Ever had one of those times when you feel like you're in a rut, and if you don't just get up and go you're gonna do something drastic that you know you'll regret? Well anyways that was me, sitting here in lonesome old Canberra missing all my friends from interstate, so I just thought 'fuck it' told work on Monday that I was going to take Thursday and Friday off and piss off up the coast. Just to add a little spice to the occasion I planned to leave the car at home and head up on the scooter. Ferk, why not travel in style...

Anyways the planned mode of transport involved a red 1984 Vespa PX125E modified with a Polini 177 kit and a Polini exhaust, and perhaps most importantly the iron cross tail light. Read on to find out my zany adventures in New South Wales....



To the camping store to by a sleeping bag. Black of course. Tres stoked to find a cool cheap black one that goes to minus five degrees. Then on to the motorbike shop. Had to wade through a veritable plethora of shitty lime green Kawasakis to get to where I wanted... Wet weather gear - Plastic waterproof overpants in case it rained. Purchased them, size M... black of course. On to the gloves section, I already had a real light pair of summer weight gloves, but I thought it best to get a heavy leather pair of winter weight gauntlets in case the weather turned shitty. The lime green clothed tool behind the counter finally served me after giving fantastic service to some blonde piece of fluff for about fifteen minutes or so, and then tried to talk me out of getting the gloves... "No,no, no, you don't want a pair of those, what you want is a pair of spring weight gloves"... 'spring weight gloves', I thought to myself 'fucken hell spring weight, autumn weight, what next... Anzac day weight, Halloween weight, mothers day weight...' "Sure" the Green Lantern continues, "sure they're a little dearer"... I check the price tag...hmmm another twenty bucks dearer for less glove... "But it's gonna be just what you want in this weather." Riiiiiiiiight. I take the winter weight gloves, black of course, and leave.


Pack gearsack with excitement. Register scooter with NRMA.


Fit ever so stylish gearsack (black, of course, to rear of scooter, and new sleeping bag to front to get used to riding around with the new weight distribution before hitting the highway. So far everything so good. Lunchtime. I head over to the scooter shop to pick up some fully synthetic two stroke oil to take with me so I could feed the beast along the way, instead of making it suffer with below par two stroke oil from servo's. So I get to the shop and the side panniers of aforementioned gearsack are virtually hanging off the main part. Further inspection shows the teeth of the zippers to be just crumbling off. Not overly happy about this situation occurring the day before I leave AT ALL. The sucky part about it is that I bought it second hand a couple of weeks ago from the shop because some guy had won it in a raffle, or his mother had bought it for him when he already had one, or some other such similar "off the back of the truck" type story. Anyway I bung on an act and Nico from Motorini promises to take care of it. Meanwhile I have no bag to carry gear in. Nico, accommodating scooter shop proprietor, rides home and gets his sailor sack style bag to lend to me... service with a smile (through clenched teeth I bet... hehehe). My initial misgivings about the sailor sack were unsubstantiated after realising that I could pack a shitload more gear into the new bag. Had to settle for attachment by blue occy straps… the only downfall. So I repacked, bought oil, and was off again.

My excited mounted and so was my scooter.


Aaaaaawwwww yeah. After fiddling around a little I head off at about nine in the morning. The plan was to avoid the stupid boring highways and freeways as much as possible, and to see as much of my country as I could. So after checking my map I started for the thriving metropolis of Queanbeyan through shitty peak hour traffic. Stupid NRMA map I had led me to a road that was cut off and I had to backtrack. Reeeeeeal good start I thought to myself. Anyways I eventually got humming and went through Queanbeyan, and headed to Bungendore. Thought I'd better get petrol there, so I chucked a couple of buck's worth in the tank and stopped to get my Walkman on. All the while I was getting eyeballed by some scruffy rangy 17 year old guy with a fluffy moustache sitting near a dirtbike. I was half expecting him to pull out a banjo and start trying to do some duelling guitar/banjo thing with me. After heading off in the wrong direction, I eventually made off towards Goulburn on some really nice country back roads. Things were going just swimmingly I must say. Bugger all traffic, nice spring weather. I was busy singing along to myself in the seclusion of the countryside, the noise of the kitted engine and the encasement of the full-face helmet. I forgot about trucks. I saw a big mother looming towards me, but I didn't think anything of it and kept rocking myself. The next thing I know I'm thinking 'Gee that's strange I could swear I wasn't leaning to the right...', I was getting sucked under the truck by the speed it was going past me. Anyways, after a little, righted myself, and continued playing two wheel rock stars to myself, when 'Booyah!' that bastard blast of wind you get when trucks go past, hit me, and not only sent me off key, but sent me to the other side of the road.

