Sharkteeth Paleofauna of Cadzand

The beaches in the surroundings of Cadzand (Netherlands) and Knokke (Belgium) have been famous for tourism and fossils for a long time. Many people enjoy the hunt for the fossilized remains of shells, manimals, fish, reptiles, sharks and rays and lots more. A layer in front of the coast provides fresh material every day. However, fossils that originate from this layer only wash on shore in small amounts.

Another source provided loads of teeth that can be found on these beaches. During the eighties, fossilcontaining sand from elsewhere was used to surplate the beach. This sand was very rich in teeth and contained the so called Post Miocene Base Layer (dutch: Post Miocene Basisgrind). Mixture of this sand and the original fossil layer in front of the coast means that different geological periods (eocene, oligocene, miocene and pliocene - recent) can be found on the same spot here (timechart). Of course this sometimes troubles determination. However the richness of sharkteeth has increased a lot. Especialy after heavy storms you can find some nice teeth. A lot of Isurus hastalis, unfortunaly most of them broken. If your lucky: Carcharodon carcharias (very rare) or Carcharocles megalodon (pieces are common; complete teeth are rare). Big collections with a wide variety of beautiful teeth, including big megalodons are almost always from collectors that collected during or just after the surplations. I know of collectors that hunted the beaches in those days at dawn, after nights of heavy storms. I myself started collecting too late for the real good catches. Teeth from the surplations still wash on shore, but the concentration is decreasing.

A nice book about the fossils of Cadzand is available. It's not expensive and gives a good overview of the species which can be found here. It's a publication of the NGV (Nederlandse Geologen Vereniging). You can order it or just buy it in Cadzand at the "Bezoekerscentrum".
If you are in Cadzand, be sure to visit "Bezoekerscentrum 't Zwin", besides education on the local plants and animals a beautiful collection of shark teeth is permanently shown.
Table 1. Is a listing of shark species that to my knowledge can be found at the beaches of Cadzand and surroundings. The list is a mixture of my own findings and information I have from references as mentioned at the bottom of this page.

tabel 1. Species list Cadzand



Notorynchus primigenius (Agassiz, 1843), Eocene – Miocene

Hexanchus gigas (Sismoda, 1861)


Squalus sp.


Squatina sp.


Nebrius thielensi (Winkler, 1873), Eocene


Odontaspis vorax (Le Hon 1871), Miocene

Carcharias accutissima (Agassiz, 1844), Oligocene - Miocene

Carcharias cuspidata (Agassiz, 1844), Oligocene

Carcharias hopei (Agassiz, 1843), Eocene

Striatolamia macrota (Agassiz, 1843), Eocene


Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus, 1758)

Isurolamna vandenbroecki (Winkler, 1880)

Isurus desori (Aggasiz, 1844)

Isurus hastalis (Agassiz, 1843)

Isurus preacursor Leriche, 1905, Eocene

Isurus retoflexus (Agassiz, 1843), Miocene

Lamna lerichei Casier, 1940 Eocene

Lamna rupeliensis (Le Hon, 1871), Oligocene – Miocene

Xiphodolamia ensis (Woodward 1889)


Carcharocles angustidens (Agassiz, 1843) Oligocene

Carcharocles auriculatus (Agassiz, 1843), Eocene

Carcharocles megalodon (Agassiz, 1843), Miocene - Pliocene

Parotodus benedi (Le Hon, 1871) Oligocene - Miocene


Alopias sp.

Alopias latidens (Leriche 1909), Oligocene



Hemipristis serra, Agassiz, 1843, Miocene


Abdounia minutissima, (Winkler, 1873), Eocene

Abdounia recticona (Winkler, 1873), Eocene

Carcharinus elongates (Leriche, 1910) Oligocene

Galeocerdo aduncus Agassiz, 1843, Miocene

Galocerdo latidens Agassiz, 1843, Eocene

Physolgaleus latus (Storms 1895), Oligocene

Physogaleus secundus (Winkler, 1874), Eocene




More information about the fossils at the beaches of Cadzand can be found at the following references:

Anonymus, Gids voor strandfosielen van Cadzand en Nieuwvliet-Bad, haaien- en roggentanden, schelpen, krabben, slangsterren, zoogdierresten. Nederlandse Geologische Vereniging, afdeling Amsterdam, 1998, nr.2 (156 pages, Dutch)

Haaientand a site by the Belgium collector Kris Blomme (beach finds at the Belgium and Netherlands sections).

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