Mysteries of the Unexplained

Welcome to Katie's Mysteries of the Unexplained. These are true stories and for now the only stories I have are things that happened to me. If you have a mystery please send it to me and I'll post it on the site. Keep an open mind and if you can solve one of the mysteries please e-mail me. I'm not saying these are all supernatural occurances, but in most cases, what else could it be?

Summer '99

The other morning I went into the bathroom to take a shower and noticed that the bath mat was in the tub dripping wet. Usually the mat is on the floor, nice and dry. This did not strike me as odd because I thought my mom had washed it. I asked her what she wanted me to do with it and she asked me what happened to it. I said I had no idea. When she woke up the tub was filled, the plug was in the drain and the mat was in the tub. I asked dad if he did it and he said no. Explanaiton? Could the tub have been leaking? This would be a valid explanation, but that does not explain why the mat was in the tub and the plug was in the drain. I was the last person up the night before and before I went to bed the tub was empty, the mat was on the floor and the plug was on the ledge by the bathtub. Only my mom and dad and I live in the house and none of us did it. Can anyone explain?

The other night I was lying in bed and someone tapped my on the shoulder, but no-one was there.

Last night a door slammed. The windows were not open, so it was not the wind. This did not strike me as unusual because I thought someone had gotten up to use the bathroom. It took me a while to realize that no-one had gotten up for I would've heard the foot steps.

It never occured to me before but now I realize that it ties in with what I'm saying. It's a perfectly normal day, and I'm standing in the kitchen. All of a sudden I am filled with an unexplained horrible fear. It passes soon enough but at the time it's horrible.

The cats start meowing for no reason. The dog (who never comes into my room) comes into my room late at night. If it were storming outside (he's afraid of storms) this would be normal, but this is a perfectly normal night and he comes in panted and shaking.

The other day I went into my kitchen and ther was a big blob of unknown brown goo stuck to the cabinet.

Over Christmas vacation(98/99) a friend and I slept over at a friend's house and at around 3am we were bored and decided to go for a walk. We were walking down a street and ahead of us there were two people (walking, facing away from us). This in itself was weird because it was 3 in the morning! But that's not the weird part. We continued walking and we noticed that the people were walking at the same speed and their arms and legs were moving at the same rate. The whole time we walked behind them they walked at the same rate and never once moved their heads to talk to each other. We heard something behind us and we turned around for one second to look and when we turned around again they had vanished. We, as well as a friend who can be considered an expert, think they were zombies, but it has also been suggested that they were vampires. Weird, no?

Do you have a mystery? Send it my way!

E-mail me!