together and make music. They are more than that though. They created anthems for Rock Radio everywhere with songs like "Bad Motor Scooter" and "Rock Candy." "Paper Money" is one of my favorites too! The four members of Montrose were all masters of their trades, and each had a unique sound that helped form this band.

I will have a wonderful Bio of the band here soon. I would like to get some more official information on their record sales and such. If you have any ideas, photos, stories, or anything at all about Montrose, please email me!

Special thanks to the Members of Montrose for all the GREAT music they created just for me! hahaha God Bless!


Sammy and Ronnie in the studio in the early 70's

Some live footage from the early 70's of Montrose

Here is a cool photo of Ronnie with a Sniper Guitar!

A promo shot of the band from Warner Brothers
Wow! This is back in the day!
this picture is from

On to page 2 of the MONTROSE Tribute Page|Montrose Page 2!|

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