More About me...

By the way, I modeled the questionnaire from a buddy/chat/matchmaker/whatever you call it system that I was on for years before the internet became so accessible, which you can view at Matchmaker. It used to be just telnet based (remember that?), but now it's just web-based & expensive. I had to answer these bio questions so many times under different aliases, might as well let everyone know the dirt in 1 permanent place, so here ya go.

Birthplace--Houston, TX
Zodiac Sign--Taurus
Favorite colors--black & dark blues & greens
Siblings--1 younger brother
Pets--1 cat
Religious Affiliation--raised Baptist, but don't really belong to any religious group now
Hair & Eye color--dark brown
Mastercard #--heh, you wish!!
Ethnic background--hispanic/white mix (but hey, we're all mixes)
Vehicle I drive--truck
Occupation--student/private music lesson teacher
Personal habits of others that irritate me--plain stupidity, ignorance, closed-mindedness, smoking cigarettes PERIOD, 2-faced people, pretentiousness, just to name a FEW (wait til my book comes out, lol)

More nit-picky stuff...

  • When I was a kid, I wanted to be a veterinarian cuz I love animals...then I found out how much math & science is involved :P
  • Ultimate Goals--I'd like to make a good living at music somehow either playing in a symphony orchesra &/or rock band, whichever comes along, & be happy of course
  • Favorite pastime/Hobby/Diversions--As if you have to ask!! hehe...but to sum it up, music, music, music, sleep!! I have to practice to keep up with all these damn instruments I play... webbrowsing & downloading music fits in there somewhere as well
  • I've was in our local newspaper for honor roll a bunch of times, & lotsa band honors, like being in the Texas All-State Band, region band/orchestra, & all that fun stuff in high school; I also saw a glimpse of myself on TV briefly during some Thanksgiving/Rodeo Parades when I was in the Foley's All-Star Band, lol
  • Sports I enjoy participating in or watching--basketball, football, gymnastics, figure skating...all watching of course...I have NO athletic ability in me at all, my brother got the athletic side, heh...although I try to keep myself in shape so I look like I work out, heh. I rollerblade now sometimes to keep fit
  • Stuff I read--guitar & fashion magazines mostly. I'm not much of a book reader...when I do read, it's mostly for school, heh...I just don't have patience to read, & I'm busier reading music anyway
  • The 1st thing people notice about me--I usually get comments on my eyes & hair
  • If I could pick 1 super-human power--I'd fly, cuz I keep dreaming about it, & it'd be cool too, & the ability to disappear at will & make other things disappear too, hehe
  • Collectibles--cd's, mp3's, music videos (back when Mtv2 & the even suckier mtv played them!!), stuffed animals
  • Some favorite movies--I'll have to start with Willow, since I can quote it backwards & fowards since junior high, heh...Threesome (it's hilarious, ok!!), Pulp Fiction, Singles, Groundhog Day, The Crow, Independence Day, Jackie Brown, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, just to name a few
  • Places I'd love to visit--Europe & Australia
  • If I could do lunch with anyone--I'd love to see my grandma...she died in '89 :-( I'd love to know her again
  • If I could change 1 thing about myself--patience, since I have hardly any at all...although I'd rather change the way other people are...I'd also like to be more organized...I'm such a last minute person & I always feel so fast-paced
  • Schooling--high school, undergrad, & grad studies all in Texas

    well, if you got this far (you freak), I guess you can see what I look here for a few pics of me

    wanna know even more about me, just email me, silly!!

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