Happy Families!

familt pic
They may be the picture of family bliss now but did THE CORRS fight as much as most bruvs and sisters when they were younger? What do you think?!


There must have been some corking scraps when the four of you were growing up...

All: Plenty!
Caroline: About clothes, usually.
Sharon: I had to lock my bedroom! They'd always just walk into my room and take my clothes!
Jim: Even me, and then she'd beat me up! I'm only joking by the way. I'm not really a cross-dresser or anything!
Caroline: Sharon was the eldest so she had the most sophisticated clothes. Poor Andrea and I had to make to with her hand-me-downs!

Did any of you have to share a room?

Andrea: Caroline and I shared a bed and you wouldn't believe what she used to do. She'd make her side of the bed and leave mine unmade.
Caroline: You drove me to it! That was after months of frustration. Andrea's side of the room was like a tip and I had to live in it. I couldn't get the door open for the mess! I was trying to make a point, but I guess I was being a bit of an idiot.
Andrea: I was actually a little worried about her sanity at the time!

Did you play the bossy older brother, Jim?

Andrea: Do you know what Jim'd do to me when we played hide and seek? He'd lift me up and put me on the very top shelf of this great big cupboard. I'd be sitting up there waiting for someone to come and find me, and they'd have all stopped playing! (Aww!)
Jim: We'd be sat there having a cup of tea and then, every half-hour or so, we'd shout up to Andrea, 'coming'!
Sharon: I remember one time Jim locked me in this wardrobe and started shaking it. It was pretty old and couldn't take it so the whole thing collapsed and crashed onto my bed which then split in two!

Were any of you rebellious when you were younger?

Jim: When I was about 13 I'd sneak out and stay up all night, and our parents would think I was at home in bed!
Sharon: He'd sneak out and then, when he wanted to get back in, he'd jump onto the garage roof and climb through my bedroom window. I remember waking up one night and there was Jim and my dad scuffling at the end of my bed after my dad caught him sneaking in.
Jim: I actually wrote off my dad's car. It was his prized, brand-new Citröenn and I reversed it into a post. So can I just say, (in ickle boy's voice) "I'm sorry, Daddy!"

Any strange habits when you were little?

Caroline: Andrea still sucks her thumb!
Andrea: I do, and the one I suck is smaller than the other! (Quickly flashes her thumbs and proves that this really is the case). But Caroline sniffs her jumper!
Caroline: Oh no! What on earth is that going to sound like? Let's not get into this! It's sort of like a comfort thing. I just pull the neck of my jumper up over my nose when I'm tired. It's not as crazy as it sounds! (Uh huh....)

Any memorable fashion disasters from your childhood?

Sharon: I was majorly into flares and I had this one huge pair I'd wear with an Action Man jumper, which was nice!
Caroline: I had a phase where I'd only wear tracksuits, which was quite horrible!

Any confessions you'd like to get off your chests?
Something mean you did when you were younger?

Sharon: Well, I did put a really dirty smelly sock on Caroline's nose when she was sleeping. It was one of Jim's so it was lethal, but she slept right through it!
Caroline: No way! I can't believe you did that! (Cue light slapping and hysterical laughter...)
