OphisThis is the real sadness coming from Hamburg, the throne of melancholy has a new king and the name of this bastard creature is OPHIS. If you love the crude & intense feelings of desperate real doom metal you will love OPHIS, a fabulous mix of true obscure doom metal with death touches and a lot of pain! Krepuskulum interviewed Phillipp Kruppa the sad mastermind behind the band.

KREPUSKULUM: OPHIS is a strong and strange name. The meaning is snake, serpent, I´m right? What does it symbolize for you?

Phillip Kruppa: Yeah, you are right about this, OPHIS is the greek word for serpent. There are several reasons for baptizing this band OPHIS. I always loved snakes, they fascinate me. Not only in a biological matter, but also because of the mythological and cultural meaning of these beings. In christianity for example the snake is the bringer of gnosis and enlightening and therefor the enemy of God. In many cultures the serpent is a symbol for knowledge and perserverance, but it is also dreaded and feared. So the snake is a very powerful and majestic animal to me. Also, Doom Metal has something serpent-like in my opinion, it is dark, sombre and crawling. I chose the greek word because it sounds special and strange, far better than just calling the band 'Serpent'.

You created and recorded all musics of the incredible first OPHIS release - the album "Empty, Silent and Cold", but now you are working with another musicians. What is the reason for this? Are you the only composer in the new OPHIS´era?

The reason to put up with other musicians was to be able to play live on stage and to add another dimension to the sound of OPHIS. Our drummer Richard for example has different ideas than I would have, he certainly expanded the rythmical structures of OPHIS. Also, the others can help me out when I´m stuck with the fucking arrangement or something. I´m not the only composer anymore, but still the main songwriter, and that´s how it´s going to be. In normal cases, I write the main riffs of a song, so that the atmosphere is set, then the others add one or two riffs and/or help me out with the arrangement. It´s like me building a house and have some friends to help me paint it, so to say. Still, I write all the lyrics.

The atmosphere created in the OPHIS´music mix a kind of crude melancholy with your suffering voice with the depth , slow & powerful guitars. Why did you opt for this kind of feelings? The new fashion of doom/gothic is include female vocals, what do you think about it?

That´s hard to define exactly, it emerged from somewhere inside of me. I did never think like "hey, let´s play some fucking Doom Metal" or something, I just started to write songs to express my feelings and it turned out to be Doom. I´m a very melancholic person and suffered from depression more than six years, which made me also agressive sometimes and all these feelings are reflected in the music. I think slow, heavy music is a better outlet for that suicidal feeling than Blastbeat music, although I love fast Metal too. Doom creates an atmosphere of hopelessness and despair more intense than any other music in my opinion. About female vocals: I have no problems with that, although that doesn´t fit to OPHIS, so it´s no option for us. I like Gothic once in a while, but I
don´t like to be put into that category. Maybe we'll use female vocals some time, but certainly not in that opera-style as bands like Theatre Of Tragedy or Tristania did. We´d use them rather differently, f.e. screaming or crying or something like that, but not that regular singing.

Talk to us about the creative process behind musics as the impressive PAZUZU, the dark & deep "THE MIRROR NEVER LIES" and the powerful "CARESSING THE DEAD".

Tjanky you, we´re honoured that our work seems to be touching for you. "Pazuzu" was a little inspired by the movie "The Exorcist" in which that little girl is possessed by this demon and mostly by the book "The Necronomicon" and sumerian culture in general. Back in the days of the old Sumerians, they believed Pazuzu was the demon of sickness and disease. He is described in the Necronomicon, so I wrote a text about him. The music has also a slight arabian flair in the main melody because Sumer was where now the Iraq is. "The
Mirror Never Lies" is metaphoric. It´s about the truth you can find in people´s eyes. No matter what they tell you and how they act, their eyes tell you what they really think and feel. I experienced this every time I split up with one of my girlfriends. Eyes are the mirror of the soul, so the "Mirror Never Lies", you know? "Caressing The Dead" is the oldest OPHIS-song ever, it sounds a little different in my opinion. It´s about envying the dead. I remember that I was full of hate on life when I wrote this one, that´s why it sounds so rough and harsh. It´s a sick fantasy of living only with dead people because the absence of life means peace.