From then on, I made a mental note to myself to be a little more wary of trucks on the journey.

So there I am checking out the countryside, lapping up the sunshine, feeling at one with the bike and at peace with the world, singing along... "I hate commrrowwwrrooroowwrreescoooowwwrrmmmmmmm" I pull over and check the walkman cunningly located in Nike Bumbag on the waist. Vibrations had killed the tape something chronic... *another mental note... next walkman to buy to be shockproof, and have autoreverse mechanism so I don't have to pull over to turn the bloody tape over.

Stopped in Goulburn to get petrol. Problem arises. Petrol costed $3, cash in pocket amounted to $0, minimum Eftpos transaction was $10. Solution. Purchase $9 disposable camera and take photo of scoot in front of the da da da daaaa........ big Merino!!! Man that big concrete sheep sucks, I went inside it upstairs and you can look out its eyes, which turn out to be two scratched up perspex windows about the size of a shoebox lid, that you look out of and see the street below. I hate Goulburn, a town with fuck all but a police-training academy a gaol and a big concrete sheep... mmmm enticing place huh? If it's not the arsehole of the world, it's gotta be close to it.

So it's the highway after that until Marulan, nothing exciting here folks, just open throttle and a straight line until the turn off.

Marulan onwards was waaaaaay cool, all up through Bowral and Moss Vale, all these cool little towns. The countryside was soooo nice, streets lined with silvergums, passing through these little old places (resisting temptation to be a patronising city bastard and use the word 'quaint' here by the way in case you couldn’t tell), following the railway line. At Bundanoon, I pulled in and saw my old flatmate's parents for some refreshments. Aren't people's parents always good for that... apple juice and sangers... ahhh lovely.

Back on to the boring freeway at Mittagong and through the tollgates to get on to the M5 where I payed $2.50 for the privilege of getting to the city... Bastards... More boredom after that, and then I found out the real value of scootering... CARVING UP CITY TRAFFIC. Up the middle of lanes, up the outside of lanes, through bus lanes. I didn't give a ferk. Problem was, I was enjoying myself too much and ended up missing the turn off to me mate Sean's place and was right in the middle of the city before I realised it. So I'm in the city right, lost as can be, when I get the brainwave to find Pitt St, 'cos I knew Silver Rocket record shop was on Pitt St and I could check out records and ask Marek how to get to Stanmore. So there's Pitt St, a one way street. That sucked. There was roadworks. That sucked. No left turns. That sucked. Basically I was just riding around getting frustrated at every turn and watching my dwindling fuel gauge and flashing orange fuel warning light. So I ride out of the city. By now I was pretty confident on the road and starting to get cocky. A little too cocky. I ended up pulling out of a lane and nearly getting wiped out by a taxi driver. He pulled up beside me, the driver a man of middle eastern appearance,(advanced tan, bad porno mussy, a nose you could build to lock-up stage on). He gesticulated something at me and made sounds like he was choking on snot or something in my general direction. I just waved back and smiled.

