Support Our Boys!

See that name? *NSYNC... You know it well. So lets save it, and our boys from the big, bad hands of corruption and greed. Otherwise known as Trans-Con and Big Poppa Lou. The fat, money grubbing, shady individual who wants to take the name *nsync and our boys from the public eye, and tarnish their image forever. Rumor has it that TransCon is sueing nsync for $150 million dollars and taking them to court to further push back the already receding release date of their ironicly titled 2nd album, "No Strings Attached". Foreshadowing anyone? I think so! At the risk of sounding teeny-bopperish I'm gonna give you a list of things to do so we can try to salvage the cause, and what little money the boys have left.

Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures

1. Visit transcon's webpage and look at the dillutional company's attempt to try and cover up their scandalous behavior concerning *NSYNC and The BSB. Laugh, then proceed to write them an email telling them excatly what you think about them.

2. If you own a webpage participate in the blackout by adding the message: "Trans Continental's conduct with regard to 'N Sync is the most glaring, overt and callous example of artist exploitation that the music industry has seen in a long time. We look forward to the opportunity to air the full facts and will do so in the weeks to come."
- 'N Sync
to your front page on a black background.

3. Stay Abreast of the situation, and remain informed.

4. Hope that *NSync wins the suit and keeps their name and that "No Strings Attached" is able to come out.

5. Visit other sites for their ideas

It's an *NJUSTICE!

Shedding Light On The Controversy

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