Where come from the sadness and pain that we listen in your music?

They come from my soul. I know, that sounds like a stupid cliché, but it´s the truth. As I mentioned above, I suffered from depression a long time and I still am a melancholic person sometimes. I´m disappointed from mankind in general. I can´t understand why most people, at least here in Germany, have such a "consumption mentality" and why they even treat other people like goods. I don´t have the feeling to be able to get along with average people, and I don´t have much interest in living like everybody else. The plastic-culture of the so called western world scares me, and also the corrupt politics and the decline of ethics scare the shit out of me. I
sometimes feel imprisoned, isolated and unheard. Of course, I have also lots of fun with my friends, and we party, drink and bang our heads like hell, and we also laugh a lot, but there is always a certain pain in me, a longing for something true that I can´t define. This makes me aching and sad sometimes, and when I feel that sorrow, I start writing material for OPHIS.

The cover art of "Empty, Silent and Cold" is very interesting and misterious, what is the meaning of it?

The cover shows the demon Pazuzu. There is no deeper meaning in this, we chose it because it fits to that song and also the shape and appearance of Pazuzu fits to our music in our opinion The skulls and bone-arms have no special meaning either, they just look good. In the future, maybe we'll put more symbolism and meaning into our covers, but we don´t know yet. The most important thing is, that the cover visualises the sound of the CD.

You use the inverted cross in the OPHIS´logo. Are you Satanists?

The others in the band are not Satanists. For myself, well, I am sort of a satanic person, since I can identify with most parts of satanic ideology. I think, my individuality is the greatest treasure I got, and because of this
I have to strengthen it. My will is my law, but I also respect, that the will of others is their law. In that way you could call me Satanist, although I don´t call myself one. I don´t belong to any satanic formation, I never practice any rituals, I don´t even believe in Satan. As well as the serpent, Satan is just a symbol for illumination and gnosis, the raising of the individual. Therefor, I use Satan as a symbol; also as a symbol against christian dogmas and dictation. OPHIS is an anti-christian band, I really loathe christian attitude and their suppression of the individual. That´s why chose the inverted cross. Not to praise Satan, but to show anti-christian attitude and to symbolise individual strength. Fuck Jesus!!!

The lyrics of the CD are interesting and deep. Where come from the inspiration to write it? Do you like poetry and literature? What are your favorite books and movies?

Well, as I said, the inspiration comes from my feelings. Mostly, I write about persons and situations that hurt me. Things that went bad in my life. Actions that made me suffer. I always try to cloak the plot in symbols and
metaphors, so that the listener can still identify with that. I'd never write "oh, I felt that, and she said this" and stuff, I just try to make the feelings I had in that situation understandable for the listener. When somebody tells me, that I expressed some feeling that he felt too, no matter if he experienced the same situation or something different, that´s the best thing that can happen. I´m always very glad, when people can find themselves in the music.
I like literature. I hardly ever read poetry, but I really enjoy literature which has a poetry touch. The only poetry I really read is lyrics of certain bands that I would call poetry. My Dying Bride for example. The most books I
read are horror stories. I really loved books like "American Psycho", all by Lovecraft, Saul and Preston Child. My favourite movies are "Alien I-III", "Braindead", "Evil Dead", "Oi! Warning", "Stalingrad", "Platoon" and others. So you see, my main inspiration does not come from books, although they can be inspiring once in a while.

