Take5 History
The band was formed in January 1998 when Clay , Ryan , & Tj , pals since they met at a choir , kept running repeatedly into Stevie & Tilky at auditions . They decided to put their talents to good use and the next thing you know , the band was formed . ( Incidentally , there were set on the path to fame by the same folks who packaged the Backstreet Boys . ) And although they're pretty young , these boys , who launched their career in Orlando Florida ( BSB hometown ) , have all chalked up useful show biz experience .
Ryan has been tinkering away on the classical piano and plucking at the cello since age 5 , and has appeared in theater , commercials and other film work . Clay , the baby of the group , has been four major movie so far ( " I walked about in the background ! " ) , countless commercials and starred in several live stage shows .Blond member Tj won a talent search contest in1995 and has ( get this ! ) performed solo at the White House President Bill Clinton and guests ! Stevie , the son of Church Minister , was a part- time mode ! and has dabbled in theater . Finally , there's Tilky , the gentle giant of the group who's also done his fair share of tv commercials and stage work .
Coating our ears with their sugary sweet debut single ' I Give ' , Take5 are making their presence felt  ( and hear ) in Singapore , Thailand and Indonesia . Further evidence of their looming dominance in boyband empire . While touring Germany with pop's bounciest star Aaron Carter , Take5 were chuffed to bits when thoundsands of screaming fans cheered their lungs out for their energetic act ! Not only to do this a lot sing and dance , all of them play on instrument of some sort - Ryan and Clay are nifty at the piano , Tilky's hands on drums , and Stevie lets loose on percussion , and Tj takes charge of the guitar .
But also these early days yet .The route to boyband glory requires plenty of hard work - and the boys know that . For now anyway , Take5 are all set to win over their Asian fans !!
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