Fight On


Peter Tosh, 1979

Recorded at Dynamic Sounds, Kingston, JA. Musicians on the Mystic Man album: Robbie Shakespeare - bass & guitar, Sly Dunbar - drums & percussion, Mikey "Mao" Chung - keyboards, guitar & percussion, Robbie Lyn - organ & acoustic piano, Sticky - percussion, Scully - Repeater drum, George Young - alto sax & futem, Lou Marini - tenor sax & flute, Howard Johnson - baritone sax, Barry Rogers - trombone, Mike Lawrence - trumpet, The Tamlins - backing vocals, Gwen Guthrie - background vocal, Yvonne Lewis - background vocal, Brenda White - background vocal. Produced by Peter Tosh. Time: 3:18.

Peter Tosh, 1979

Instrumental version. Not released until 2002. Produced by Peter Tosh. Time: 3:41.

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Last updated: 2003-12-14