Azlan McLennan
Canberra artist, does ace hc flyers and a cool graphic art book

Mark Magee
Absolute bloody legend when it comes to guitar streetpunk style, and from the sounds of this interview a top bloke to boot!

The Templars
Carl and Perry answer my questions relating to this prolific NYC Oi! Oi! band

Arms Reach
A little mail discussion with Christy about this prominent NSWHC band

The Blurters
Are these the new bad boys of rock'n'roll? An opinionated interview with guitarist Craig Von Edge

An interview with this ACT Straightedge Hardcore band on junkies, typos, gimps and more...

Plumbers Union
Prose from Pete about his punk band from New York Plumbers Union.

The Trouble
Fucking great chat with Gibby the singer of this awesome oi/hc band about scooters, mods, Choke... you name it...

Blurred Vision
I talk to an old guy from a new band. Oi Oi Streetpunk, South Coast stylee...