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Cartoon Network didnt show the Garlic saga, they Went all the way back to season one! Prehaps they are planning something big? 3 new tapes to coming out within the next 2 months to dates are offical as of yet.

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You're strong for an average Earthling..

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Well alot of has been done although it may not seem like it! Ive been downloaded Movie 4. So now I have nearly 10 out of 13 and I got the Trunks Special!
You folks out there will soon see a kick *** movie site with clips, full movies, the specials, galore!! I got my Fanfic page also up I'm currently writing a fanfic for the site and maybe i'll send it into planetnamek and maybe some other sites!  Well Im gonna need your fanart cause I got about 5 or so. Im going to put that up as soon as I rig up my scanner. Episode summaries will also be done! I will try and buy all the English tapes (I own more than 75% already), but I will get the orginal Japanesse one's to, of course! So I got lots planned! Since you mite be asking yourself, "wait geocities, only allows 15 megs or so, how is he gonna get all that space?" Well my answer to that is easy. Im gonna get a seperate Site at xoom and link these pages to it and I will have UNLIMITED SPACE!!! Oh, ya, I added some more bios and pictures soon I will make them pictures better, you know, thumbnails and all that junk... I also fixed some lil aligning error's, my viewers deserve only the best! Well Im going to go search for somemore good ideas to put on the page! Ive done lot's today, seya.



Episode summaries


put up some more pictures and Ive uploaded about 15 images.  Expect more frequent updates this week. I'm going to get more staff here soon hopefully! If you want to help me e-mail me! Im working on the following in ord of which needs to come first: Fanart page, Movie clips page, Episode summaries, and a Fanfic page! I need your Fanart! I also need your FanFic im curently writing one! It's going pretty good, im only on chap. 3 and I already have written 20 pages! This weekend im going to try to get the movies page up! Ive already downloaded 6 or 7 of the 13 movies not to mention the Trunks Special and the 10 aniversary special. Im gonna download all the eps., hopefully, by the end of next month. Im really focusing on my Episode summaries, and my fanfic, and also the Zgallery, which currently is very messy:(
Well enough of that all I did this time was uploaded pictures. Have a great day!

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