Left: Good friends 'Iron' Kevin Thompson and
Sean 'Receiver' No Deal from AVO, show us
how they like to party.
Below: Carolyn with her friends Lisa on the
left, and Cecelia on the right
To the left here is sailorboy fingers, it must be
something in the water in Sydney...
Here we have Neil Undinism from Geelong, Christin the Seppo,
and yours truly outside a show in the ACT
Above: l-r is Thyme the wonderwhippet with Lisa and Carolyn

Below: the scoot at the Entrance NSW

I grabbed this off the AVO site cos it's got me in it... hehehe... narcisisstic bastard aren't I? L-r is Luke Crew from Arms Reach in Newy, Sean No Deal, Bibs, Thommo and yours truly saluting.

Big Deano from the Upperhand fingerpointing and scolding the skies with me going bald in the background at Dom Upperhand's 16th birthday.

Ken Yard Fight putting stick to skin in Dom's back yard