Eventually I found a turn off to Newtown and made my way to Sean's house. It was cool. We ended up going to Resist Records where I bought about fifty bucks worth of 7"es and CD's, when who should drop by, but 'Iron' Kevin Thompson after his boxing training. After much nattering between Thommo and Sean about showers and such we headed off to Thommo's place where his flatmate Craig was listening to baaaad music and cooking fish. Then on to some Thai place for dinner followed by refreshments of a more liquid form across the road at the Duke of Somethingorother. Then onto Sean's floor where the black sleeping bag really came into it's own as something more than just a stylish fashion accessory...


Sean got up early to go to work, so I stayed at his place, watched his porn and listened to his 7"es. Now that's what I call a holiday....Found the Despised 'Drinking and Driving' 7" on GMM which made my weekend. After an hour or so, Fingers and the boys staying at 111 ring up with plans for the day. They come around and wait outside while I get ready. I don't think they were too impressed with that. Anyways the plan was to hit the Bonds factory and get some cheap shirts and shit, I think Fingers wanted to make some Blurters shirts or something. I was more than impressed with the idea of going to the Bonds factory and envisaged myself walking out with an armful of cheap wifebeaters, boxers and t-shirts. The reality was something different. There was fuck all there, well fuck all that wasn't in a colour that you could see in either your vomit or shit. The main amusement came from Brett 'n' Braces pulling on a size S yellow skivvy. There was talk of purchasing a few $3.99 skivvies and rocking them at the show and telling the kids that it was the latest in youth crew wear, but that idea soon died... thank god. It's gotta be bonds, but not from there is what I'm talking about.

Next stop was some seedy shop that sold and repaired second hand music stuff. Hedge Firstfailure was after some speakers for Jays PA so that they could have a show at the 111 house with the touring Melbourne bands and so Regular Boys Haircut could practice. The speakers sounded fine, but the PA sounded like it was going to shit itself. After checking out the size of the speaker boxes Fingers and Brett decided to walk home. There was no way that four guys and two speaker boxed were gonna fit in Hedgey's Camira. Why is it that all sound guys are the same? They are like rock stars that didn't make it because they were socially inept or something. Anyways $300 later we were trying to jam these damn big black chipboard mothers on to the back seat, one went in the back door, and the other one through the front window.

Back at 111 more porn. I was introduced to Mucky Mudhole a chick with a sphincter you could go fishing in, and the joys of the Shaolin monks who beat themselves regularly, on video that is. Then it was off to Newcastle to go and see some all ages hardcore show up there. I was mad keen to get up there because I hadn't seen my N-Town buddies for a long while.

Since I had absolutely no idea of where I was going, I followed Hedgeys car out of the city, and over the Harbour Bridge. Traffic sucks. The weather looked ominous. The highway from Sydney to Gosford SUCKED ARSE. Major freeway action, three lanes, high winds, plenty o'trucks and maniac car drivers who don't feel the need to indicate or overtake on the outside lane. After about five minutes of this palarvour, it decides to rain. I pull over and get my new plastic dacks out, my new gloves and the Smith family tartan scarf. There is no way to look dignified putting on a pair of plastic pants over your jeans and boots in the rain and wind on the side of a highway.

Back on the road again and the rain stops... of course. Next come the enormous hills, a bit daunting at first, but I soon got the hang of it. Just don't look down over the side, and brace yourself for windsqualls. So I'm flying down this hill and I start to overtake this truck. Guess what? Bastard truck decides to speed up. Not only that looming up behind me is his truck mate. He decides to overtake me. So there I am sitting in between two monster trucks at about 100kph in high wind on a busy wet freeway. This seemed to go on for a while, it sucked very much, one slip either way and I could have been bounced over by an eighteen wheeler. Eventually though the up part of the hill came and I got to leave them both behind, going ner ner nee ner ner.

Keen to get off the highway and leave those kind of fun and games behind, I hung a left to get to Gosford. Some real nice places from now on. Riding along the coast through a big inland salt water lake at The Entrance. Nice stuff. Getting kinda warm now with those placcy dacks on, but I knew that if I took them off it would rain. I could feel the grime building up on my jeans. Before I knew it I was in Newy with an hour or so to go before the show. Couldn't help but do the tourist thing, I spent the time going riding along the beach roads and checking out lookouts, a coupla photos of scoot with sea view, counted the freighters etc. Tres cheesy. I couldn't help it though. I love that town.


