Celluloid Sluts

The Band

Laura Barrett

Sarah Ball

Autumn Nakamura

Rosie Nakamura

Besides the members themselves, there are a few other people who make the band possible

Craig "The Mac Daddy" Harman

Adam Coop aka Poop

Adam is the band's lead roadie, bass technician, and music consultant. He is also a member of the bands Hwy. 111, the Denison University Jazz Ensemble, and the Denison Jazz Combo.

Craig serves as the band's official pimp daddy, but has also been known to "tear up the mic" on occasion.

Fernanda De Capua

Matt Hubbard

Matt is a true brother to the band. Besides loaning equipment and sharing pearls of musical wisdom, he also inspires and motivates the band to greatness. He is the ultimate dude.

Fernanda has a special place in our hearts because she got us our first show. She has also created art work for the band, and is a true celluloid slut herself.

Paul Durica aka Durica Suave

Rob Levine aka Snake

Words cannot describe the impact that Rob has had upon this band. From shooting live footage to providing encouragement to even jamming with the band himself, he is a true rock and roll outlaw, and it is a privilege knowing him.

Paul is the band's live soundman, working the audio engineering skills at our shows. He also bears an uncanny resemblance to Norman Bates making him extremely cool. Thank you Paul for all the memories.

Dave Bussan


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