Bumbo Klaat

(P. Tosh)

A.k.a. Bombo Klaat and Oh Bumbo Klaat.

Peter Tosh, 1980

A Intel Diplo single. Produced by Peter Tosh.

Peter Tosh, 1981

Recorded at Dynamic Sounds, Kingston, JA. Musicians on the Wanted Dread & Alive album: Peter Tosh - lead vocal, backing vocal, guitar, keyboard & percussions, Robbie Shakespeare - bass, Sly Dunbar - drums, Mikey "Mao" Chung - rhythm guitar, Iziah "Sticky" Thompson - percussions, Noel "Scully" Simms - percussions, Pee-Wee - flute, Dean Frazer - tenor saxophone & alto saxophone, Nambo - trombone, A. Brackenbridge - trumpet, D. Madden - trumpet. Appeared on the Wanted Dread & Alive album, 1981. Produced by Peter Tosh. Time: 4:45.

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