Punk rock time. I can't quite remember how I did it, but I managed to miss the first band Personal Choice which sucked because I really wanted to see them, I had heard good stuff about them. Apparently some above average Newcastle Youth Crew type thing. I must have been off getting something to eat. I dunno. A good portion of the evening was spent hanging out with Jay Noisecrash/Hatesville/Hate Is Enough/von Blurter, Craigo, and other assorted crew at the back of the venue in the back of Craig's ute talking redneck shit. I don't think the Christin the visiting seppo punk rocker was overly impressed. I could hear the growls and screeches of Melbourne band Open Wound and went to check them out. They feature MYC and Heads Kicked off drummer Jay, and I must admit, when I saw him he looked like an evil mutherfucker- shaved head, glossy black goatee, and, naturally occurring I do believe, little fangs, plus the guy isn't small. Visions of an Aussie Anton LaVey sprang to mind. Fab, Fallouts drummer and I think Paul from Next Step/Stamanech 640 was also in the band. I left after about half a song. I wasn't in the mood for grind at all. Plus I really came up to hang out with friends and not to see bands. I think Stamanech 640 was next, I can't really remember the order. I've seen that band just fucking blow up, but I wasn't that impressed with them this time around. The only song that still rocks me is SAAAAAAAAABUUUUUUU. Pete "Supervisor" NextStep has wicked 'bloodthroat' vocals. I jumped in and caught the whole of Next Steps set, featuring the incredible Kombi brothers looking fresh and tanned from their recent overseas sojourn. Chris was sporting a lovely mop of hair for which he was generously ridiculed. I do believe Chris was more airborne on stage this trip than I have ever seen him, he must have learnt some new stage moves overseas. He had some good things to say in between songs that were filled with that early 80's posicore sound. Definite standouts of the set were that song that goes Whoo-o Who-o-ooo, I cant think of the name, right now, it's on the 7" though and the Slapshot cover, 'I've Had Enough' which both received the appropriate dancefloor movement and singalong responses. Not from I though. My vibration damaged kidneys weren't in the mood, and neither was I really. More redneck chat action in the ute. Many bands formed with hot air (White Knuckle) etc. After that the mighty Arms Reach. Tonight they were goood. Real gooooood. The usual berserk dancefloor antics abounded with major pile on action and circle pit mayhem. Noticeably more females getting into the action this time. Not sure if it's because there are girls in the band or what, but it was refreshing to see girls getting crushed and hit alongside the guys anyway. Arms Reach went a little too fast for my liking for a period, and lost their crushing mosh edge which made them stand out from a stack of other fast punk/hc/grind/powerviolence bands. But tonight they were spot on. The fast parts were brutalfast, and the mosh parts were chunky as fuck. It was truly a joy to behold. After the show was over I headed back to Craig von Edge's place to talk shit about women and punk rock for a while before crashing out in the black sleeping bag.


10am wake up and Christy-Wayne Arms Reach rings. Craigblurt wakes up and realises he has to be at band practice like yesterday and bails quicker than a pop-punker in a Toe To Toe pit. I leisurely go about my ablutions and scoot on over to Christy's place and we go up the road to get breakfast provisions. Breakfast at the Tait household was more than plentiful: avocado on toast, cooked tomato, onion, mushrooms and vegetarian sawdust, uh, I mean sausage. A fine gutful for the big day ahead. After an all to short morning exchanging pleasantries, it was back off to Sydneytown. I hummed along the highway for a while to try and get back in time for the party at the 111 house. I soon decided that the highway sucked a little too much and that I would rather explore a little more of this great nation of mine in the glorious springtime sunshine than see more bands. So I headed towards the coast, and was rewarded with plenty of nice subtropical rainforest riding, punctuated by golden beach coastline. Well, well, well worth the diversion. Coming back to Sydney, I had plans of going over the harbour bridge and stopping and taking photos of the scoot on one of our national icons, but I rooted that idea up by getting in the wrong lane and ending up in the harbour tunnel. That was cool anyway, paying another toll wasn't cool though. It was a long tunnel and riding in it felt like being in a video game. I raced all the other cars, and wished that it had rounded walls so that I could go up the side, but it was still pretty cool nonetheless. Anyway it came out in some part of Sydney that I had never seen in my life before, and I got mightily lost. I must be the only person fool enough to ride around Sydney without a map. After a while though, I soon found some signs to get me to Stanmore.

