Cherry Oh! Baby

(E. Donaldson)

Another DJ version by Dennis Alcapone called Well Dread was made for Lee Perry.

Eric Donaldson, 1971

The number one song of the sixth Jamaican Festival contest, 1971. Produced by Bunny Lee.

Dennis Alcapone, 1971

Dennis Alcapone is toasting over Eric Donalson's recording. This version is called Ripe Cherry. Appeared on the Trojan compilation album Tighten Up, Volume 5, 1971. Time: 3:03.

UB40, 1983

James Brown - drums & syncussion, Ali Campbell -vocals & guitar, Robin Campbell - guitar & vocals, Earl Falconer - bass, Norman Hassan - percussion & vvocals, Brian Travers - saxophones, Michael Virtue - keyboards, Astro - toasting, rhyming & percussion. Produced by UB40 and Ray "Pablo" Falconer. Time: 3:18.

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Last updated: 2003-10-31