We would like to know your opinion about some bands:

Candlemass are cool, especially their first record "Epicus Doomicus Metallicus". "A Sorcerer's Pledge" is one of the best Doom songs ever. I never really listened to their newer stuff, and they were no direct inspiration for OPHIS, but I heed deep respect for them.
They were really great until the "Eternity" album; after that they headed too much into the pop/rock direction. I saw them live on their last Germany tour, it was one of the most boring gigs I´ve ever seen. But their old stuff
is great.
Never were much inspiring to me. I only liked their mid-90s career with the albums "Icon" and "Draconian Times". The early stuff never really affected me, the newer stuff ain't worth saying. I hate bands that quit Metal and then talk bad about the scene. It´s ok to develop into something new, but
they don´t respect heir roots.
Their first three records were great, especially "Tales..." but nowadays they are way too trendy for my ears. But I have to admit that they wrote at least ten songs that are real classics and create an atmosphere that is very
special and unique.
I WORSHIP their "Under The Moonspell" EP. It´s one of the greatest records in the dark Metal area EVER! It´s so diabolic, yet depressive and full of anger. Their debut album was also good. Today they are a lousy bunch of
whimps. "Sin/Pecado" is one of the worst records ever.
My girlfriend Janine loves Evanescence, so I have to listen to them a lot, haha. I can stand it, but I don´t see anything special in them. Nice pop-music, nothing more.
I don´t know their early stuff, "Theli" is the oldest I heard from them. It´s very unique, very deep, very interesting and unlike other bands, not overloaded. I sometimes listen to them, but only in a certain mood.
I don´t know enough of them to say something. They are one of the originators of the electro-scene I think, but I never was into that kind of music. I just heard some songs, but I can´t judge them really.
My best friend, Anne, really loves The Cure, so I know them quite good. They have something special, for sure, but they are also strange. Some of their pieces are really great ("Close To Me", "Boys Don´t Cry", "How Beautiful You Are" etc.), some other songs really annoy me ("Lovecats", "Friday.." and some more). I respect them, but I don´t own any of their albums.
I hate CoF. I am no "true Black Metal" fan, but these pussies are a shame for Metal in general. Their music is REALLY dull, and although Dani's voice is pretty cool, their image, their lyrics, their videos, their shows are
total moronic crap. They are no Metal at all: not heavy, not evil, not dark, just pussy stuff. I know many wannabe "Metal fans", real posers, and they all listen to this band. Fuck off, you slopholes!
Light and shadow. I love "Those Of The Unlight" or "Heaven Shall Burn", while other albums, like "Panzer Division" or "Opus Nocturne" bore me. I think all in all they are a good band, but I prefer Dark Funeral.
Just as Marduk: some is really great ("Hammerheart", "Blood On Ice"), but the first albums and the new stuff suck. Nevertheless it´s a shame that Qourthon died. He did a lot for Metal. See you in hell, Quorthon. RIP!

What are the OPHIS ´ plans for the future? You are working in a new album now?

We are working on new material and have some new songs finished. I think that everyone who liked "Empty, Silent And Cold" will like them as well. We took the tempo even a little slower and experimented a little with different harmonies and stuff, but we didn´t change our style at all. So all you OPHIS-Maniacs don´t have to worry, it´s still OPHIS. We will record another CD this year, a four-song EP I think. We don´t have much money, so it'll take a while, but I'm sure we will be able to record and release it before winter comes. With this release, we want to contact more labels, hoping for a deal maybe.We are playing live a lot these days, recently we opened a gig for PRIMORDIAL here in Hamburg and we try to play as often as we can in every place we find.

Thank you for the interview. Give your last words to the south american doom metal legions.

Beware, ye south american Doom Metal desciples, we are coming to hunt you down. If you are interested in OPHIS, just contact me for CDs and info material. Our website www.ophis.net is still under construction but it´ll be available soon. I wanna thank everyone across the whole world who supported OPHIS so far and I hail every true Heavy Metal freak out there, especially you crazy brothers over there in south america. Keep the flame burning. Edgar, special thanks to you for this interview, it was a lot of fun and a GREAT (!!!!!!!!!) honour for us to be part of your cool Webzine. Keep up your enthusiastic work for Metal and the underground, my friend! Stay Doom, thanks from OPHIS!!!!



Band: www.ophis.net , rain-of-ashes@gmx.de