99.1 WHFS Radio Interview
By: Gina Crash

Gina Crash: 99.1 WHFS, it's Gina Crash live backstage at Merriweather Post with the Wallflowers. I'm joined with Michael and Jakob Dylan from the band. Hi guys, nice to have you back. Last time we had you was at our HFS Miss Holiday Nutcracker.

Jakob: Remember that well, that was fun.
Mike: We had a lot of laughs, well...
Jakob: Spread a lot of joy.
Mike: (laughing) I don't want to get too emotional here.

Gina: I'm getting all broken up myself. I remember you being joined onstage with Jewel for 6th Avenue Heartache. Since you've been on tour, have you been able able to grab anyone else for backing vocals, or is there anyone you wanna grab?

Jakob: Sometimes we manage to grab Adam Duritz from Counting Crows. When he's in town he'll come up and play with us.

Gina: Hey, you know he's in town tonight. Any chance that'll happen?

Jakob: You never know.
Mike: You know, I can only echo the sediments of my good friend Jakob. You just never know.

Gina: Have you guys had a chance to do any writing while you've been on the road, or have you just been kinda messing around on the tourbus?

Jakob: Well, we are, well...(laughing)

Gina: (laughing) I didn't mean it like that. Let me rephrase that.

Jakob: Sometimes on a tour like this things can get kinda spread out you don't get to see everyone as much, so a lot of times on our day off I'll write Mike a letter and slip it under his hotel door. So yeah, we do some writing.

Gina: So that's gonna be on the new album. Do you think it'll be...(Jakob laughing in background) Sweet Nothings.

Jakob: It'll be postcards from the road to the road.

Gina: Now, have you guys managed, you seem very in good spirits it's been quite a year for you, congratulations on all your success. How do you stay so grounded and focused?

Jakob: We're actually really not. We've completely lost it. A lot of us have enormous egos that are tremendous to be around, it's sometimes pretty fantastic. And, um, we're not keeping it together. We've kind of lost it.

Gina: (sarcastic) I can see that. It's difficult just being around you. Oh now Mike is looking at my list, you're looking at my questions. Oh here we go. This is a good question, Mike. Why don't you ask Jakob the question about the Clash that I had planned for him.

Mike: You're blowing my whole setup here. Jake, dude, I was wondering has anything topped meeting the Clash as the highest point in you're life?

Jakob: Many, many things actually.
Mike: (sarcastic) Oh, and I also wanted to say thanks for inviting me to that dinner when you met the Clash, dude.

Gina: (laughing) I think you were about, how old were you Jakob?

Jakob: (laughing) When I was twelve! That was like fifteen years ago.
Mike: I thought it was like last week!
Jakob: No! (sarcastic) Yeah, there was a little after-show jam, you were crashed out, Mike. No, um, that was certainly a very impressive moment. It kind of got me interested in doing all this. I've certainly had some highlights since then, but it was pretty impressionable on me when I was that young.

Gina: This is a question..Oh you wanna ask this one too, Mike?

Mike: This one I'm dying to ask.

Gina: The one about the pout?

Mike: Jake, when you give that famous, sultry pout in videos, photos or what-not, who or what are you thinking about?

Jakob: Hmm, you think you would know by now, Mike. You know it's kind of an inspiration, really. It just happens. Sometimes I'll just be there and some inspiration will come and I'll just feel it. You know, It's like a bolt, like I'll just throw out a random pout I guess.
Mike: Sometimes if I haven't returned his little letters that he slips under the door, he just gets pouty. What can I say?
Jakob: It's not a pout, so much as I am pouting upset

Gina: You're going "How much longer do I have to stand here before I can go home?" basically.

Jakob: It's also another way of saying can our next video not be so cold when we shoot it.

Gina: Was it really?

Jakob: Yeah. I assume you're talking of "One Headlight."

Gina: Yeah.

Jakob: Yeah, it was very cold. We were in New York in Thanksgiving of last year I had to be, I think it was 1 degree. One.

Gina: (laughing) Let's just say below zero 'cause it makes it sound even more treacherous.

Jakob: Well, that's you know, with the wind chill and all that, with all the rain and ice that they were throwing at us it got real cold.

Gina: Okay, last question to wrap it up. What's your favorite breed of dog? I understand you like dogs.

Jakob: English Mastiff. How do you, what makes you think I like dogs? I mean, I do. I never said that, did I?

Gina: I read that in one of those articles that you never read. 'Cause you don't like magazines either, do you?

Jakob: Oh, wha...? (laughing) I just don't like anything. I don't like this interview. No, I do like dogs. And I don't mind doing interviews. But, English Mastiff I'd have to say. I'm not a big fan of small dogs, yappy dogs.

Gina: Do you have an English Mastiff?

Jakob: I have before, I don't currently, no. But um, that was a bad invititation. Anybody's got a spare Mastiff they can throw down at the show, I'd take it, but no room on the bus.

Gina: Okay, now you're going to be having all these puppies hurled at you tonight at the show. Well, we look forward to seeing you, continued success, and may you continue to be on your own terms, both of you guys. Thanks for joining me.

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