Sunday Magazine

How did you learn about the birds and the bees?

Lisa : My mum gave me a book when I was about seven, and I knew everything by the time I was seven-and-a-half!

Faye : I got a book too, called The Body Book

Claire : We were shown a video with two cartoon characters who had a bath together. I'm not sure what that taught us though.

Lee : I just seemed to know. All my friends were talking about sex and stuff so I picked it all up off them.

H : I learnt at school. Our teachers would put condoms on bananas and show us videos of babies being born. We were all like, "Aargh!"

What's the worst thing you've ever done for a dare?

H : My brother dared me to put frogspawn in my mouth. Did I do it? I did i'm afraid.

Lee : I put a maggot in my mouth, not for a dare but just to see what it was like.

Claire : At a dinner party my dad pretended to throw this gateau in my face, so i said " I dare you" and he did!

Lisa : H dared me to light a match on a plane, and i was about to do it he started going, "No, don't!" But I did it anyway.

How far have you gone to attract a man or women?

H : I just shout at them

Lisa : A bit of eye contact is about as far as it goes for me.

Claire : I don't even do that. I'm so crap at pulling it's embarrassing. I once fell over in front of a guy I fancied, so it was him who picked me up.

What's the worst way you've dumped someone?

Lisa : I was going out with a lad for two years, and I took him out for this really nice meal and then finished with him.

Lee : When I was 14 I finished with this girl by telling her in front of all my mates and she ran off crying.

Faye : I dumped a guy on Valentine's Day.

Claire : I got dumped on Valentine's Day. I put my boyfreind's card on his desk and he gave it back to me unopened and said  " We're finished".

What's better than sex ?

Lee : Sex with ice cream!

Have you ever hit someone?

Faye : I had a scrap with the hardest girl in my school. One day she hit me and i hit her right back. I was so proud!

Lee : This guy used to bully me and one day he was chasing me and I hit him. After that we became good mates and we still are.