I arrived too late to see the Blurters and Regular Boys Haircut, the only two bands I really wanted to see, which kinda sucked. Apparently Fingers had let off a smoke bomb he got last time he was in Canberra, in the middle of RBH which had cleared the room. Missed most of Open Wound, Stamanech 640 (except Saaaaaaabuuuuuuu), and Next Step. Caught the full force of Bleeding Face however. Fuck me. Why are this band breaking up when they just released a split with Stamanech? They were fucking awesome, especially with the new bass player, the last one sucked sooooooooo bad. The young Cunt Ari Practice was like a singer possessed. Reminded me of a cross between Chris from Subversion (RIP), FD period 'Iron' Kevin Thompson, and Angus Young. Totally berserk mix. Bringing the danger back into punk rock. After these guys came the mighty AVO, the allstar NSWHC show. Brettario from the 'gong did remark that AVO should stand for All Very Old. Now featuring Bibs (ex Crank, Toe To Toe, Rocks, blah blah blah) alongside Sean (ex TTT), Thommo (ex FD) and Kas (RBH, Bleeding Face), they blitzed the loungeroom with their blend of street level, hard hitting 80's thrash style hc. The Jerrys Kids cover of 'Uncontrollable' was just that, with Sean's bass lead getting ripped apart and mad loungeroom circle action and pile-on mayhem occurring. Thommo's singing antics saw most people up the front move back a step as his steelcap gettagrips landed on a couple of peoples, toes, shins etc... Other highlights of the set saw Kas getting whaled by Hedgeys new PA speakers as Thommo went a little too troppo with the mic. Thommo's mic getting fucked up and having to use Kas's back up mic with about a foot long spike of steel gaffa taped to the end of it. Folks really started to move back in a hurry at that stage, even from the safety of another room. It was a scary sight. Fortunately the gaffa along with the spike was removed before continuing.

After the party it was back to Sean's to listen to more music before heading off to the pub for the nights show, which featured, wait for it, you guessed it, Stamanech 640, Bleeding Face, Open Wound, AVO, Next Step, with fellow Canberrans Mugshot arriving to vary the lineup a little. I was over it I tell you. Sat around and shot the breeze and got yelled at by more punk rock bands for a while. The best part of the evening was seeing the staff spinning out at the bands, shaking their heads and blocking their ears. By this stage, I could sympathise with them. Watched AVO and Thommo dedicated their song 'Trough Boy' to me, he really knows how to make an old friend feel welcome. I was soooo hungry and checking my watch, it was about 10:30pm. No wonder I was hungry, I hadn't eaten since brekky. It was pissing down rain now, and there was nowhere nearby to get anything to eat. I was bummed. Suddenly fingers shows up waving a key in my face... "You've got a licence haven't you?" he said. Great I was thinking, here's a guy that wants me to write him a character reference and he's gone and stolen a car. "No, he says its allright, it's my flatmates, he let's anyone use it." The voice of my hunger was louder than the voice of my reason and I took the key and headed to the carpark picking up a few strays on the way. After finding out that I was gonna drop Jay home first, the strays ejected themselves, and we were on our way to 111 and then Maccas (punk rock huh?). Right about where I'm in an unfamiliar dark street, in an unfamiliar car, in pissing down rain Jay says "Do you reckon that now would be a good time to tell Doug that he's driving an unregistered car?" In the middle of that sentence, a police car pulls out of a side street and starts to follow us. Greeeeeeeeat timing. We lost them after a while though, dropped Jay off and landed ourselves at the Golden Arches. Fingers, Mr Allergic To Wheat, Orders a Big Mac without a bun, after much kerfuffle he gets a Big Mac with a bun and proceeds to take the bun off and eat the rest with his fingers. It was truly one of the most grossest sights I saw on the whole trip, Muddy Muckhole and all. The four thousand kilowatt fluorescent lighting didn't do much for the place at all I must say. The nightclub sluts were there in various states of dress and undress. The place was full of heads rougher than a hat full of twisted arseholes. It was loaded with cellulite, zits, gel, lycra, high heels and way too much make up. The women too. I was soo keen to leave that place. It would've been easier if Achmed and thirteen generations of his family in three cars didn't decide to stop in the out lane and have a family dispute. After that it was back to Sean's to crash in the new sleeping bag.


