Michael Diamond(32; November 20, 1965), alias MikeD is known for his wild styles.  But in my opinion, he is the "band leader".  With both the jobs of running GRAND ROYAL, and a clothing company(X-LARGE), this BEASTIE has really grown up.  You may notice that he looks uncannily like "Screch" from "Saved By The Bell"...  And they also have the same last name...  Diamond.  Don't you think they would be brothers??  Well, theyre not...  I wouldnt have fuckin known if it wernt for all the people who wrote to me about this.  Diamond grew up in NewYork's luxurious UpperWestSide in some duplex apartment overlooking Central Park.  His father is an art-dealer, and his mom an interior decorator.  Diamond attended some private school( St Ann's School ) in Brooklyn Heights. So when he reached adolescence he occasionally shaved his head or wore four ear-rings in one ear.
At 17, he moved in with Adam Yauch(MCA), on Chrystie street.