Black Progress

(Bob Marley)

(James Brown, Alfred "Pee Wee" Ellis)

Medley: Bob Marley's Black Progress and James Brown's (Say It Load) I'm Black And I'm Proud.

The Wailers, 1970

Recorded in 1970 at Randy's,Kingston, Jamaica. Bob Marley - lead vocal, Peter Tosh - backing vocal, Bunny Wailer - backing vocal, The Soulettes (Rita Marley, Hortense Lewis & Cecile Campbell) - backing vocals, Aston "Family Man" Barrett - bass, Carly Barrett - drums, Glen Adams - organ, Alva "Reggie" Lewis - guitar. Produced by The Wailers.

The Wailers, 1970

Dub version of the above recording. Produced by The Wailers.

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Last updated: 2003-09-05