Sean wakes up hungover and still drunk and has to go to work at like 7am or some shit. Poor cunt. More porn and 7"es... hehehe. Sean comes back and we go down to Enmore Road to breakfast up, joined by 'Iron' Kevin Thompson. Nice fatty sausages, bacon, mushies, tomatoes... the works mmmm. Then back for more punk rock stereo action while the boys wait for Bibsy to come around and pick them up to take them to the Wollongong show. In the meanwhile 'Iron' Thommo whips out a Sarah Lee carrot cake... just when I thought I couldn't fit another thing in hahahaa. The weather looked like shit- raining intermittently and the sky was as dark as the bags under Sean's eyes. I had planned originally to ride to the 'gong and catch the show there, but now I had my doubts. To see most of the bands I had already seen all weekend plus some more local grindslop bands? I wasn't into it that much. And the Bulli pass sucks in four wheels on a good day, let alone on two ten inch wheels in the rain. I wussed out of going to Wollongong, which turned out to be a good thing cos something ferked up on my scooter limiting it to a top speed of around 80-90kph. Of course it had to happen in the pouring rain. I decided sightseeing roads were out, and the freeway was the go so I wouldn't have to spend more time than was needed on the road, and so if I broke down I wouldn't be forty miles from the nearest backwater one horse town. A quick side-of-the-road stop and engine inspection revealed nothing to me, but then again I'm a bit what you might call mechanically challenged, but I took a photo with the tools out and the sidepanels off anyway, 'cos it looked cool. I did pay the NRMA another thirty nine bucks for extra cover which included free towing, so I wanted to be on the road with those little blue emergency phones on the side every few kilometres or so in case I seized the engine or something. At about Marulan or so the fog was thick and it was freezing cold and pouring with rain, and I was limited to 80 kph. About now I was appreciating the fact that I didn't go with the 'spring weight' gloves. I stuck to the left hand lane hoping that the cars and trucks could see my little red tail light that was half obscured anyway by my stuffed gearbag occied to the back. Visibility was down to about 10 metres or less at this stage. I did have thoughts of stopping at Goulburn and staying the night at a hotel and riding back to Canberra in the morning. Getting closer though I remembered exactly how much I hated the place and that spurred me to continue home. I ended up preferring a cold, wet, cramped and dangerous ride on a scooter to a warm, dry and safe hotel room in Goulburn. After that it was around Lake George and on to the home stretch. Warning. Warning. Flashing orange light. Running out of petrol. In my hurry to bypass Goulburn, I forgot to get petrol. If there's one more thing that would have sucked, it would have been running out of petrol just outside of Canberra... The straw that broke the camels back as it were. Fortunately it battled on with the flashing orange light for a fair while, long enough to get to the next servo. $4.87 petrol the most expensive fill of the whole journey.

Getting home was sooo good, and I dragged my limp, cold and cramped body into a hot radox bath with a hot mug of tea... awwww don'cha love a happy ending?

(Rollerzentrale is a german scooter shop that I ripped the animation off from. I just liked it so much that I had to have it. Visit their page.)