Paul van Dyk @ Aro.Space December 17, 1998

0:00 Mother's Pride - Learning To Fly (Heat)
0:12 Saccoman - Distant Planet (BXR Noisemaker)
0:16 Paul van Dyk - Words (MFS)
0:22 Paul van Dyk - For An Angel '98 (Deviant)
0:28 Three Drives On A Vinyl - Greece 2000 . Remix (But Which ?) 
0:42 Robert Miles - Children . Tilt Remix
0:51 Mike Koglin - Silence . Tekara Mix (Tasted)
0:58 Alanis Morrisette - Your House . Hybrid Remix
1:01 Freefall - Skydive 
1:08 ??? Must Know !!
1:12 Travel - Bulgarian (Jinx)
1:17 Skynet U.K. - Open The Floodgates '99 (Whoop)
1:23 System F - Out Of The Blue (Tsunami)
1:27 Plastic Boy - Twixt (Bonzai)
1:34 - The End - 

I hope all time-codes are correct.
As usual, the PvD stream was very hard to dissect.

thanks to (amoung others)
- Warren Balint
- André

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