Claude Schneider's Cr@nberries Home Page


Please visit for my new (non-Cranberries) website.

If your looking for pictures, guitar chords, lyrics, information, multimedia or absolutely anything to do with the Cranberries, you've come to the best place. Check out my To The Faithful Departed page - it's got the complete lyrics and guitar chords for the whole album, and info on each single.

I have been a huge fan of The Cranberries ever since I heard "Linger". Even a year and a half later, I still think it is the most beautiful song ever written. Dolores' voice is angelic and perfect in every way, and Noel, Mike and Fergal are brilliant musicians, bringing out the best in Dolores' songs. Here is my tribute to the best and most beautiful musicians of our day; I hope you enjoy it. If you have any queries, comments or just want to get into contact with a HUGE Cranberries fan, you can e-mail me at: Sorry this hasn't been updated, but I've just spent a year in Israel, so, sorry.

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Info about The Cranberries

Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?

No Need To Argue

To The Faithful Departed

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