

Peter Tosh, 1977

Recorded at Randy's Studio, Kingston, Jamaica. Musicians on the 1977 album Equal Rights: Peter Tosh - vocals, guitar & keyboards, Sly Dunbar - drums, Earl Lindo - keyboards, Bunny Wailers - background vocals, Robbie Shakespeare - bass, Al Anderson - guitar. Additional musicians: Carlie Barrett - drums, Harold Butler - clavinet, Dirty Harry - tenor sax, Tyrone Downie - keyboards, Karl Pitterson - guitar, Bobby Ellis - trumpet, Skully - percussion, Abdul Wall - guitar. Produced by Peter Tosh.

Peter Tosh, 1982

Live version recorded during the 1982 tour. First released on the 1999 reissue of the Equal Rights album. Produced by Bruce Dickinson.

Peter Tosh, 1982

Recorded live at the Jamaica World Music Festival in Montego Bay, Jamaica on November 27, 1982. George "Fully" Fullwood - bass, Carlton "Santa" Davis - drums, Donald Kinsey - guitar, Stevie Golding - guitar, Keith Sterling - keyboards, The Tamlins - backing vocals.

Peter Tosh, 1983

Recorded live August 23, 1983, at the Greek Theatre, Los Angeles, USA. Produced by Michael C. Collins. Time: 4:39.

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Last updated: 2002-07-24