
Born 10th of December 1972 to Scottish and American parents, the early years of Brian's life were spent with him being dragged anywhere from Liberia to Lebanon to Luxembourg by his father, an international banker, in his quest for more money. Sent to a private American school in Luxembourg, Brian was even then the outsider, the boy who prefered drama to sport. Stefan was also at the same school but the two never actually spoke to one another as Stefan was a jock, in with the popular crowd, and Brian (as he himself put it) was a loser. At the age of 17, Brian upped sticks and moved to England to study drama at Goldsmiths in London.

His father would have prefered for him to follow a career in banking but fortunately Brian decided that rock n? roll and nail varnish was a more preferable career option. He likes to wear woman's clothes because they fit him much better than men's do, and that there is far more variety than in menswear (great), Brian is a bit too honest, Brian says that red isn't really quite his colour (I don't agree with him), He did some shoots for Calvin Klein and GUCCI, He likes Blondie, He used to play the saxophone, He would like to learn to play the piano 'cause he secretly wants to be Elton John, (oh no, please!!!). Brian smokes Marlboro Lights!! (yum). He?s not married (great!).

He first began using make-up in the theatre from the age of 11, so he got used to wearing it at an early age. When moved to London he was often mistaken for a girl anyway, so he decided to play up to it even more (he looks cute anyways). He wears black nail varnish (love that)!!!, All of the band lyrics are written by him, and some of the music too!!!,  And the last thing Brian afraid of flying (isn?t that sweet??) = )??

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