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Fig Dish is:

Blake Smith Guitars, vocals
Rick Ness Guitars, vocals
Mike Willison Bass, vocals
Brian Nolan Drums

IMPORTANT: This is not a GERMAN site! Okay, now on to the real business of this page: how and why Fig Dish rules so much. Well, if you happen to like Fig Dish, then this is the place for you cuz there's lots o'stuff about 'em here. But if you don't like Fig Dish or keep saying "Who the hell is Fig Dish", then that's too bad because Fig Dish is a really good band from Chicago, despite what Eric Wagner says (note to self: Eric Wagner does not like Fig Dish. Round up a bunch of fans and attack him brutally!) So if you're a fan or even if you're not (for shame), check out the official page or these other Fig Dish pages. Oh, and their two CDs, too. And if you're really interested, stop by my home page and see the enigma inside a mystery wrapped in a conundrum that is me.

Do you want some action? Some excitement? Some rip-rockin', chord-slayin', teeth-grindin', rock-and-roll music? Why don't you just visit Mike's Page because you will get some stuff that has a little to do with that there.

Also "special" thanks to James and Andrea for getting me into Fig Dish. I don't know where I'd be without them . . . Fig Dish I meant.

Hey! If you like Fig Dish, then stop by the Treble Charger Pinball Extravaganza!

Buy Fig Dish now. It's worth every penny and more so! Trust me.
Check out the CDNOW listing of all things Fig Dish.
iMusic Post a comment on the Fig Dish bulletin board.
UBL For more FD links, try the Ultimate Band List listing for Fig Dish.

What's new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Features

That's what love songs often do lovesongs
Click on the CD covers for sound clips, lyrics, tabs, and reviews.
shove When shove goes back to push

Live in Vancouver, B.C.

© 1998 Designed and maintained by Ryan Petti
You are merely a number: to be exact, since April 23, 1998.
Last Updated 05-06-98

I used to be revolving.
My fingers held the wheels while I would spin.
It was only a delusion
But the dizziness was real,
I could hold it in my hands.
It happened, but it wasn't planned.
--Fig Dish, wheel holders