Spring Heeled Jack's last f@%&ing show!!! AAAAAUUUGGHH!!!
May 5, 2000
Toad's Place, New Haven CT
With: Slackjaw, Malpraktis, and BiG MiSTAKE

On May 5, 2000, Spring Heeled Jack played their final show. They were the best band EVER. Seriously! (ok I know I say that about MTX and the Smugglers, but it's true about Jack too. Really, I don't know how anyone could see these guys and NOT be totally blown away!) Their music ROCKED, they were AWESOME performers, and nice guys too. Really, it was all about the shows. I can't think of a time that I left one disappointed. Every show was like a party, and the last one was the party to end all parties! Two whole hours of Jack! WHOOHOO! Seeing BiG MiSTAKE again was awesome too. I think one of the best things about that show was the vibe in the crowd - it felt like everyone was just one big group of friends. (speaking of friends, to the girl with the Bosstones fliers and her two friends: I feel bad I never got to say goodbye! You guys were wicked cool! Maybe we'll get to hang out at a show again!) Ok now, ON TO THE PICTURES...

*Note: I didn't take any pictures of Slackjaw, because umm... I just didn't. But they were cool and I've seen them a bunch of times since this show. You should all go see them, because they rock. And, I didn't take any pictures of Malpraktis because... umm... well, you know. They were somewhat less than good (but of course that's just my opinion.) Sorry, but the dude with the towel on his head was just scaring me. Hahaha!

A guy named Billy. Who, evidently, was in a band called Frogboy back in the day, but is not a member of Big Mistake. That's ok, I took pictures of him anyway!


Jeff came over to us before the show started to ask us if we'd be offended if we saw his bare ass, and we all said no. This is when we found out why...

AHHHHH!!! Imagine the reactions of the people in line at CVS when *THIS* baby slid out of the 1-hour-photo machine! HAHAHAHA!


Gabe with the Flaming Trumpet!

Tyler onstage with Big Mistake.

Dave setting up his drumset.

Ron. (It seems like this picture should have some witty caption to go along with it. I can't think of a good one though! Any ideas?)

Mike in action.


Tyler (with Pete and Mike in background.)

Mike again.

More Ron.

Another one of Mike.

Ron staring me down.

Tyler and Pete (and a wee bit of Mike.)

Yet another one of Mike.

Ron singing.

The last one... and it's of Mike!

So that's it. I just want to thank Spring Heeled Jack for all the great memories. You guys were the best! I'll never forget you! Good Luck in whatever you go on to!

Click here to see my pics of the Smugglers and the Plus Ones.
Click here to see pics of the Mr. T Experience and Pansy Division.
Click here to go to the Dr. Frank page that never gets updated because I'm a lazy bum (plus he's not doing anything spectacular at the moment anyway.)
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